Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Today is christmas eve, nothing much for me when it comes to christmas. My family don't celebrate christmas so we don't have gift exchange, the most only a sumptuous dinner which I think is good enough. Later on, I'm having a BBQ at the void deck area with my relatives from my father side in the evening. It's quite some time since we have a family gathering, maybe because all the kids are grown ups. I hope I will have a lot of things to chat with my cousins. I don't know why we like don't have much things to say when we grow up. We used to have a lot of fun when we are together. Weird. 

Yesterday I went to the student care which I gave tuition for their opening ceremony. They are no longer called 'Gifted Learner's Student Care' but 'Rayydie Learning Studio'. At first I thought it's just an opening ceremony and a lunch provided, but didn't expect the centre is also having a christmas party that day. It was fun, able to see so many children performing short skits, singing and dancing to christmas songs. This year's christmas is indeed a different one for me. The skits and dance movements are all came up by the children, the teachers are just there to monitor their behaviours. I think the children are really creative, I don't think I will be able to come up with such dance moves at their age and not even sing and dance in front of so many people. I think letting children to enroll in such student care with all these activities are really good. The children not only can learn new things and have new experiences but also at the same time make new friends from different age groups. When they grow up, they probably won't have much difficulties making friends and will have the courage to try new things. Unlike me....:(  

So.....I not only had a free lunch but also a christmas present. Although is just a tin of biscuits but is the thought that counts. I really appreciate the principal for inviting me to the party although I am just a tuition teacher there who don't know much students in the centre. 

Tomorrow is christmas, also my sister's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SIS! No activities planned for tomorrow, I guess I'm gonna slack my day off on christmas......

The day after christmas is a public holiday, I'm having a family gathering at my aunt's house (mother side). It will be fun I guess? Cousins there are closer to me, we will have a lot of things to chat about. Good food, good accompany is just what I need. :D

Once christmas is over, that means in less two weeks time school will start for me. My results for the first semester is really very bad, I MUST BUCK UP. If not I really don't know how am I going to graduate. Shihui, please don't waste the school fees, it's in thousands per semester! 

Let's talk about my short getaway to pulau ubin. It was relaxing but too bad the weather is not good. It rained throughout our stay.

1st day:
We had lunch at tampines food court and went to cold storage to get 

This was our dinner for the 1st night 
This was our lunch for the 2nd day

We were very budget, so gotta to resort to this. Not everyone will be able to accept this for lunch and dinner, so I guess shinfen, shunyu and tzumi all have the same mindset. I think this is good as there will be less disagreement between us.

We board the ferry and arrived at pulau ubin. It was bright and sunny. We decided to not waste money and so walk to the resort. It's a 2.2km walk with all our barang-barang. It was OK at the start. Like I said, it was bright and sunny. But don't know when, dark clouds arrived and the sky starts to get gloomy and IT RAINED! We were again, with that 落魄 mode, like the one we had in Taiwan. No choice, we opened our umbrella and continued walking. 

Since it's raining outside, we couldn't go anywhere so we stayed in the room. We were not bored AT ALL! We got saboteur, bridge, monopoly deal, 四色牌, STRESS, snap JACK to play throughout the night. Also, we have 'tea' throughout! Haha, the 'tea' here is actually water. We slept at around 2am and woke up at around 8.30am the next day. 

2nd day: 
We left our room at 9am for breakfast. They have a complimentary breakfast for each of us. It is not buffet that kind, so only have one set to each of us. 

Self-made milk tea (I added creamer and sugar to the tea)
Breakfast! Not bad I would say for such a resort.....
Brought the butter and jam home for our lunch that day

It was drizzling after our breakfast, we didn't go kayaking as we scared the rain will get heavier which will be such a waste of money. Hence, we went to have fish spa. This was our first time doing fish spa. The experience was a traumatizing one for tzumi! She was so scared to put her feet into the water for the fishes. Shinfen, shunyu and I were afraid at first, but after a few tries, we were used to the ticklish feeling. We only have 1 hour for that and went to touch the fishes. There's big and small stingrays, some fishes in the area. Now, it's shunyu who don't dare to touch the fishes. Weird, tzumi dares to touch......Oh and we went for our free lunch after that. During the fish spa, a family is checking out so they won't be able to use their free lunch coupon and thus gave it to us. *SO HAPPY* But there's only 2 coupons, so 2 of us shared one plate of the spaghetti and went back to the room and continue our lunch with the beans and bread. 

And what did we do in our room? We had a nap and continue with games before heading to the hornbill restaurant for dinner. This hornbill restaurant is actually the same one for our breakfast and lunch. We wanted to have a proper dinner since is our last night at pulau ubin. We had 3 dishes with rice. The portion is small and is expensive as compared to those zi char we had on main island. 

Honey chicken
Hotplate tofu with egg
Kailan with oyster sauce
And the 4 of us cleared all that in just 15 MINS! :P

After that we went back to our rooms for games. We slept at a later time that day since is our last night. Before we sleep we put on mask! This is my first time doing 'facial' with friends! Haha. Indeed, a relaxing holiday! 

3rd day:
The day that I received my results. It stated that my results will be released at 9am sharp. But, a SMS woke me up at 7.44am. I reached for my iphone and without doing anything, I can see all my results. I was contented with it, as I expected it will be worst. But once I know my friends' results, I start to feel useless? sad? It was also their first semester, but how come my results are not even there as them? I really wonder why, the problem lies in me I guess. Many things happen once I start university. My mind starts to fill with things that bother me day and night. I guess that's cause me to be unable to focus and study. I can feel it. But I just cannot control my mind and stop thinking about it. But I guess no matter how much I procrastinate my results won't will shoot up like that. I have to start and do something about it. I really pray hard that 2nd semester will be better for me. 

We woke up late that day and went to have breakfast. We reached the restaurant at around 9.45am and the breakfast stops serving at 10am. When I passed the coupon to the person, her face like shocked. I guess they already stopped the service and now have to come up with 4 sets of breakfast. It took them sooooo looong to get the breakfast ready for us. Actually it was suppose to be the same but I guess they ran out of ingredients? So they gave us a different one.

There's meat! 

After breakfast, we went back to our rooms and pack up to check out. We walked back like how we walked to the resort from the jetty. AGAIN, it was OK at the start and then it started to rain AGAIN! @.@ But luckily, it is just a small shower and the sun came out. We went back to the main island and the first thing is to have lunch. I think we were deprived from good food so quite a few meals that all of us agreed to have McDonalds. I ordered fillet-o-fish, upsized with twisters fries. I JUST LOVE TWISTERS FRIES! Because every mouthful of that fries is just so fulfilling!

After lunch, we chat for hours! We starting eating at around 1pm plus? We left McDonalds at around 4pm! We slept through our MRT ride home and I was just in time for 娱乐百分百.

Although it was a short getaway, but I had fun. It was relaxing and with good accompany around it was even better! 3D2N is just nice! Definitely will head to a new place for the next holiday! I hope the same accompany will still be there and able to go for holidays together! :)  

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Short Getaway to Pulau Ubin

With the same company, we will be moving on to our 2nd destination, Pulau Ubin tomorrow, excited about it! I hope that the weather will be nice to us and give us SUNNY day for all three days. Although Pulau Ubin is just an island in singapore, I wish it will be a fun trip like the one I had in Taiwan. 

We will be staying in a resort call, Celestial Resort. We will be staying in a 2 storey family duplex suite, with 2 bedrooms, one in each storey. Also, in each bedroom, a bathroom will be attached to it, so two can share one bathroom. There will be a living room and the suite comes with a mini fridge, a TV set and an electric kettle. Sounds big right? I really hope it will turned out what I'm expecting. We will be staying there for 3 days 2 nights, the total cost is only: $509.32, breakfast is included. So each of us only need to pay $127.33 for this short getaway. Of course, I haven't include our lunch and dinner and other activities over there that require us to pay. Let's just see how much more I will be spending. 

Gotta try and finish watching Heartstrings by today, if not I will have to wait for another three days. Hais, come to think of it, three more days and my results for finals will be out. PLEASE, don't give me heart attack, I really hope for the best. Just don't give me heart attack....please.......

PS: If you have noticed, snow has arrived at my blog and there's a cute little snowman on the right waving to you! :D 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Sleepover at Tzumi's house! :D

This sleepover is the first time for the four of us (jiaying, shunyu, tzumi and I) to stay overnight together. Come to think of it, we never had a camp together in school, or go overseas together, so that's the reason why. It turned out well. 

Before heading to tzumi's hosue, jiaying and I went to watch breaking dawn at AMK Hub. It was nice, not that bad. It makes me want to know what happen next, so I am looking forward to part II. I like their effects they used in the movie, it is very real. Jiaying told me that the book is not very interesting, but luckily the movie captured all the main stories in the book. After that, we wen to to fairprice to get the ingredients for dinner. Having carbonara fusilli pasta for dinner that day! :P

Meet up with shunyu and go over to tzumi's house. We laze around a bit and played Wii. After that, we prepared our dinner! One whole packet of fusilli is just too much for us, we spilt it into 5 bowls, so tzumi can have one bowl for lunch the next day. We added broccoli and hot dog. It turned out okay, is edible, haha. Jiaying and tzumi cut the broccoli, shunyu cut the hot dog and I took care of the sauce. All of us have a huge bowl of pasta for dinner. We were all bloated! DAMM FULL!

Looks appetizing? Haha. 

After dinner, we watched some tv and tzumi's continued with her 发证先锋. After that, we watched '唐山大地震'. According to tzumi, it is a VERY touching movie. I think is touching, I teared at some parts. This movie is worth watching. Then, one by one, we went to bath and then we watched a thriller movie, 'Orphan'. This is really thrilling, scary at some parts too. But there isn't much surprise for me, what I predicted really happened. But is also another movie worth watching, there are some parts which I think are quite cool. Like a picture looks exactly the opposite under blue light as a special kind of paint is used to paint it. 

It's about 3am after that movie. We went into the room and played monopoly deal. We played till 4am and went to sleep. Next morning, we left at around 12pm plus because tzumi and I each have a meeting later on that day. 

I hope there will be more stayover in the future! :D

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Jiaying is finally back~~ ^^

Meet up with jiaying, shunyu and tzumi. So long never see jiaying already, she didnt changed much, still the same her and she doesn't have the ang-moh accent. We went The Cathay to watch '一泡而红' and went old airport road to have dinner. 

We wanted jiaying to try the 老伴豆花 but just so happen that the stall is closed! Hais, maybe next time. Luckily, there's 51 豆花, we tried that too. I like its level of sweetness, not as sweet as 老伴豆花 but the texture is not as good as 老伴豆花. It doesn't have the 入口极化 taste. So a combination of these two will be the BEST for me. 

All of us had a great time chatting. We sort of end up interviewing jiaying about her life in sydney. I think anyone will need a lot of courage to go overseas to study because they will be out of their comfort zone. Although jiaying has her brother with her, it is different with her parents not around to take care of her. She needs to do everything herself. She even need to work to pay all the bills by herself. This is something that a normal young adult does not need to worry about, but for her is different. Other than that, the system over at sydney is so different from singapore. For example, in terms of transport, education, housing, health care. She needs to adapt to all of these......really 佩服! I am not sure if I will be able to do that. I am even scared to go overseas with my friends alone already, going overseas to study alone? I cannot even imagine myself doing that. But I know I will have to be independent and leave my parents one day and do all the things by myself. I must start to build up my courage to do things alone and not be dependent on anyone. 

Tzumi's whole family went to taiwan for holiday, she didn't go so she is alone at home. She invited us to stay over at her house tomorrow. :D Gonna have a good time over at her house! I never had a sleepover at a friend's house, this will be my first time. But before going to tzumi's house, I will be watching 'Breaking Dawn' with jiaying. She already watched it twice - once at sydney, once at gold coast -  but she don't mind watching it again, so YAY! Got someone to accompany me to watch this movie. Both shunyu and tzumi are not interested in this movie.....not nice I guess? But I really want to know what happen next, so I am determined to watch it!

Monday, December 12, 2011

My ♥ for Baking

I'm not really sure I LOVE baking. But I think is the fact that I can eat all the pastries after all the baking which makes me want to continue with baking. I just LOVE pastries, cakes, breads, cookies, tarts, cupcakes, muffins.....they form part of my heaven. HAHA.

What bothers me now is my weight. How to maintain and control it with all the eating? Exercise? Too bad no more regular netball training....those trainings are really great to keep myself fit and maintain my weight. Exercise myself then? But don't have the determination to do it all by myself, hais. My exercising partner - qinning - is injured, so she cant accompany me to go for a swim, there goes my determination to exercise. I must really have self discipline to go exercise this holiday all by myself, if not, I WILL BECOME A BIG FAT PIG! No more pretty nice clothes for me to wear......:( this will be a nightmare for me......I DUN WANT SUCH A THING TO HAPPEN ON ME....please, shihui, eat less and exercise more - easier said than done. :(

After a long day of baking, I decided to put on a moisturizing mask after a bath which I got it for free for buy the hydrating face lotion at chinatown. Pampering time!

Going to meet jiaying tomorrow, haven't seen her for about half a year, got lots of catch up with her! Gonna watch 一泡而红 too! :)

PS: Just booked the family duplex suite at celestial resort pulau ubin, LIKE FINALLY! Hope this 3D2N short getaway will be FUN! :D

Sunday, December 11, 2011

1st uni holidays

Enjoy myself to the max now, no homework to do, no notes to read, VERY relax, just love it. But this will end in about 3-4 weeks time and the whole 'fast forward A level' period will start all over again. T.T University is really not easy, not easy at all.

Never mind about that, let me recall what I've done so far for this holiday.

  1. Went changi airport with shunyu and yingjie for a stay over, mastered monopoly deal and had burger king for breakfast for the first time too and 
  2. Dastan chalet at coasta sands for 2 days 1 night
  3. Took up a last minute part-time job at Bunalun for event, at De Beers. It was fun but tiring, it was my first time working for an event.
  4. Went out with shunyu. We had strictly pancakes for brunch then watched 那些年,我们一起追的女孩 before heading to old airport road for 老伴豆花. Both food and movie were AWESOME!
  5. Went playnation with NAKED then head to qinning's house to surprise her.
Yup, my legs are really tired now, especially the day after the event. Nevertheless, I enjoyed every single day. :D More coming up!
  1. Meet up with jiaying (YAY, SHE'S BACK IN SG!!!), shunyu and tzumi to 叙旧. We are going to watch 一泡而红 together too. 
  2. Going pulau ubin for a short getaway with shinfen, shunyu and tzumi. 3 days 2 night for us to relax at a resort, looking forward to it! Although there won't be a 'chop' in our passport but still, we manage to stay in a resort. 
  3. Gonna do some baking before school starts. 
  4. Thinking of going far east plaza to go some window shopping.
  5. If possible, will watch Breaking Dawn with jiaying.
  6. If possible, go Universal Studio with jiaying, shunyu and tzumi. It will be my first time going USS...
  7. Last but not least, start reading reviews and decide which modules to bid. Then, start to read notes for next semester.....-.-
That should be about it.....