Saturday, March 31, 2007

sOmething bad is cOming...........

I dunno why, my right eye has been twitching for 2 DAYS!!!! During these two days, i have been very careful in everything i did. I kept myself alert all times, like while i was crossing the road, eating, and many more that will lead BAD THINGS to me. You may say that i am superstitious or old fashion, blahblahblah. But you never know what will happen tomorrow, or the day after, or even the day after the next day. SO be safe than sorry, if not you will regret FOREVER!!!!

My mum taught me a method to stop the twitching, which you all may also think that i am being overly superstitious:
Step 1: Pull your eyelid once and say " 好运来"
Step 2: Pull your eyelid again, and say "坏事去"
Last step: Blow them away from your fingers.
This is suppose to make the eye stop twitching, but it didn't, haha. ^^''''' *dots* I hope my right eye will stop twitching, and '好事快快来'.
*O*.O twitching again.
While i was posting, two msn chat windows popped up. Both said about photo album and wanted me to accept it. I didnt as my friend told me that was a virus. She accepted it as she didnt know, so kena virus, now her msn siao liao. Therefore here's a WARNING: DO NOT ACCEPT ANY PHOTO ALBUM DOCUMENTS FROM ANY MSN WINDOW, AS THEY ARE VIRUS!!!!!!!

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