Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Today is the last day of 2008, 2009 is just 13 more hours away. I had a good year, though the last few month were very torturing (O level period). But with 2009 coming, this mean that it's almost about time to get our O level results. I bet every graduating student's heartbeat will increase day by day, same here for me. What is done is done, nothing can change the result, just have to pray hard and accept it.
I did 2 jobs this month. I started with the tuition with a P6 boy (next year going sec1) and a P5 girl (next year going P6). Woah, being a teacher is not as easy as you think!!! I thought giving them tuition will be a piece of cake, because i just have to sit there and teach them whatever i know and answer their questions and doubts will do, but i was WRONG!!! I realised teaching is not just to teach them what i know but also EXPLAIN till they understand. In school, maybe is because teachers are 1 to 40 of us so cannot make sure all of us understand, thus in this case, it will be the responsibility of the student to ask any questions if they have any doubts. But for my case, is 1 to 1, so all my attention will be on only 1 student, so i can see from their face whether they know what i taught them or not. For example, i taught the P6 boy chemistry, the part on mole and many more formula like percentage purity, percentage yield, volume of gas formula etc, he must know what is the meaning of the terms in the formula before he can really use the formula. Hence, after i taught him once, i will LOOK at him and ask him, 'Do you understand these formulas?', he will normally NOD his head BUT WILL 皱眉头(in english isit frown?). This tells me that he dun understand, and seeing that, i cannot just move on like that, so no choice, got to repeat. This tuition thing cause my to strain my voice, how bad isit? Like, at the start, my voice will be normal and clear, but at the end of the 4 hours, it will be hoarse and sounds like i got a sore throat like that. The tuition was 4 hours as the two kids are sibling, each two hours. So i wonder how the teachers survived, need to stand and talk for soooooo long, 佩服! This is a good experience for me, through this i learnt quite a lot too, like a revision for me, though is only some of the chapters. Yesterday was the last day of my tuition, so jobless le, but i found another one beforehand.....
My relative works at a ntuc in choa chu kang and because the chinese new year is coming, they are hiring a temporary cashier as there will surely be long queues. So i went for interview and 2 weeks past, and i got the job. I already went for 4 days of training, today still going. But before i can really become a cashier, i must go for training at their training centre for 3 to 4 FULL days. The difficult part for cashier is that i need to remember the codes for all kinds of fruits and the prices that may change every three days like that. Also there are promotions and freebies to be given away if the customers buy any of the promotion items. All these must remember by heart, other than these, i must be quick during the packing; must pack them accordingly, use with use, eat with eat, dry with dry, wet with wet. Then the change must be correct also etc. Lots of things to look out for, at first i cant really get use to it, but by the 4th day, i thought of used to the codes for those fruits that the customers will normally buy like the apples and oranges. But sometimes still need to refer to my notebook or else ask the cashier that i am attached to. Hope i can be better after i caome back from the training at the training centre......

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