Saturday, January 31, 2009


Countdown to what, 1) School reopen and 2) Pay day.
1) School is just starting in around 1 to 2 days time. I'm quite excited, a bit worried and struggling. Excited is because i will be studying in a new place and can get to see and experience new things. Worried is because dunno will it be difficult? Will it be something or a lot of things coming in unexpectedly? Struggling is of course physics or biology to take? And 3H2 + 1H1 or 4H2? Seriously cant decide, specially the phy and bio. Both are about the same for me, i dun prefer one over the other, about the same. But to say which subject that i am more consistent with, it would be bio. BUT this time round, for O level i got a better grade in phy than bio, i think also cannot use that as a guideline, cause one marked up and one marked down.
2) PAY DAY IS JUST 4 DAYS AWAY!!! SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!! This is not my 1st pay, but is the 1st pay that i'm getting hundred plus like that, so yea~ Lots of things in my mind that i want to buy, but just think only la, i wont spend it like no nobody business as IS NOT EASY TO EARN THIS MONEY!!! haha....

Friday, January 30, 2009

Posting results

Woke up at 8am this morning to get to see where i'm going, felt disappointed that i didnt get into anderson jc as it was my 1st choice. Got into pioneer jc instead, my 2nd choice. This was like PSLE posting results like that, didnt get to my 1st choice, but the 2nd. though at first i was very attracted to pjc as it left my a good impression and the fact that it is a new school. But after i submitted my JAE form, with ajc as my 1st choice, i felt that going to a better school though is old is GOOD too, cause i can learn more there and become better? But now, i'm in pioneer, not that i dun like, is just disappointed. Oh well, i must look at the bright side, i can be less stress over there and can get to see lots of familiar faces too. Hope i can have a smooth JC life there.
Watched inkheart today, quite nice and is just like a fairytale. Is like the last time to watch movies le, dunno when can have the time to go out with friends all that. Must enjoy till the last second before school starts. I'm not really looking forward to wear the jc uniform, cause got to tuck in. In my whole life until now, i never worn an uniform that needs me to tuck in the top. This time really is a must, sure not very comfortable.
This video tells you who good the 撑腰MV is, also can get to see the 小S and Jolin showing their dancing skills, they are the only two among the ten that can learn the dance immediately. WATCH!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I had a fun and tiring day at sentosa. The last time i went sentosa was dunno when, cant remember exactly when, so you can know how long was that. Anyway, i had my 1st experience of LUGE today, it was something like go-kart, just that dun need to step for oil or brake, thus is easier to play, just turn left and right or front and back of the handle, to go or stop. But before i can go play luge, i need to go up the top so that i can sit on the luge to come now. So how to go up on top? Through the skyrider. It is just only a bench-like thing that is being hanged and carry us up to the top. It only has a bar and a divider in front and between us to secure us. Is quite dangerous. cause we are go high up and there is no chains to cling us on the bench-like thing. But okay la, when we were on the way up, we can get to see beautiful scenery, not so much of afraid.
We played frisbee at the beach, under the HOT sun. The sand was burning! I just wonder how those volleyballs players played their volleyball so well with the sand burning like hell under their feet. We took photos and tried many times for the jumping shots.
I am really tired by now, hope can go again and stay longer next time.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy New Year!

Haven been updating recently cause of the chinese new year. These three days have been fun and my stomach has been always FULL every minute, every second. Let's start from new year eve.
Went to my grandma (mother side) house for reuion dinner. We had the traditional steamboat, my dad and i were the last to reach there as before that i still need to work for the last day. That day was tiring, damm tiring, cause i the day before i work till 11pm. Anyway, had the dinner, stuff whatever food i see on the table and was so full by the time i stopped. Then didnt do much, too lazy and full to move around. Sit around and watch tv. Continue to eat those new year's cookies, all sort of them, really very NICE! Sure FAT de!!! X.X
Then went home for the count down, didnt help in preparing all the things for the countdown ritual, cause busying watching tv. haha. But there isnt much, my parents settled all the things before 12 midnight.
Went to my grandmother's (father side) house to 拜年, got ang baos. This year, didnt go cemetry to pay respect to my pass away grandfather and second uncle, cause they "moved house" and now they are "under one roof", so pay respect at home can le, dun need go all the way down to the cemetry. Hang around to 1pm like that then went out to 5 temples with my mum and aunt, cause there isnt much to do at my grandmother house. The adults were busying playing mahjong, left those who were not playing and those younger ones, sitting around doing nothing. Therefore, i went out to visit 5 temples. I think that day was my first time visiting so many temples in a day. And while visiting the temples, also had their free vegetarian food - only available in those bigger ones. Again, i am VERY FULL.
Went to my grandma's (mother side) house to 拜年, got ang baos too. =) We had a mini buffet for lunch, is those pot luck that kind. But not like, prepare at home and bring it over. We buy frozen food, like chicken wings, hot dogs and whatever you can fry and grill, and use the frying machine and the grilling plate to cook the food. There is also dessert too, so is sort of a buffet, haha. AGAIN, i was SO FULL. Then some time after that, the whole family had lohei(lao yu sheng). The whole place ended up in a mess, the kids were like playing with the food. Chat with my cousins, and then booked 12 tickets of the 家有喜事(All's Well Ends Well), watched the night show. The show was nice, though sometime is lame, but FUNNY.
This saturday, if i am not going anywhere, i will be going to my aunt's house to collect more ang baos! Haven meet them yet, so haven get their ang baos. Six more to go!!! haha....

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wait and wait and wait.....

Received a call from popular this morning that xiaozhu's 改版album came to the store and i can come down to get it. I was so excited about the album, because i waited for very long le. When i reached the store, to my disappiontment, this '改版' album is just the CHANGE OF COVER, with NO MV. Why like that de? I didnt buy, i want the one WITH MV. Omg, how long more must i wait? The popular also dunno when is it coming, must wait till taiwan release le then we will gte it. Haiz, just WAIT then!
This video is also quite funny and sort of true? Is this really what will happen between a boy-girl relationship? I saw quite a lot of this kind of scene on tv, the part on '把棉被盖起来讲' SOOOO FUNNY LA!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Went out to town today, no need to be tiring over work all these. The main purpose is of course give tzumi's her belated birthday present. And just as us expected, she LOVES it. Of course right? She wanted that purse to be her PENCIL BOX for 2 months or so le, now she finally got it as a present, she's over the moon.....
Chatted a lot today, hope can go out again soon. After chinese new year? Last meet up before school starts? Looking forward to it.
Anyway, i decided to quit my work this sunday. Not because i am pissed with it, but i wanted to have some time to settle down before school starts. Or should i say, to have some time to play for the last time? haha. I can only get the salary next month on the 4th, cause that is the only pay day each month. The salary better be at least $500, and if can, reach $580, if not i go bang wall le. Worked for quite sometime and long hours too, if really dun have, i will feel so cheated.
Found this video on youtube. This girl call 蚊子(wen zi), she is so pro, can dance so well by just watching MV. If you remember, i did put a video last time during xiaozhu's last release of album, and 蚊子danced with xiaozhu too, exactly the same.
This is the last album that one.

Then this is the current album and this time too, is same. watch who good is she.

And, i found some funny videos with xiaozhu. REALLY VERY FUNNY, must watch!!! ENJOY!!!

This one is on a funny beat box!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Founf the new MV for xiaozhu's new song 撑腰, really very cute and creative too. Like this song too, very catchy? Must watch, got lots of other stars like 吴宗宪, Jolin, 大小S and many more. You will know why they are in the MV after you watched it. Should be around 10 stars in that MV...

Nice right? I like the way that is presented. If i am not wrong, xiaozhu also did the director part in directing this MV with another director.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Nothing much, dun want to say anymore about my work, is just one word - chaotic. All because of Chinese New Year, not that i dun like Chinese New Year la. Is just that there are more people now, so even more busy.....
Anyway, this are some more audition version of XIAOZHU!!!

This one is before his new album, he will sort of dress up like that for 100% entertainment, 娱乐百分百.

This one is after his release of his new album on the, look similar ma? haha....

Friday, January 16, 2009

xiaozhu - audition edition

While i was looking through the clothing for males in audition, i saw some clothes very similar to xiaozhu's so decided to create and audition edition of xiaozhu.

look like

look like

look like

Not really exactly the same, but similar....haha

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Today, i had an incident. This incident could have cause me to lost my SIGHT. Sigh...i was so freaked out after that. Kept thinking, thinking and thinking. If it is higher, my right eye would have gone BLIND. BLIND SHIHUI!!! Do you know how serious is that? sigh.
If you all have noticed, there is a hanger that holds the plastic bag in fairprice. This hanger got two metal arms that are straight out to hang the plastic bag. So i was just scanning some groceries and then i was putting in a bag of oranges. As i was doing that, an orange rolled out and dropped on the floor. I went down to picked it IMMEDIATELY (so there is speed and the impact was hard). *THUD* The part below my right HIT on the TIP metal arm. Omg, shihui, what the hell are you doing? Now, that part is like swollen and that is a wound.
If the arm is higher, or i went down a bit, JUST A BIT lower, the arm will HIT INTO MY RIGHT EYE. And i will go blind. BLIND. blind. SHIHUI!!! Freaked out!!! Pek chek...why i like that. I am so scared, going BLIND is scary. shihui har, MUST be CAREFUL. NO MORE NEXT TIME.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

O level results

Got my results yesterday, i'm satisfied with it. It gave me two surprises, one which is my english got A and my combine humanities also got an A. These two are the subjects that i am very WEAK in, but most probably due to luck, i got A.
Now the most difficult part, which JC to choose. Once i decided this JC to go, but will 心动to that JC, which i think most of you will know which one. I know i shouldn't 以貌取人, or should i say 以貌取校? haha, the school looks old, but is a good one? The other one is new but not as good, but students there seemed fine. There is one who got 8 points ( i think haven minus bonus point) went there le, so HOW??? Some advice? Cause i am a person that cannot decide de...once decided, will change my mind, unless i am sure i want it.....ADVICE PLEASE!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

blur me...

Really dunno what the hell am i doing. The second and third day of my work as an official cashier were good, cause my declaration of the money at the end of the day was balance for both days. So until now, there isn't any extra or short money i collected or gave away. BUT, the these two days, i during the calculation of the money at the end of the day, there is just ONE problem. ONE STUPID PROBLEM. I cannot count the money i had correctly. Pathetic. I dunno what am i doing. Cashier job was well done, as i collected the correct amount of money, and gave the change correctly. But when is time to go home and need to count the total amount of money i have, I JUST CANNOT COUNT THEM CORRECTLY! *Argh* The second day, which is yesterday, i counted $200++ more, now still dunno where the problem lies, but in the end, is correct. The third day, which is today, i counted wrongly again, the amount was even more, exactly $900 more. And i knew where i counted wrongly. I counted 10 ten dollar twice and still marked it as $1000, the third time which is the time when i found i counted wrongly, extra $900, i then realised that it should be $100. =.=""" Counted TWICE still can count wrongly, what is wrong with me? X.X
Tomorrow is the big day, just hope everything will turn out fine. FINE.....

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My very own....

After the 3 days of training at the centre, my 1st day of work back at the ntuc yesterday was a nervous one for me. Because now i got my very own FairPrice name tag as their staff, my very own counter and my very own cashier ID and password. Yesterday was my first day to work alone as a cashier, i got the control of everything at the counter; packing, collecting money, scanning etc. But the chief cashier gave me a counter that has a neighbour de, so that if i got any problems (which i do, like about 3 like that?), i can ask her immediately.
At the end of my work, i need to count the money, arrange them neatly and make a declaration. This declaration will show whether the cash is balance, which means any short or extra money, and the total NETS i account today etc. If there is a short of money, i need to pay up, if there is extra, i still need to give a reason for it. So how do i fair yesterday? Isit balance? I was very nervous that it wouldn't balance and need to pay up all that, but LUCKILY, it was BALANCE!!! Really a good news for me, 1st time doing all by myself and was a balance. I hope it will also be a balance for the future. Today i start work at 5pm, is a night shift, work till 10pm. This will also be my 1st time doing a night shift....
Oh and i went AJC's open house yesterday. The school looks like the old BBSS, the school is around 20 years old, so will be going for PRIME sooner or later? Other than that, the facilities are quite fully equipped.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

open house

Went for 3 open house today, PJC, NAP and SP, tomorrow going for one more, AJC. My 1st stop was PJC, reached there about 10am plus with shunyu, when we were walking in, saw qinning they all walking out le. =.= They all so fast lo. Anyway, reached the school, took the goodie bag and saw lilin they all. So qiao la. haha. The school quite good, gave me a good impression and got more infomation on JC le. Specially more on project work.
2nd stop was NAP, they are organized and again took their goodie bag =] and went for a tour in the health science. After the tour, i found out that i quite like health science, in other words, nursing, specially the part on babies. There were many demostrations and lots of new things that i never see before. For example, i can get to see the bacteria in my hands, after washing, most of them are gone.
3rd stop which is also the last stop was SP. Their open house was not really good, maybe because the school is just sooooooo big that is difficult to arrange students to go to each building to have a look. All the activities seemed to be stuck at the middle part and there are sec 4 students too, very crowded.
I wonder how will AJC's open house be....

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

judgement day

As many of us may know already, 12th of jan is all O level students' judgement day. The day is just 5 days away from today, i hope that everything will turn out fine. fine will do.
Today was my test for cashier, still okay, not very difficult. My skills must be better, if not during the chinese new year period, sure get scolding and cursing from the customers de. But, no chioce, during this training, we were being constantly reminded that, whatever the customers say, just say never mind to ourselves and smile back....
Got a rest day for tomorrow, so going for the open house. I am quite looking forward to the open house, wanna see how JC life is and the surroundings all that, not forgetting poly too. Who knows? I tried my best, hope that everything will turn out fine. fine will do. fine will do......
I dunno why, as i think all things related to O level, things said by Mr quek and Mrs lim's will just appear on my mind, myabe what they said gave me a 深刻的印象....will remember it....

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


These few days i have been very busy, didnt use the computer and most importantly, KEPT MISSING 娱乐百分百!!!. Know why? I am currently working but yesterday and today was not really working though i'm paid, i went for training. Trained to be a professional cashier. Not 4 hours like i previously did in the ntuc, but a fully 8 hours with two 15 mins tea break and 1 hour of lunch break. Can you believe this? This is even worst than the extra lesson i had for O levels. Yesterday ended at 5pm while today ended at 6pm! Plus, it is at queenstown, need to reach there 15mins before 9am. Since i live in bukit batok, need to wake up at 7am, leave house at 8am and took mrt which is the part that i hate the most!
Mrt ride in the morning is torturing, need to SQUEEZE in with all your might and SQUEEZE out again to get out. And i will try to pray hard that the mrt that is coming is not packed with people, if not, again.....SQUEEZE!!! Since we are encouraged to take public transport, i think they should arrange to have more EMPTY mrt in the morning and evening to provide a nice and comfortable ride for the public...*shakehead*
Tomorrow, i wil have to go there for training AGAIN, but luckily, my chief cashier is good enough to give me a rest day on thursday. I will be having theory and practical test on almost everything on cashier. Is okay about all the test thing, but i dun like the part on memorising the codes for all different kinds of fruits. MEMORISE...sian har....will learn it tonight, or should i say next morning? Cause i will be staying up late.....for? Haha, to watch the encore for 娱乐百分百 which is 1am to 2am. =.= While i wait can learn lo. Reason for watching? Is like duh right? Today's show featured XIAOZHU!!! Even qinning said VERY NICE (quote from her sms) le, so it will be even better for me lo. Hahahaha.....

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Nothing to blog about leh......i'll just blog what i can recall ba. Ermmm......
OH, got my edusave in hillgrove on 28th dec 2008 and there is a special thing about this edusave session. I still remembered that i was late for 2007 edusave ceremony. LATE for GETTING MONEY?!?!? Funny right? Anyway, i made sure i wont forget and i was even sure i wont, cause my sister also got edusave!!! If i am not wrong, should be her first time. If my brother can get too, all three of us and go together.
So went for the ceremony, the same cycle started again. Waited for the guest of honour, then waited for my turn, walked up the stage, shook hand collect a fake cert, then went back. But this time is different, last time (2006, cause 2007 i didnt go, just go backstage and collect the cert and cheque), we got the fake cert that is to be collected back and be used for the other two sessions, so how to get our own cert? Well, this time, mr ang, the quest of honour, went around to each and every of the students to give the cert. OMG la!!! Each and everyone of us leh, by the time he came to my row which is the last few row, his whole back was drenched with sweat!
Okay, fast forward, took group photo and then can go home le. But there got provide a service: to print out the photo that i had took with mr ang when i collect the cert on the stage. Everyone will have one, they will print then we collect ourselves, moreover, it's FREE. So i waited with my sis, she got it first since i was the last few. And they added that, for those who want mr ang's autograph, can approach him to get it on your photo!!! I was like, WHAT?!?! What for? I dun wan lo.....i wonder who would want it on the photo? BUT, so SUAY la!!! When my photo was out, i went to took it, TO MY SURPRISE, i saw mr ang's autograph ON THE PHOTO!!! =.= wasted lo....haiz...maybe because mine is those last few, and that was the time he is free, so mine got but my sis's dun have his signature. If every one's photo got his signature, then he will be having an autograph session le....=.=
I mentioned that i am working as a cashier right? Being a cashier, i can get to see lots of people in a day, although is only for that 4 hours. There was once when an old man was paying for his things......
old man: 她(me)是中国人huh?
real cashier: 不是la,是新加坡人
still cannot believe this FACT.....
old man: 你是新加坡人huh?
me: 是,我是新加坡人 =.=
old man: 你怎么这么像中国人?
and he walked away....
*ARGH* Which part of me do i look like i'm from china? Even my skin colour can tell him that i am NOT from china. The most he can say i look like a malay of something la, say i am from CHINA? OMG...this is so ridiculous.