Saturday, September 3, 2011

Another week of school

This week of school is a short one, now that it's over, no more slacking from me....must get work done asap. Lots of deadlines to meet, researches to be done, prepare for presentations and not forgetting the mid terms at the end of this month!

September will be a brand new month and I hope that it will be a good one for me! I REALLY HOPE SO! Today, went for volleyball training. I literally dragged myself to go. It took me about 10 mins to walk from science faculty to the sports hall. I did that on purpose. If I were to reach there early, I will be expecting no one and be a loner again. Lucky I did that. When I was changing in the toilet, 2 freshies from volleyball came in and I knew that at least some freshies are here already and I joined them in the end. But like I've said, they came in pairs so it's really difficult for me to join in. Suddenly, came a girl who is having her first training. She talked to me and asked if I were a freshie and told me that she don't know anyone here. Since I am having the same situation, we sort of make friends with each other. The world is so small, or should I say singapore is really small. One of her close friend in river valley was my primary school mate who was relatively close with me when we were in primary school. I cannot say that I am very close with her but we had tuition together for 5 years and been in the same class in primary school for 3 years. We go home and had recess together quite often. We even keep in contact by sending each other chinese new year card every year after we left our primary school.

This new friend I met is really nice and we managed to talk a bit, not much of awkwardness. I hope this can continue and things will work out just fine. Also, other than her, I seem to be able to mix better with some others, partly because they are those cheerful that kind. But, nevertheless, I mustn't be too happy over such a thing, who knows things might just change in few weeks time? I might be back to square one.....

Like I've mentioned earlier, September is a brand new month and I wish that it will be a good one for me. I wish more friends will come along as day pass by so that I won't be so lonely. For volleyball training, I wish I can mix better with my teammates and training will get more interesting as I master volleyball skills.

Alright, gotta sleep, I'm so tired.

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