Monday, August 22, 2011

Tutorial starts tomorrow....

Today will be the start of week 3 for my university life, which also means that tutorials and lab sessions start today. I can't register for the same tutorial slots as my OG mates because our timetables are really different as we took different modules. This means that I don't have tutorial mates as for now. I hope I do make friends through tutorials, really hope it's not like what shunyu said, people just come and go for tutorials.

Anyway, I went for volleyball training last friday or should I say I crashed that training. I didn't register during matriculation fair as I was in a hurry that day and didn't even go for their trial because I didn't even know the trial dates. I know that they are having training that day through my OG mate. So.....decided to just go and ask if I can join. Apparently, they have a quota for the team and have a waiting list too, so I can only join the waiting list if not it won't be fair for the others. But I'm allowed to join in for their training that day. Lucky it wasn't just me alone who crashed their training, there's 3 more who are also in the same situation as me. And I had my very first volleyball training that day! My hands are so red and in pain after that training. The person in charge see us quite interested in the sports so told us that he also don't want to see us not being able to join the team just because of the quota, so asked us to consider if we really interested and want to join the team and give him an answer at the end of the session. And, of course, my answer is a yes. I'm very interested to learn this game, partly because I learnt it once during PE lessons in PJ and watched the beach volleyball youth olympic games.

But if I were to compare it with netball, I still think that netball will be more fun than volleyball? Maybe because I haven't get the hang of it for volleyball, so a bit bias. But  the reason I said that is because, netball seems to have more varieties of skills to learn and is more flexible too. Firstly, the court for netball is so much bigger than the one for volleyball, so running will be restricted for volleyball. The movements that one learns for netball will definitely be so much more than volleyball. We can control better for netball as we are to throw the ball unlike volleyball we hit it with our hands. Even if you say that hitting the volleyball can be under control too with practice, but the probability of it getting haywire is much more than netball right? One thing that volleyball is better will be that volleyballers don't need to face their opponents face to face, or should I say body to body, in other words, closely. They do face them since opponents are standing right opposite them behind the net, but at least they are not by their side, which is more scary and will definitely give one more stress. This is just what I think, maybe my way of thinking will change after I understand this sports better. Who knows?

Alright, need to head off to my pillow, hope everything will be fine tomorrow. :)

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