Saturday, June 29, 2013

My 21st III: The End

My lovely friends, thank you for everything.

Finally picnic with friends! I always wanted it! 

Proper group photo, with a pretty landscape!

Currently, only shinfen and I are in singapore. Soon, all of us will be out of town, hahahahaha~
Have fun and stay safe, my bestie! 
It's a loooooooong time since I cut a proper cake for my birthday.
My parents just don't want to take photos and my sister is not home.  
My buddy in NUS :) 
Thanks for the surprise at Kim's restaurant. The food there is nice ~ especially the toppoki ~
*toppoki* *toppoki* *toppoki*
Lynn, thanks for the dinner again! 
More TGIF together before lynn flies~ 
Thanks for everything~I WILL make my promise count. :)

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