Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Taking a break

Yesterday had a meet up with shunyu and tzumi, it was great as I get to see people I am familiar with and most importantly, I can talk and chat. As I have mentioned, I hardly talk in school nowadays, because I don't really have much close friends in school. I am not only getting stress from the deadlines and huge workload but also the stress of being a loner....-.-, I don't want. Oh well, let's don't talk about school.

Anyway, I had a great day with shunyu and tzumi yesterday! Shunyu crashed my MA1102R lecture and that reminded me of the days we were in PJC and even secondary school. She will be sitting beside in the lecture hall, we attend lectures and classes together, if we have doubts we can ask each other for help etc. The good old days.....but now? It's so different. The people around me are not that close with me, not sure if they are willing to help and even if they are, it's quite difficult as our timetable clashes. I don't like such system, I still prefer to my own class like in secondary school and JC.

After that lecture, we met tzumi and went to Utown to have a tour. I had my every first cup of drink from Starbucks over there. I had the green tea latte (ice blended) in L (dunno what's their way of calling L....). I got 10% discount and it costs me $7 for that nice, huge and fulfilling cup! Shunyu had white chocolate mocha which is much sweeter. And one thing good about this Starbucks in Utown is that it is 24/7!

Love green tea! <3

After getting our drinks, we went to the Mac room, PC room, Study room....they were fantastic! All of them are conducive places for studying. Furthermore, Mac room and PC rooms are 24/7 too! The desktops in PC room are so high tech can! There's a few of them which have 2 screens that are sort of connected together. So when you are using, you get to use 2 screens with just a mouse. This means that your screen is actually the size of 2 screens. Get it? It's really damm cool! You have got to experience it yourself! Utown is really a beautiful place, so tzumi decided to take a photo with the pretty tree. Haha.

Smile! :D

We head over to vivo city for our dinner and movie. The green tea latte was so filling, so I decided to use my coupon from toast box. It's just $2.5o for a cup of kopi/teh with butter milk thick toast/tom yam garlic thick toast. I wanted to try the tom yam garlic thick toast but was OOS, so tried the butter milk instead. At first I thought they will be giving me 2 thick toast, but end up there's actually  only 1 in that set. It's already expensive with the coupon, imagine the price without that coupon for that?

Shunyu and I did some window shopping while tzumi did some REAL shopping as we had some time to spare before the movie. We didn't managed to get good seats even though we bought the tickets immediately when we reached vivo city. We were sitting at the third row from the front. Throughout the movie, I was so uncomfortable. Not only I need to tilt up head upwards, the movement is just too much (plus, maybe because we were sitting quite at the front), I have this nauseous feeling, like going to puke anytime. But I think also partly because of the green tea latte? The caffein is just too much? Cause for me, it's a long time since I drink coffee ever since I ended my A level, so whenever I drink coffee now, I will tend to get hyped up really easily, like got this different feeling. Worst still, there's this gang of male indians, sitting at our row, beside me, they keep whispering, not focus on the movie and fidgeting too. I was quite irritated by them. The indian beside me keep moving his left hand on the rest, I was so scared that his left hand might just hit me or what. -.-

Final destination 5 is a thriller movie, not much of horror too. Out of 5, I will rate 1/2. So, if you really want to watch, don't watch it on weekends or public holiday like me, it's not worth the money.

The movie ended at around 9.30pm which is still quite early. We went to the bridge connecting vivo city to sentosa and had a walk. Too bad there isn't any breeze yesterday.

Tomorrow, I will be going to NTU and have lunch with shunyu! *yay* meet up again! Will be going there to see see look look before I head back home for tuition.

OH, it was michelle's last day in bunalun yesterday. I'm really happy for her that she can finally get out that hell and find back her smile. I was quite worried for her that she didn't get a job before she leave bunalun. But like what she said, a talent like her don't need to search for jobs, job opportunities will come and find her. True enough, when her ex-managers heard that she is quitting her current job, they offered her jobs at their working place. So after she resigned from bunalun, starting from next week, she will be working at a brand new place with a job that she has passion for. I wish her all the best and hope that she can perform better than her opponent and be posted to the branch in holland village where she will be posted as manager instead of assistant manger at the current branch. Good luck! :)

P.S: Let me guess.....'mistress' should be my friend with black specs who always call me bestie? Am I right or not? Sorry if I am wrong......=x

Monday, August 22, 2011

Tutorial starts tomorrow....

Today will be the start of week 3 for my university life, which also means that tutorials and lab sessions start today. I can't register for the same tutorial slots as my OG mates because our timetables are really different as we took different modules. This means that I don't have tutorial mates as for now. I hope I do make friends through tutorials, really hope it's not like what shunyu said, people just come and go for tutorials.

Anyway, I went for volleyball training last friday or should I say I crashed that training. I didn't register during matriculation fair as I was in a hurry that day and didn't even go for their trial because I didn't even know the trial dates. I know that they are having training that day through my OG mate. So.....decided to just go and ask if I can join. Apparently, they have a quota for the team and have a waiting list too, so I can only join the waiting list if not it won't be fair for the others. But I'm allowed to join in for their training that day. Lucky it wasn't just me alone who crashed their training, there's 3 more who are also in the same situation as me. And I had my very first volleyball training that day! My hands are so red and in pain after that training. The person in charge see us quite interested in the sports so told us that he also don't want to see us not being able to join the team just because of the quota, so asked us to consider if we really interested and want to join the team and give him an answer at the end of the session. And, of course, my answer is a yes. I'm very interested to learn this game, partly because I learnt it once during PE lessons in PJ and watched the beach volleyball youth olympic games.

But if I were to compare it with netball, I still think that netball will be more fun than volleyball? Maybe because I haven't get the hang of it for volleyball, so a bit bias. But  the reason I said that is because, netball seems to have more varieties of skills to learn and is more flexible too. Firstly, the court for netball is so much bigger than the one for volleyball, so running will be restricted for volleyball. The movements that one learns for netball will definitely be so much more than volleyball. We can control better for netball as we are to throw the ball unlike volleyball we hit it with our hands. Even if you say that hitting the volleyball can be under control too with practice, but the probability of it getting haywire is much more than netball right? One thing that volleyball is better will be that volleyballers don't need to face their opponents face to face, or should I say body to body, in other words, closely. They do face them since opponents are standing right opposite them behind the net, but at least they are not by their side, which is more scary and will definitely give one more stress. This is just what I think, maybe my way of thinking will change after I understand this sports better. Who knows?

Alright, need to head off to my pillow, hope everything will be fine tomorrow. :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Met up with michelle

It was a nice meet up with michelle on the 15/08/2011. My lecture ended at 4pm so since it was still early and I have the time went to bunalun to find michelle. The shop didn't change much but there are some changes for the working staff there. Andy the chef left the company already, leaving only evelyn and chern yu, who will also be leaving by end of august/ september for NS. As for retail staff, there's a new philippine guy and one more coming to join bunalun soon. Michelle will be leaving at the end of this month and heard from her that shamala is also resigning. How true is it I dunno. I was really shocked to hear that shamala tendered her resignation letter. The reason being that she worked so hard to keep her in that position and made sure no one will surpassed her, so why would she resign so easily? Is it just an act? Possible......

Shamala is the worst person I ever met in my entire life up till now. She is a person who backstab, bad mouth and complain about her staffs. She makes her staffs stupid in front of customers and useless in front of the boss. She is also unreasonable and will make a big fuss out of a small issue. Shamala is also someone who only know how to use her mouth and say and give orders, she won't do the work herself. But the truth is, she don't even know how to do it in the first place. Computer work and paper work are things that she is unsure of but she won't admit she don't no how to do. She will just try her luck and do it end up making mistakes which require her staffs to help her solve and clean it up. If not, she will just leave it and ask her staffs to do it properly for her. When she say she wants to learn how to do it, her staffs will teach her faithfully but she is those kind that will not learn it with her heart. From her reactions and by looking into her eyes, you will know that after all the teaching, she still don't no how to do it and will just let it be. This will thus be a waste of time and saliva for her staffs.

I don't understand why she behaves like that. Even the boss does not like her and want her to resign. Why such a person exist? She don't even change and turn over a new leaf. She did whatever she do to me to the newbie in the company. *死性不改* And not forgetting, she lies a lot and worst thing is she can happily tell the WHOLE WORLD without feeling guilty that SHE DOESN'T LIE. I really pity her daughter to have such a mother. Lucky her daughter is overseas so won't get to mix with her that often. I just hope that her daughter won't end up like her.

Someone must really expose her wrongdoings and let her know that it's time for her to change before she get worst. Really, I mean it. Too bad michelle can't do it though shamala did so many bad things to her. Oh well, I hope shamala will change for the better and not give more sufferings to the people around her.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

First 2 days of school

Not bad, still adapting to it. I got a shock after attending my first freshmen seminar module. I thought it was suppose to be a session where we attend seminar and some discussion. Instead, we need to write a 500 word report after attending seminar, presentations on the topic we chose and 2k words term paper on the presentation. This is like PW! Worst thing, it is being shortened to 1 semester. Lucky one of my OG mates is there, so easier for me to form a group.....*phew*

Other than that, the chemistry gem that I chose is very boring, I really catch no ball to what the lecturer is talking about, I need to watch the webcast and go through the lecture again. :( Hope the future lecture won't be so boring like what I had today. My lecturer for this module is an ang moh from UK, I suppose he is an english. Lucky not a british, though an american would be better. The accent is not that bad for my lecturer, really glad that he is not a british, if not, I will need webcast session every weekend to catch what he is talking about in lecture. :x

Marketing lecture is somehow fun and interesting, I think partly due to the lecturer. He is very humorous and not boring too. A good start for marketing, hope it isn't something like economics....though they will somehow be related I guess.

For both my chemistry and marketing lecture, I'm a loner. I hope that I can make some friends and lecture buddies when tutorial starts. Today was a long day for me. My day started at 10am and I had lecture back to back all the way till 6pm. Worst still, I am late for my math lecture due to traveling time from business school to science faculty. Also, I took the wrong bus, so got off and board the correct one which took sooooooo loooooong to come. zZzZzZzZz

Anyway, before school starts, I played and went out as much as I can to enjoy the last honeymoon I have. I met Shunyu and Yingjie, we had KOI and crystal jade!

My first KOI in L in singapore! Though I had 2 in taiwan before already! This is the hazelnut flavour. I still prefer taiwan's KOI, much cheaper and more pearls too! 
We had KOI in L so decided to eat dim sums for dinner at bugis. Our budget is around $15 each and ordered quite a few dishes and end up each of us only paid $12.50! Good food + got variety + full + within budget = SHIOK!!!

Cong zhua bing, taiwan's nicer
Xiao long bao! We ordered 2 baskets! 
Mega big bowl of dong po noodle.
Really damm big! The dong po rou is nice! But only got one piece and I had it.
Salted and peppered tofu. The flavouring is not enough so we added more pepper, nice!
I also met qinning the other day for a japanese dessert buffet at marina square. Personally I think one time is enough for the buffet cause though is nice, but is not worth the money as I cannot eat much since the desserts are so filling, especially the fondue.

Cheese fondue
The cheese is not thick in flavour, unlike those with nachos
Savouries to go with the cheese fondue
Chocolate fondue
Thick and nice!
Sides to go with the chocolate fondue 
Vanilla ice cream with pancake, chocolate flavour, *yum*
Vanilla ice cream with pancake, black sesame flavour
Matcha ice cream, *YUM*

Some kind of sides that is very popular, taste ok only.
This is a good experience but have this once will do unless you have a very high stamina for eating and can eat a lot of desserts. If not, once will do, cause it's not really worth the money. I paid $23.30 for all the food above, for all the food, we only took one serving.

After all the camps and meetings, I finally have time to use my mask I got from the cosmetic shop which I bought my hydrating lotion. Yup, recharged my face!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Last day of freedom

Yup, today is the last day of my holiday, school starts tomorrow. Excited, worried and nervous. It will be a brand new chapter of my life, I hope and wish that everything will be smooth. Okay, if there's problems, let me overcome it smoothly too.....just hope for the better.

With no close friends around me, I seem so helpless and less lively. I'm really stepping out of my comfort zone. Don't worry, everything will be fine, time will solve everything, I hope. New chapter of life also means new friends right? I hope more new friends will come along in my chapters.....

Today went to get the necessities for school, stationery. It's really a long time since I study, the momentum must start to build up, like NOW?!?!?! If not, die har.......Other than that, I went to kissjane, both at bugis and city link, to try clothes. Haha, green skater dress is really nice! TTR must have backorder for that please! I pray hard for that! However, if there's no backorder, it is also a good thing, I can save up the money. I really need to cut down my spending on clothes as the expenses for university is quite huge, both transportation and food. My monthly income from tuition is hardly enough for me. But clothes are just so irresistable! Especially NICE and PRETTY clothes. Just take it as an investment? Wah, but cannot keep on using that reason.....it will no longer be a reason but an excuse. Worst still, when I buy new clothes, I need to find ways to not let my mum knows about it. Troublesome huh? Haha. Only can let her know once in a blue moon.........

Monday, August 8, 2011

Why am I like that?

I really wonder why......why am I like that? Why can't I be like others, so open, cheerful and be able to mix around with people easily. Why can't I be like that? Why must I be so slow in mixing around with people? I really hate this point about me.....hate it. Because of this, I can't make friends easily, thus making me a loner. I don't like to be a loner, I don't want to be a loner.....but why still turn out this way? The reason I went for the camp is to make friends but turned out to be not that successful. I still tried my very best to mix around and talk to people. Despite the failures, as long as I can make it for meeting or outings, I will definitely go. But why still turned out to be like that?

The people there at the camp are great and awesome, I enjoyed the camp, but of course, not the part of being a loner. I know that I don't talk much (or should I say hardly ever talk) but it's not that I want it, I just really don't know what to say at that moment of time unless I can find some common topic to talk about. I know I shouldn't continue to be like that, I need to change, but how?

I just hope that by attending more OG outing I can let more people know more about me and I will open up more and let them see the other side of me. The side of me that is so much more talkative and cheerful than the original one that they saw.

Yes, you may think that I am weak and lousy.....can actually get so disturbed and bothered by such a problem which can be easily solved and settled by most people. The truth is, for me, I can't. I can't solve this problem within just a few steps. I need time, a lot of time. But this method is not going to work. People will just move and I will never be able to catch up with them. So....time to change my character? Easier said than done. :(

I think I am so used to close friends being there for me till the extend that I don't know how to make friends. Now that I don't have their accompany, I feel so lost. It's a good start to change my character, but the point is, is it going to work for me? No matter what.....I will still try my very best to mix around, please, shihui, open  up more.....open up more.....:(