Thursday, March 15, 2007


Today, i went PC BUNK with agnes, belinda, shunyu and yingjie. And also tzumi tagged along later, because she dun want to play. This is my first time going there, the purpose is too go there to have a look what PC BUNK is actually like and of course to play!!!

Shunyu, yingjie and I reach there at about 10am, agnes and belinda were late so we went in first. The computers are all flat panel and are movable, you can adjust the height of the monitor. The environment there is quite good, i like it very much. But, the charge there is also very "beautiful', during public and school holidays, its $4/h but if its normal school days, its $3/h (if i did not remember wrongly).

So went in and played for a while and agnes finally came. We play all modes together and when belinda finally came, we then played battle party. If i did not remember wrongly, we played like 4 or 5 games of battle party and ONLY won the 1st game. So, we lost some den. There is a game that we just started and belinda's computer lagged out of the game, thus we have no choice but to continue and you should know the result, we LOST!!! DUH....

I cannot afford to lose anymore den, so went off to play my own games. The new mode call 'Club Dance' is really nice, is a combo of choreo + couple dance. But one thing that is very difficult about this game is to find boys to play this mode as you know that there are lesser boys in audition (i suppose).

At about 2pm, tzumi finally came and she is tempted by us, hence in the end she found a computer and started playing audition. Her Korean clothing is really very funny, but cute. ( i mean her audition character) When we found out that is time to go, we quit the game and went to pay. I spent a total of $16.50 for playing audition, i dun feel '心痛' because is very '值得' as we can gain like two times the experience as compared to if we play at home.

After all the playing, we went to eat pastamania which was also my first time, which i dun think is nice as it is just pasta with sauce! xD

We went window shopping at plaza singapura and then went herion to take neoprints. There is a new machine and we went on to try and turn out to be good. This machine can erase other things so that only our faces will appear and then we can decorate it. And this is the one which i think is the nicest......

Haha, i become a man liao, anyway, i am the one who added in the last line, red in colour.....this is done by tzumi and me. I like it so much.......anyway that's how the day ended.

There is a BBSS concert band this friday at bugis, if shunyu, tzumi and me can reach there earlier, if we have the time maybe we can shop around and even take neoprints again!!! *(^u^)*

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