Friday, August 30, 2013


Last weekend, I was busy with tuitions as I can't have any this week due to trainings and competitions. On top of that, I've an assignment due on Monday! For the whole of this week, I've night activities everyday except today. 

So for this week, after school I had: 

Monday - tuition from 8 - 9.30pm
Tuesday - meet up with lynn and qinning because lynn is flying to budapest the next day 
Wedneday - IFG training from 7pm to 10pm
Thursday - IFG training from 7pm to 9.30pm
Friday - REST DAY 

For my weekends: 

Saturday - IFG competition
Sunday - IFG competition (if we manage to go into the finals which I think shouldn't be a problem! :) ) 

SO BUSY....but I quite like the netball trainings I had for this year's IFG. I just find it more fun than last year? I think it's the group of players that I met. They're all so  friendly! In addition, the trainings I had this time round is really thorough such that my whole shirt is WET. Within that 2 hours of training, I can perspire that much! I'm so happy!!!!! HAHAHA, can burn off a lot (I guess?) of calories! 

If I were to go jogging myself, a 5km jog will take me about 45 minutes and my shirt is only 50% drenched with my perspiration, sometimes worst, it's not even wet. Furthermore, I normally choose late afternoon when the sun is still out to run so that I can burn more calories due to the sun. Now, with netball training which is at NIGHT, with just 2 hours, my WHOLE SHIRT IS WET. My 4 limbs will also 'sparkle' under the moonlight due to my perspiration. THIS IS AWESOME!!! HAHAHA.....Personally, I think playing netball is so much more fun than jogging. I don't feel tired when I play netball. For running, I always need to tell myself: Shihui, 1 more round and you're done! GO GO GO~~~ It's really more fun to exercise by playing netball. I will sprint as fast as I to get the ball or defend the ball when I need to. It's a normal reaction that I will have, at least I don't need to keep reminding myself to keep moving and don't give up etc. 

I went to weigh myself this afternoon after my lunch (a bowl of home-cooked penne with pasta sauce) and............I'M BACK TO MY ORIGINAL WEIGHT!!!!!!! SOOOOOO HAPPY CAN!!!!!!! I'm not quite sure if it's true, will monitor it....because I didn't really have a diet plan. I think it might be due to me skipping dinner due to trainings at 7pm. However, I always make sure I've 2 pieces of bread 1 or 1.5 hours before my training so that I've the energy to run/jump/... and of course don't eat anything after trainings other than maybe a cup of honey water. And maybe also I've been skipping breakfast too. For this semester, all my classes start at 2pm everyday except for even weeks, on tuesdays, I will start at noon. Therefore, I normally have brunch before I go for classes. So basically, each day I only have 2 meals. *Oh wells* It's too early to say if I've lose that 1kg which I've gained in Taiwan. To me, staying healthy is the most important thing! :) 

ALL THE BEST FOR TEAM SCIENCE FOR TOMORROW'S NETBALL INTER-FACULTY GAMES!!! JIAYOU!!! (I really hope we can get top 3 this time round!!! :) )

OH and HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY BRO~~~~~ ^^!!!!!!

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