Sunday, April 8, 2007


My GOOD FRIDAY was really a good one, what about yours? My cousin just had a son, named kai jun last year and yesterday was his son's 1 year old birthday. My cousin's son should call me '表姨', haha, i'm an aunt at the age of 13, sounds very old.
Yeah, so all the relatives when to my cousin house to celebrate the birthday boy's birthday. They ordered buffet and the food was very delicious!!! I like the dessert alot, which is the 'mashed yam'(not quite sure what it is called). Kai jun's birthday cake was a 3 kg cake, quite big, so that there is enough to share around. The birthday cake is specially designed, with an Elmo on it, and it taste super nice!!! The cake is not dry, just nice, with sweet cream on it, i can still remember the taste.....*saliva dripping* Other than the 'mashed yam', i also like the 纸包鸡, 排骨 and the 炒面. They are very nice lo. After having my dinner i got nothing to do but to watch television. Luckily, channel 5 was showing ICE AGE and after that was the Cinderella's Story. Did you all watch the Cinderella's Story? Its nice, just like a fairy tale.
During my self training on thursday, qinning told me that her head still feel very pain, after the knock on her head with Fiona's head. She said its been 2 days(i think) and the pain is still there. It's very '恐怖' seeing her kept pressing her head, and whining. This knock on the head can really be very serious - i dunno, may lead to blood clot etc. You don't know what is happening inside your skull, so i told her to go for a check or something. But when i came back from the training and told my mum about the knock on qinning's head, she said just apply zum-bak on it and have a massage will do. So qinning, did you go back home and massage? Hope you did and feel better.
Now, right now, i have a situation here. I am having my presentation on monday and still dunno what to present. I think until my head cracked, still can't think of any. I asked my mum, qinning, tzumi and many more on what to say but i just feel the ideas are not good or very difficult to present. And do you know what my mum suggested? She said maybe i can talked about 'The purpose of 清明节' HAHAAAAAAAA, funny right? But she think there is nothing wrong lo. *Haiz* I think i'm going back and continue to think and prepare for my presentation, so tata.....

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