Saturday, August 13, 2011

First 2 days of school

Not bad, still adapting to it. I got a shock after attending my first freshmen seminar module. I thought it was suppose to be a session where we attend seminar and some discussion. Instead, we need to write a 500 word report after attending seminar, presentations on the topic we chose and 2k words term paper on the presentation. This is like PW! Worst thing, it is being shortened to 1 semester. Lucky one of my OG mates is there, so easier for me to form a group.....*phew*

Other than that, the chemistry gem that I chose is very boring, I really catch no ball to what the lecturer is talking about, I need to watch the webcast and go through the lecture again. :( Hope the future lecture won't be so boring like what I had today. My lecturer for this module is an ang moh from UK, I suppose he is an english. Lucky not a british, though an american would be better. The accent is not that bad for my lecturer, really glad that he is not a british, if not, I will need webcast session every weekend to catch what he is talking about in lecture. :x

Marketing lecture is somehow fun and interesting, I think partly due to the lecturer. He is very humorous and not boring too. A good start for marketing, hope it isn't something like economics....though they will somehow be related I guess.

For both my chemistry and marketing lecture, I'm a loner. I hope that I can make some friends and lecture buddies when tutorial starts. Today was a long day for me. My day started at 10am and I had lecture back to back all the way till 6pm. Worst still, I am late for my math lecture due to traveling time from business school to science faculty. Also, I took the wrong bus, so got off and board the correct one which took sooooooo loooooong to come. zZzZzZzZz

Anyway, before school starts, I played and went out as much as I can to enjoy the last honeymoon I have. I met Shunyu and Yingjie, we had KOI and crystal jade!

My first KOI in L in singapore! Though I had 2 in taiwan before already! This is the hazelnut flavour. I still prefer taiwan's KOI, much cheaper and more pearls too! 
We had KOI in L so decided to eat dim sums for dinner at bugis. Our budget is around $15 each and ordered quite a few dishes and end up each of us only paid $12.50! Good food + got variety + full + within budget = SHIOK!!!

Cong zhua bing, taiwan's nicer
Xiao long bao! We ordered 2 baskets! 
Mega big bowl of dong po noodle.
Really damm big! The dong po rou is nice! But only got one piece and I had it.
Salted and peppered tofu. The flavouring is not enough so we added more pepper, nice!
I also met qinning the other day for a japanese dessert buffet at marina square. Personally I think one time is enough for the buffet cause though is nice, but is not worth the money as I cannot eat much since the desserts are so filling, especially the fondue.

Cheese fondue
The cheese is not thick in flavour, unlike those with nachos
Savouries to go with the cheese fondue
Chocolate fondue
Thick and nice!
Sides to go with the chocolate fondue 
Vanilla ice cream with pancake, chocolate flavour, *yum*
Vanilla ice cream with pancake, black sesame flavour
Matcha ice cream, *YUM*

Some kind of sides that is very popular, taste ok only.
This is a good experience but have this once will do unless you have a very high stamina for eating and can eat a lot of desserts. If not, once will do, cause it's not really worth the money. I paid $23.30 for all the food above, for all the food, we only took one serving.

After all the camps and meetings, I finally have time to use my mask I got from the cosmetic shop which I bought my hydrating lotion. Yup, recharged my face!

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