Saturday, January 3, 2009


Nothing to blog about leh......i'll just blog what i can recall ba. Ermmm......
OH, got my edusave in hillgrove on 28th dec 2008 and there is a special thing about this edusave session. I still remembered that i was late for 2007 edusave ceremony. LATE for GETTING MONEY?!?!? Funny right? Anyway, i made sure i wont forget and i was even sure i wont, cause my sister also got edusave!!! If i am not wrong, should be her first time. If my brother can get too, all three of us and go together.
So went for the ceremony, the same cycle started again. Waited for the guest of honour, then waited for my turn, walked up the stage, shook hand collect a fake cert, then went back. But this time is different, last time (2006, cause 2007 i didnt go, just go backstage and collect the cert and cheque), we got the fake cert that is to be collected back and be used for the other two sessions, so how to get our own cert? Well, this time, mr ang, the quest of honour, went around to each and every of the students to give the cert. OMG la!!! Each and everyone of us leh, by the time he came to my row which is the last few row, his whole back was drenched with sweat!
Okay, fast forward, took group photo and then can go home le. But there got provide a service: to print out the photo that i had took with mr ang when i collect the cert on the stage. Everyone will have one, they will print then we collect ourselves, moreover, it's FREE. So i waited with my sis, she got it first since i was the last few. And they added that, for those who want mr ang's autograph, can approach him to get it on your photo!!! I was like, WHAT?!?! What for? I dun wan lo.....i wonder who would want it on the photo? BUT, so SUAY la!!! When my photo was out, i went to took it, TO MY SURPRISE, i saw mr ang's autograph ON THE PHOTO!!! =.= wasted lo....haiz...maybe because mine is those last few, and that was the time he is free, so mine got but my sis's dun have his signature. If every one's photo got his signature, then he will be having an autograph session le....=.=
I mentioned that i am working as a cashier right? Being a cashier, i can get to see lots of people in a day, although is only for that 4 hours. There was once when an old man was paying for his things......
old man: 她(me)是中国人huh?
real cashier: 不是la,是新加坡人
still cannot believe this FACT.....
old man: 你是新加坡人huh?
me: 是,我是新加坡人 =.=
old man: 你怎么这么像中国人?
and he walked away....
*ARGH* Which part of me do i look like i'm from china? Even my skin colour can tell him that i am NOT from china. The most he can say i look like a malay of something la, say i am from CHINA? OMG...this is so ridiculous.

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