Saturday, March 31, 2007

sOmething bad is cOming...........

I dunno why, my right eye has been twitching for 2 DAYS!!!! During these two days, i have been very careful in everything i did. I kept myself alert all times, like while i was crossing the road, eating, and many more that will lead BAD THINGS to me. You may say that i am superstitious or old fashion, blahblahblah. But you never know what will happen tomorrow, or the day after, or even the day after the next day. SO be safe than sorry, if not you will regret FOREVER!!!!

My mum taught me a method to stop the twitching, which you all may also think that i am being overly superstitious:
Step 1: Pull your eyelid once and say " 好运来"
Step 2: Pull your eyelid again, and say "坏事去"
Last step: Blow them away from your fingers.
This is suppose to make the eye stop twitching, but it didn't, haha. ^^''''' *dots* I hope my right eye will stop twitching, and '好事快快来'.
*O*.O twitching again.
While i was posting, two msn chat windows popped up. Both said about photo album and wanted me to accept it. I didnt as my friend told me that was a virus. She accepted it as she didnt know, so kena virus, now her msn siao liao. Therefore here's a WARNING: DO NOT ACCEPT ANY PHOTO ALBUM DOCUMENTS FROM ANY MSN WINDOW, AS THEY ARE VIRUS!!!!!!!

Friday, March 23, 2007

First week of school

The first week of school was not bad, as there isn't much homework!!! *YAY* I felt quite relax this week, i even got the time to bloghopping(jiaying told me this word, hearing this for the 1st time). Ya, so just surfing the net, cannot play audition all that as my mum don't allow me. I can only play during holidays and after exams, *haiz*. Anyway, shunyu told me that she is going to level up for audition, this month(GOOD LUCK!!!). I still remain at level 15, i don't think can level up until the mid-year-exams.
But i think slowly we would return back to those busy days, should be next week. I am having math, physics and chemistry test next week, so is really slowly going back to those days...... :'[
The netball self-training on thursday was quite fun, as we tried a new drill taught by geokting. I like that the most!!!, though it was tiring, haha. We wore the new training tee, and i like the black one rather than the white one. The reason is that the graphics on the white one is too small. In my opinion, the graphics should be the bigger the better. Whereas the black one is OK, the colour is nice, but the original colour that was on the paper is better. These are the pictures of my training tees(these pictures are taken from my seniors):

The Front View and The Back View
Also congrats to the netballers who got the rewards from coach. Qinning who got the most improvement award got a yellow water bottle and a pair of socks, congrats again.
I was feeling bored after i done my homework, so went to have a drink. Then i realised that for a long time, i haven't drink Ribena, so went to have a bottle. I took it the bottle to my room and dunno when started to play with my camera. As i move my camera across my room, there is a view of my bottle, making it look so poisonous, look:

Ya, i know, this is kinda lame, heehee. ^^""""

And also i found a picture in the camera i took after i have done my CME, the life phases. LOOK, i like this picture A LOT, especially the pictures, CUTE?!?!, the masterpiece, haha, i every '不要脸' right?!?!?.....O.o

That's all, nothing SPESHOW to post anymore, haha, SPESHOW, i like it so much......cya~~~~~~

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Concert by BBSS Concert Band

Yesterday shunyu, tzumi and i went to a concert by BBSS Concert Band. It was held near Bugis at the Lee Foundation Theatre. Shunyu and i went to have dinner at Macdonald. Tzumi was late as she had to go back to her school for CCA. She didn't even eat her dinner but only had a cup of bubble tea, as she want to '减肥'. (tzumi, you so skinny le, still need meh?!?!?)
When tzumi reached bugis, we meet up with her at Macdonalds and then walk to the theatre. It was a 5 minutes walk, which i was just what i need after a fillet-O-fish student meal. When we reached the theatre, we only waited for few minutes and we could go in to have our seats. The theatre was quite big and nice. We managed to get the middle seats that can give us a very good view. Jiaying is seated just right in front of us BUT the conductor blocked her from our view. *Argh* Although taking of photographs are not allowed, i managed to '投拍', haha, and also to record a video. These are the photos i have taken :
These pictures are a bit blur, ^^' but i suppose is still alright, right? Among all the pieces, i like Mama Mia, You're Beautiful, 童话. I dunno how to put the video in, so cant watch, too bad, AW.....haha. The band did 2 times of encore and the concert ended with You're Beautiful. I bet those who went to the concert did have a great night, isn't it?

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Today, i went PC BUNK with agnes, belinda, shunyu and yingjie. And also tzumi tagged along later, because she dun want to play. This is my first time going there, the purpose is too go there to have a look what PC BUNK is actually like and of course to play!!!

Shunyu, yingjie and I reach there at about 10am, agnes and belinda were late so we went in first. The computers are all flat panel and are movable, you can adjust the height of the monitor. The environment there is quite good, i like it very much. But, the charge there is also very "beautiful', during public and school holidays, its $4/h but if its normal school days, its $3/h (if i did not remember wrongly).

So went in and played for a while and agnes finally came. We play all modes together and when belinda finally came, we then played battle party. If i did not remember wrongly, we played like 4 or 5 games of battle party and ONLY won the 1st game. So, we lost some den. There is a game that we just started and belinda's computer lagged out of the game, thus we have no choice but to continue and you should know the result, we LOST!!! DUH....

I cannot afford to lose anymore den, so went off to play my own games. The new mode call 'Club Dance' is really nice, is a combo of choreo + couple dance. But one thing that is very difficult about this game is to find boys to play this mode as you know that there are lesser boys in audition (i suppose).

At about 2pm, tzumi finally came and she is tempted by us, hence in the end she found a computer and started playing audition. Her Korean clothing is really very funny, but cute. ( i mean her audition character) When we found out that is time to go, we quit the game and went to pay. I spent a total of $16.50 for playing audition, i dun feel '心痛' because is very '值得' as we can gain like two times the experience as compared to if we play at home.

After all the playing, we went to eat pastamania which was also my first time, which i dun think is nice as it is just pasta with sauce! xD

We went window shopping at plaza singapura and then went herion to take neoprints. There is a new machine and we went on to try and turn out to be good. This machine can erase other things so that only our faces will appear and then we can decorate it. And this is the one which i think is the nicest......

Haha, i become a man liao, anyway, i am the one who added in the last line, red in colour.....this is done by tzumi and me. I like it so much.......anyway that's how the day ended.

There is a BBSS concert band this friday at bugis, if shunyu, tzumi and me can reach there earlier, if we have the time maybe we can shop around and even take neoprints again!!! *(^u^)*

Monday, March 12, 2007

Song Added !!!

Hello again!!! Today i have added a song to my blog, named "专属天使" the ending song for <花样少年少女>. It is damm nice, i liked it soooooooooooo much and i know you all will like it too. =P
At first i dunno how to add songs to my blog, so went to ask qinning again for help. I followed the instructions and *POOF* added the song in. Thanks again, qinning! (oh ya, thanks for the muffins too, AGAIN!)
Now i will show the lyrics of this song, and hope you enjoy the song!!!
☆专属天使- tank☆
☆作曲:tank 提供:再兴☆


Saturday, March 10, 2007

Holidays = NO Holidays

Holidays have finally arrive, thought i could use this time to relax myself and have a goood rest. BUT, to my surprise, i got homework for all 8 subjects!!!!! ='[
So that's why Holidays = NO Holidays...............
Anyway, now i'm having aches all over my body, especially my back and legs. Do you know that i ran a total of 40 rounds around the netball court this week for netball training? Also did some physical training, *oh*, i think i only left 半条命. Worst is that after the 20 rounds of netball courts on thursday, i had to go for 2.4km run on friday, for P.E. My aches haven't even recovered yet and now, it is worsening. I now left only a quarter of my life. Hope can get the other three quarter back as soon as possible, haha, =D
I have got to relax, so i'm going PC bunk with shunyu, yingjie (dunno whether tzumi going or not) to play audition. I never been there before, so wanted to go and have a look. I wonder how does it look like....hmmmm........
Oh, there is a BBSS band concert next friday at bugis. I'm going for the concert to support my friends. jiaying, dun you worry, i will try to get a photo of you when u are performing. Heehee.... =P
About this blogskin, i took a long time searching for it and trying to edit the codes. And, a very STUPID thing happened. When i was done with my edit on the codes, i see the preview and thought that is done, so i close the window. But i when i reopen a window to view my blog, i found out that the blogskin remain the same old one. THEN, i remember that I FORGOT TO SAVE THE TEMPLATE CHANGES!!!! I had spent a long time editing it and now its gone!!!! *OMG* I had no choice but to redo it AGAIN!!!! I can't believe that i did such a STUPID thing. The moral of the story : Be alert and concentrate at all times, so that you will not regret like me.

Friday, March 2, 2007

What a tiring week.......

*tired* is what i can say after all the tests. I am so STRESS, but i bet the others who are also taking tests are also STRESS like me ba. Finally can sit down and catch a breath, *phew*
Today is the Chinese oral, and the my teacher is charge is Mdm Gao Song. I know nothing about her, so dunno her marking scheme, is it lenient or strict. But heard from Lina that she is strict on the reading part, so what have i got to say? Just go for it, and wish myself good luck! I found out that i dunno how to read the word '弘', i read it as 'xiong'....*haiz* The 论话题 was Ooo..kkkK....i think. At first i thought Mdm Gao would let us have some time to think of what to say, but i was WRONG!!!! She is a bit impatient, when i was just about to think what am i going to say, she shoot me THREE questions in a row. I was shocked, and quickly say whatever i had in mind.
After the oral, i went to accompany Qinning to the coffee shop to get her clothes changed, because she i think she dunno the way to the toilet? ='] Anyway, she changed her clothes as she is going to Gary's performance. As you all know, her No.1 idol is Gary Chaw (Cao Ge). She was asking me whether to sit behind so that if there is any poster being thrown, she can get it. Or try to get a sit in front, so that can have a good look at Gary. Such a silly question, i mean is like totally up to her, but i told her to sit in front because the purpose going there is to look Gary perform and not get his poster. Dunno how was the performance, go ask her if i have the chance. But too bad for Qinning, Gary is only going to sing about six songs, which means the performance is only for an hour or so. She told me that SHOW is going!! The moment i heard that, my eyes brightened and wanted her to take some photos of SHOW. But to my disappointment, she was just joking to me?!?!? *argh*
I'm going to end here, so tried. *yawn* Tomorrow still got a netball match at 9am with Nan Hua Sec, but got to reach school by 7.30am, so wish me good luck!!!