Saturday, June 29, 2013

My 21st III: The End

My lovely friends, thank you for everything.

Finally picnic with friends! I always wanted it! 

Proper group photo, with a pretty landscape!

Currently, only shinfen and I are in singapore. Soon, all of us will be out of town, hahahahaha~
Have fun and stay safe, my bestie! 
It's a loooooooong time since I cut a proper cake for my birthday.
My parents just don't want to take photos and my sister is not home.  
My buddy in NUS :) 
Thanks for the surprise at Kim's restaurant. The food there is nice ~ especially the toppoki ~
*toppoki* *toppoki* *toppoki*
Lynn, thanks for the dinner again! 
More TGIF together before lynn flies~ 
Thanks for everything~I WILL make my promise count. :)

Friday, June 28, 2013

Is it me or what?

Sometimes I just don't understand why people react that way. I just find the way they do things and their mindsets are just childish? They are already in their 30s....why are they still doing such things and saying such ridiculous stuffs? Their character maybe? Just like how quiet I am? Somethings just can't be changed even if you want to. 

Or is it am I too sensitive? I admit that I think too much over small little and simple things. I just can't help it. However, most of the time, I'm right. Okay, maybe HALF of the time. 

Or is it I'm the 井底之蛙? I've yet to see the real world and therefore everything seems just ridiculous to me. 

If I have the power and rights next time, I would like to change the relationships between colleagues. Workplace is your 2nd home when you start to work. It is the place where you will spend most of your time. Won't you want this place to be filled with fun and laughter instead of all the shooting war (be it discreetly or openly)? 

I never thought that I will ever offend anyone despite the fact that I'm so quiet already. Then again, I'm just guessing. I maybe wrong. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

My 21st II: Surprise, Surprise!!! ^^

Friday, 21/06/2013:
I had a surprise dinner from NAKED! I wasn't expecting that although qinning did tell me way before June that she will gather everyone for my 21st because I didn't organize a party for myself. I thought it was just a dinner with her since Kim's restaurant was having a "discount" and I have yet to try it. She made up that lie because she originally wanted to dine in at Swee Choon. However, that's like a mission impossible because it's a friday night and we need a table for 10. It's very smart of her....I didn't think much about why she wants to change venue. 

Anyway, when we walked into the restaurant, she was in front of me and suddenly she turned right and chose that place to sit. I was quite confused because I didn't know we can just choose a place like that.....I thought we need to inform the waiter or something? The moment I walked it, I saw everyone at the table looking at me! *SURPRISE* Yes, I know, I was very calm......but I'm surprised. Really. I guess this is me? I'm not that kind of person who gets high or crazy easily even if the superstar I admire is right in front of me. I'm serious. I didn't cheer much when I attend SHINee's concert. The only time I will get high the theme park with all the screaming and when I'm drunk. HAHA. 

I really appreciate it! It's difficult to gather so many of us together, I'm glad that so many of you came! :') Delicious dinner (I LOVE the topokki, onion(?) pancake, japchae and the side dishes! Too bad I have a cough so can't enjoy the spicy food comfortably. I know, I was coughing quite badly :( ), great company and lovely presents - that's just what I need to make up for the boring day at work! 

These are really YUMMY! I had the original and double chocolate chips! Gonna go try the
others next time! Durian, cheese and green tea sounds good!
My first small bag! There's always a first to everything! ;D
The kind of dress and colour which I was hunting for it high and low for quite some time already....
this dress has a great fit and very flattering too! :D
The masks to pamper myself! :D
 The card, specially designed and handcrafted by qinning, filled with the wishes you guys have for me!
According to qinning, there's another dress, which I've already guessed it correctly and is also what I wanted! :D
Thanks! :D

And yes, so many of you flying off for exchange soon, this is indeed the last few gatherings in a while. For those going exchange, HAVE LOTSA FUN and CREATE MANY WONDERFUL MEMORIES THERE! Just keep this in mind: #YOLO, 'You only live once!' (qinning's favourite quote and motto) and #YOYO, 'You're only young once!'. So go ahead and do whatever you want, don't be afraid to change but instead, embrace changes. HAHAHA, I hope I can succeed the challenge I gave myself too, just want to have change since I'm already 21 O.< *fingers crossed*

I'm glad that we still make the effort to meet up once in a while to have fun and enjoy good food together. I hope we can continue to do this? I know everyone will be even more busy in the future, even so when we start to work. I think it will be  quite good to see how each other have grown and changed. And yea, slowly, we will get to bring our partners to the gatherings and it will be even merrier? HAHAHAHA, I know, I watched too much drama already. 

Reminiscing our JC days, talked about things which some of us remembered while some has forgotten and what's not. I had a great night despite the haze and cough. I hope you guys felt the same too. 4 years and counting. ^^

PS: I miss their toppoki already, especially the sauce! I've never eaten authentic korean toppoki before, that was my first! I've tried toppoki from the stalls at bugis which I think it wasn't authentic and the sauce wasn't as nice as Kim's! 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

My 21st I: The First

14 June 2013 is the day which I'm officially an adult, my 21st. Well, truthfully speaking, I don't feel different that day. To be, it's just another birthday for me. However, since I'm officially an adult, I was thinking I should do something crazy. Something which I've never done before, like a change for me to start this new chapter of my life? I have yet to decide what to do, will update again. 

Anyway, this is how I spent my 21st birthday. I had dinner with shunyu and yingjie at Ootaya restaurant and chill a bit at the mall. Nothing special, just a simple dinner and chat, which is good for me. It's the accompany that matters. They actually prepared a surprise for me but FAILED! Hahahah, partly because of me luh. 

I woke up quite early on the 14th and saw I have 4 missed calls, 2 each from shunyu and yingjie. Then shunyu left a message telling me to check my doorstep in the morning. I went to the door and saw nothing when I opened the door. Then something struck me: they called me at 11pm close to 12am on the 13th and they left something at my doorstep which I can't find it. So they came all the way to my house and was supposed to surprise me with the present??!?!? Apparently, my handphone is on silent mode and I was asleep by then.......O.O I then messaged shunyu to ask where is the thing at they left at my doorstep because I didn't see anything. They actually hide it near the potted plant which I can't see it from the inside of my house. So sweet of them! Sorry that it's a wasted trip though. I really appreciate it. 

After the present hunting, I went back to nap all the way till 4pm. I wasn't feeling well with all the coughing and sore throat. The medicine I ate was really strong and I felt drowsy just 5 minutes after I had it. By the way, I took off for 14th because I don't want to work on my birthday! Such a boring job will just make it worse! After my nap, I prepare myself for the dinner at Tim Ho Wan. We reached there at around 7pm and the queue is SO FREAKING LOOOOOOOOONG. I think if we were to queue, I doubt we will eat our dinner at 9pm luh! So we decided to just find somewhere else to eat. All of a sudden, ALMOST ALL the restaurant at plaza singapura have at least 10 people queuing. I'm serious, no joke. We were really hungry so we don't want to queue any longer. We had no choice but to walk to orchard central which is more ulu and hoped that we can settle our dinner without much queueing. AGAIN, we saw long queues over there. Ootya restaurant had a reasonably "short" queue, so we queued for it. I think we spent 45 mins queueing before we get our seats. Luckily there's 2 groups in front of us who left (I think), if not we have to wait even longer. =.=

Pork katsu don for dinner, kinda too salty for me, very filling though.

We ate our dinner and I got my 2nd present from them. Oh, actually they gave me a card while queueing for Tim Ho Wan before that. Although the present they got wasn't the design which I wanted but it's still pretty and I love it! 

These are the presents I got on 14th! Okay, except for the necklace. The necklace is from my parents, I chose it together with my mum on the 9th but I only start to wear it on the 14th. I always wanted to have a own a necklace given by someone who is very close to me and my wish is granted! I will wear this faithfully and take good care of it. It means a lot to me. 

Next, it's the watch which is from my sister. I think she noticed I wear watches which have the vintage feel. This is my very first watch with genuine leather and the rime is bronze in colour which I think gives it a vintage vibe? I love it too! ^^

Can see YELLOW items in the picture right? Those are from jiaying, shinfen, shunyu, tzumi and yingjie. All of them are my very close friends which I've known for MANY YEARS. 8-9 years for jiaying, shunyu and tzumi, 6-7 years for yingjie and 2 years for shinfen. Though I only know shinfen not long ago but we had a memorable trip to taiwan which meant a lot to me beacause it's my first trip with my friends. Through that trip I got to know her more and I really hope there's more overseas trip in the future. The wallet is the one I'm talking about. I wasn't really looking at this design but it's still pretty and is in my favourite colour. I'm already using it! I was intending to buy the wallet which I wanted from Charles & Keith after I'm back from Taiwan but now there's no need to already....Anyway, from the picture, can see the other yellow stuffs is the measuring spoons which I can use for baking and there's another function too. These measuring spoons can be separated  and act as clippers for chips. So clever of the designer who designed this. Haha, they made a mistake here too, I blogged saying I wanted measuring cups and not spoons. They end up read it the other way round, well, these spoons are useful too, so thanks!!! In the middle, that's the card. To be exact, it's more of a scrapbook? Just that it's a printed version with photos. I was impressed by tzumi's photoshop skills, it's NICELY DONE. I never thought she know how to use it although she said her bf also helped with the photoshop part. The scrapbook and their messages brought back A LOT OF MEMORIES I had with them. I'm glad I have them as my close friends and will definitely cherish each and everyone of them. A good friend doesn't come by easy, what's more for a friendship which lasted almost a decade? I hope we can all be like this in the future, 5, 10, 20 or even 30 years down the road. I don't want to end up like my mum who lost contact with all her friends already.

It's indeed a memorable 21st for me, with the failed surprises and restaurant hunting  due to all the long queues. Some other incidents happened that night which I don't want to talk about it here. My 21st, that night, it ends off with: No matter what happens, I have friends like them which I can rely on. I want to be a friend which they can rely on too. :') 

Today, 15/06/2013:

I had breakfast with zenia at lot 1. We had long john sliver because I've never tried their breakfast before. It's really so much better than their lunch/dinner menu. It's filling and worth the money too. I had turkey bacon sandwich. It was yummy though it's kinda oily. :X 

We met at around 8.30am! Early right? This is because zenia had to give tuition at 10.30am and wasn't free in the afternoon and sunday too. Well, meeting friends for breakfast on a saturday morning is something new for me. And she gave me my present too. It's something which I wanted to get online but I find it kinda expensive too. 

THIS IS A MACARON KIT!!! I had a hard time piping the macarons so I guess this will help? *fingers crossed* I can't wait to use this since I have some leftover ingredients from the other time which I failed quite badly. The problem is I need to find time to make this delicious, pretty, dainty and cute pastry. This pastry not only need patience, accuracy but also TIME, A LOT OF TIME given that it's so humid in singapore. Yes, humidity will affect this pastry. It's best to make them in an air-conditioned room in singapore which I won't get a chance at home, DUH. Nevertheless, I shall succeed during my next attempt with this kit! I SHALL AND I WILL! :D 

After the meet up, it's still early so I went to jurong east to check out the new mall - JEM. It's really like another mall in town! You can find Robinsons, Uniqlo, H&M, Marks&Spencer, Topshop, Topman, Victoria Secrets, Sephora, Muji, Courts, Kinokuniya, Lovisa, Charles&Keith, MANGO and many more big brands! They wanted to create a mini-orchard road in Jurong east. I thought I was in town, I guess they did it? The restaurants over there are those you can find in town too, Ding Tai Fung, Bangkokjam, Marche, Paris Baguette, Sushi Tei and many other new restaurants which I never heard before. Like Laksania? I think I reached JEM at around 11am and left the mall at around 2pm? I did some shoppings *OOPS*, really can't resist with the GSS going on but not much really, just 3 items. I find JEM is quite interesting and there are many things to see over there. It's not just another mall to me. You can go have a look yourself and you will know what I mean.

Oh and I ordered a Canon camera online, through Gmarket! I just feel that if I'm gonna take pictures with the 7.2/7.4MP camera which I have currently or with my phone camera, I will be very 对不起我自己. The purpose of going on an overseas trip for me is to experience and I would like to use photos to keep a memory of that experience. If the photos are not clear then I don't see how they are going to keep a memory for me. I kinda regret for not going to the IT fair last week. Oh wells, I hope this camera will be good enough for my trip. The reviews given on Gmarket is really good and the price is within my budget. It's called Canon PowerShot SX500 IS and costs $289.99 with $13 shipping fee so it's a total of $302.99. It comes with a GSS special package which includes a camera bag, compatible battery, screen protector, cleaning cloth and a 32 GB memory card. Not bad right? Can't wait to get my hands on it.......^^

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Busy me!

Haven't been blogging for quite a while because I'm so busy......with what? A JOB! Yes, finally found a job! I was looking for an office environment job because I have never experience it. Most of them require at least 3 months of commitment but I can only commit 2 months as I am going on a holiday before school reopens. Therefore I was really happy when I got a call from Breadtalk that I got the job. They didn't interview me since they need people to work ASAP. 

It's a data entry position at the procurement department of Breadtalk headquarter. Their HQ is at Tai Seng which is super far from my house. I did hesitate if I should take up the job due to the distance. However, since no other company wants to hire me, I accept it in the end.

It's a 9 to 6.15pm, 5 day work week job. My duty (yes, a singular because that's a fact) is to key-in invoices into their system. I just need to fill up the correct supplier name, date, items purchased, correct branch and print it. THAT'S ALL I HAVE TO DO. Basically, it's a no brainer kinda job. It's really tiring for the first 3 days but thereafter, I got used to it.

Can you imagine, from 9am all the way to 6.15pm excluding toilet breaks and lunch break, I have to look at the computer, type in the codes and make sure it's all correct? This is very tiring for my eyes! Ever since I got this job, I don't have problem getting into sleep like I did before when the holidays have yet to start. Now, once I hit my pillows, off I go to la-la-land. This is how tired I am.

The people there are quite nice and I have no problems working with them. After my 1st week of joining them, Breadtalk shifted their office to a brand new building beside Sakae Sushi HQ, which is opposite Tai Seng mrt station. This new office is really big and so much better than the old one. It is more convenient for me since I no longer need to walk all the way in to get to the office building from Tai Seng  mrt station. 

This is a part time job so if I work, I get paid, if I didn't, I won't get paid. Therefore, it is quite easy to get off day as long as is reasonable. :D 

Although this job is REALLY B-O-R-I-N-G, I still think is a good experience for me to be able to work is such a big company. Before this, I didn't know Toastbox, Ramen Play, Ding Tai Fung and Food Republic are all under Breadtalk. So, can you imagine the profits this company earns yearly? And not forgetting the other branches overseas too....I hope I can learn new things and my job will get more interesting as day pass by? Hahahaha, very unlikely but since I'm stuck with this job for another 1.5 months, I shall think and stay positive. :)