Friday, January 30, 2009

Posting results

Woke up at 8am this morning to get to see where i'm going, felt disappointed that i didnt get into anderson jc as it was my 1st choice. Got into pioneer jc instead, my 2nd choice. This was like PSLE posting results like that, didnt get to my 1st choice, but the 2nd. though at first i was very attracted to pjc as it left my a good impression and the fact that it is a new school. But after i submitted my JAE form, with ajc as my 1st choice, i felt that going to a better school though is old is GOOD too, cause i can learn more there and become better? But now, i'm in pioneer, not that i dun like, is just disappointed. Oh well, i must look at the bright side, i can be less stress over there and can get to see lots of familiar faces too. Hope i can have a smooth JC life there.
Watched inkheart today, quite nice and is just like a fairytale. Is like the last time to watch movies le, dunno when can have the time to go out with friends all that. Must enjoy till the last second before school starts. I'm not really looking forward to wear the jc uniform, cause got to tuck in. In my whole life until now, i never worn an uniform that needs me to tuck in the top. This time really is a must, sure not very comfortable.
This video tells you who good the 撑腰MV is, also can get to see the 小S and Jolin showing their dancing skills, they are the only two among the ten that can learn the dance immediately. WATCH!

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