Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Taking a break

Yesterday had a meet up with shunyu and tzumi, it was great as I get to see people I am familiar with and most importantly, I can talk and chat. As I have mentioned, I hardly talk in school nowadays, because I don't really have much close friends in school. I am not only getting stress from the deadlines and huge workload but also the stress of being a loner....-.-, I don't want. Oh well, let's don't talk about school.

Anyway, I had a great day with shunyu and tzumi yesterday! Shunyu crashed my MA1102R lecture and that reminded me of the days we were in PJC and even secondary school. She will be sitting beside in the lecture hall, we attend lectures and classes together, if we have doubts we can ask each other for help etc. The good old days.....but now? It's so different. The people around me are not that close with me, not sure if they are willing to help and even if they are, it's quite difficult as our timetable clashes. I don't like such system, I still prefer to my own class like in secondary school and JC.

After that lecture, we met tzumi and went to Utown to have a tour. I had my every first cup of drink from Starbucks over there. I had the green tea latte (ice blended) in L (dunno what's their way of calling L....). I got 10% discount and it costs me $7 for that nice, huge and fulfilling cup! Shunyu had white chocolate mocha which is much sweeter. And one thing good about this Starbucks in Utown is that it is 24/7!

Love green tea! <3

After getting our drinks, we went to the Mac room, PC room, Study room....they were fantastic! All of them are conducive places for studying. Furthermore, Mac room and PC rooms are 24/7 too! The desktops in PC room are so high tech can! There's a few of them which have 2 screens that are sort of connected together. So when you are using, you get to use 2 screens with just a mouse. This means that your screen is actually the size of 2 screens. Get it? It's really damm cool! You have got to experience it yourself! Utown is really a beautiful place, so tzumi decided to take a photo with the pretty tree. Haha.

Smile! :D

We head over to vivo city for our dinner and movie. The green tea latte was so filling, so I decided to use my coupon from toast box. It's just $2.5o for a cup of kopi/teh with butter milk thick toast/tom yam garlic thick toast. I wanted to try the tom yam garlic thick toast but was OOS, so tried the butter milk instead. At first I thought they will be giving me 2 thick toast, but end up there's actually  only 1 in that set. It's already expensive with the coupon, imagine the price without that coupon for that?

Shunyu and I did some window shopping while tzumi did some REAL shopping as we had some time to spare before the movie. We didn't managed to get good seats even though we bought the tickets immediately when we reached vivo city. We were sitting at the third row from the front. Throughout the movie, I was so uncomfortable. Not only I need to tilt up head upwards, the movement is just too much (plus, maybe because we were sitting quite at the front), I have this nauseous feeling, like going to puke anytime. But I think also partly because of the green tea latte? The caffein is just too much? Cause for me, it's a long time since I drink coffee ever since I ended my A level, so whenever I drink coffee now, I will tend to get hyped up really easily, like got this different feeling. Worst still, there's this gang of male indians, sitting at our row, beside me, they keep whispering, not focus on the movie and fidgeting too. I was quite irritated by them. The indian beside me keep moving his left hand on the rest, I was so scared that his left hand might just hit me or what. -.-

Final destination 5 is a thriller movie, not much of horror too. Out of 5, I will rate 1/2. So, if you really want to watch, don't watch it on weekends or public holiday like me, it's not worth the money.

The movie ended at around 9.30pm which is still quite early. We went to the bridge connecting vivo city to sentosa and had a walk. Too bad there isn't any breeze yesterday.

Tomorrow, I will be going to NTU and have lunch with shunyu! *yay* meet up again! Will be going there to see see look look before I head back home for tuition.

OH, it was michelle's last day in bunalun yesterday. I'm really happy for her that she can finally get out that hell and find back her smile. I was quite worried for her that she didn't get a job before she leave bunalun. But like what she said, a talent like her don't need to search for jobs, job opportunities will come and find her. True enough, when her ex-managers heard that she is quitting her current job, they offered her jobs at their working place. So after she resigned from bunalun, starting from next week, she will be working at a brand new place with a job that she has passion for. I wish her all the best and hope that she can perform better than her opponent and be posted to the branch in holland village where she will be posted as manager instead of assistant manger at the current branch. Good luck! :)

P.S: Let me guess.....'mistress' should be my friend with black specs who always call me bestie? Am I right or not? Sorry if I am wrong......=x

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