Tuesday, January 6, 2009


These few days i have been very busy, didnt use the computer and most importantly, KEPT MISSING 娱乐百分百!!!. Know why? I am currently working but yesterday and today was not really working though i'm paid, i went for training. Trained to be a professional cashier. Not 4 hours like i previously did in the ntuc, but a fully 8 hours with two 15 mins tea break and 1 hour of lunch break. Can you believe this? This is even worst than the extra lesson i had for O levels. Yesterday ended at 5pm while today ended at 6pm! Plus, it is at queenstown, need to reach there 15mins before 9am. Since i live in bukit batok, need to wake up at 7am, leave house at 8am and took mrt which is the part that i hate the most!
Mrt ride in the morning is torturing, need to SQUEEZE in with all your might and SQUEEZE out again to get out. And i will try to pray hard that the mrt that is coming is not packed with people, if not, again.....SQUEEZE!!! Since we are encouraged to take public transport, i think they should arrange to have more EMPTY mrt in the morning and evening to provide a nice and comfortable ride for the public...*shakehead*
Tomorrow, i wil have to go there for training AGAIN, but luckily, my chief cashier is good enough to give me a rest day on thursday. I will be having theory and practical test on almost everything on cashier. Is okay about all the test thing, but i dun like the part on memorising the codes for all different kinds of fruits. MEMORISE...sian har....will learn it tonight, or should i say next morning? Cause i will be staying up late.....for? Haha, to watch the encore for 娱乐百分百 which is 1am to 2am. =.= While i wait can learn lo. Reason for watching? Is like duh right? Today's show featured XIAOZHU!!! Even qinning said VERY NICE (quote from her sms) le, so it will be even better for me lo. Hahahaha.....

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