Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Good food, Good accompany

This holiday is really a feasting month for me. I ate lots of good food! I didn't shop much so all the money spend are on FOOD! I tried a lot of food which I wanted to try after seeing so many bloggers talked about. I feel accomplished after trying them out and I can finally strike it off my To-Eat-List. HAHA!

Anyway, since my last post I went to quite a few restaurants to eat. I went saizeriya with meirong, shunyu and yingjie for xmas lunch. I went there before and thought it was a nice place to dine in as the food is not bad and cheap too.

Chicken wings and sausages to share. I orderes squid ink pasta and shunyu ordered salmon gratin.

Escargot to share too
Meirong's Chicken gratin (I think)
Yingjie's steak 

For me, I had free flow of drinks too. There are many choices to choose from and I only paid $12.40! Cheap right? I was very full by then. *BURP*

The next restaurant I went was Victor's kitchen. Qinning recommends this place for custard bun. It was really good, in terms of the custard, Victor's is better than Swee Choon's. As for the skin, I prefer Swee Choon's.

Anyway, Victor's Kitchen is really an old place, just another coffee shop, a mini and squeezy one. The shop has this traditional look. They even use the traditional way to calculate the bill. In addition, they have a limited choice of dim sums. I only spent 5 mins looking at the whole menu, including drinks. Personally I feel that only their custard bun is good. If you want to eat dim sums, Swee Choon will be able to provide a wider choice of dim sums, the service they provide and the eating experience in terms of ambience you get will be so much better too. 

I shared all this with qinning and I paid $13.50 which is not very cheap for the variety of dim sums I had as compared to the dinner I had at Swee Choon.

After that brunch, we had frolick! It's been while since I had frozen yoghurt! Frolick is my favourite frozen yoghurt thus far! *YUMS*

Lastly, I went Yomenya Goemon with qinning, yes, AGAIN. She was my workout buddy, but ever since she hurt her leg, she can't exercise much. Therefore, now I officially announced that she has promoted/demoted to my eating buddy! Don't misunderstand me, I'm not complaining. I'm quite happy actually because not everyone wants to try out food like me :) :P :D 

Really missed eating pasta, especially aglio olio and vongole!
This vongole is not bad but still prefer the westernized one which contains white wine. 
Qinning's carbonara which is not very heavy. Good!
Mango pudding with ice cream. The pudding and ice cream are good,
they should really change the mango they use, taste weird!
I know that it's not good to keep eating outside food therefore whenever I'm at home I will eat something light for lunch and dinner. Here's what I'll eat:

Brunch: Cereal with berries yoghurt drink topped with seedless grapes!
Snack: Fresh mangoes with low fat plain yoghurt!
Dinner: Cereal with milk/soya milk/yoghurt drink!

I love such meals! I can NEVER get tired of them. I like that to play around with the combination and have different taste each time. The fact that cereal and yoghurt are plain, I can make them so tasty after adding special milk or drinks for cereal and different fruits for yoghurt. LOVE IT! Too bad school is going to start soon, I doubt I can have them for meals already as I need energy to study. Yes, the truth is, after eating them, you will only feel that you're half-full and have no much of energy in your body. At least for me, it's like that. Therefore, I will only have this when I'm at home for this holiday because I know once I'm out, I will 大吃大喝. In a sense, getting my energy back? Anyway, this holiday is very slack for me, I don't need much energy too.

I baked macarons this holiday! Another *achievement unlocked* moment~ This is because it's not easy to make these tasty-and-cute-looking-puffs. All the measurements taken must be VERY accurate, the beating of batter must be just right and the weather plays a part too. There's a lot of things to consider...that's why my first attempt FAILED, quite badly. Look at the shapes, so horrible. Those on top are the best of them all.

The only thing that is a success is the chocolate ganache! It's sweetness is just nice and the texture is really creamy too~~~^^

Look at those crinkled ones...XoX
Recently, I'm quite into lip care. I realized that when I put on nude lipsticks, it won't turn out well especially so when my lips are chapped. It's quite frustrating as I cannot make my lips to be moist immediately at the point when I'm putting on the nude lipsticks. Therefore, I went to seek help from.....Mr. Google. I researched a bit and found out that there's actually a scrub just for LIPS. I never thought of that. I only heard of facial scrub, body scrub etc but never a lip scrub. I thought maybe just use the facial scrub or body scrub for the lips too but those are too strong for the lips. They will hurt the cells over at our lips. Hence, only use lip scrub for our lips. I found of this brand call, LUSH which is US brand which sells handmade natural cosmetics. I never see it in singapore so I can't buy their products. According to many youtubers, their lip scrubs are quite popular and good although it's a little pricey. I can see the immediate result when they used it and show the whole process for their review on the lip scrub. 

They have quite a few flavours but the more popular ones among the youtubers are bubblegum and mint julips. These are sugar paste so they CAN BE EATEN. This is how you use it: take some out from the container, then put them on your lips and start scrubbing until the grains disappear. After that, you can either wash it away OR LICK IT AWAY WITH YOUR TOUGUE. Then apply, vaseline on lips to keep it moisturize.

Since I can't buy that in singapore, I have to find other ways to get it. I HAVE TO SAVE MY LIPS. While I'm looking through youtube, I saw quite a few videos on how to make you lip scrubs! *MY EYES BRIGHTEN UP LITERALLY* There's even a video on 女人我最大, showing us how to make and apply lip scrub. It's really simple: get some brown sugar and put them in a small container, put a few drops of extra virgin olive oil and mix until you get the consistency you want. Add more sugar if the paste is too watery or add more olive oil if the paste is too dry. AND, THAT'S IT! APPLY AND SCRUB AWAY~~

I was determined to save my lips thus went out to look for suitable small container for my lip scrub. I was looking around in wisma and TO MY SURPRISE, I saw a store selling handmade cosmetics and all labelled with LUSH!!!! So....there's a store in singapore selling LUSH products! *YAY*

I went into the store and only look at their lip scrubs. THEY COST A FREAKING $20 for 1 small one! It's expensive but I still bought it. I was thinking just try it out? See how good is it? Anyway, if I don't think it's good, I won't buy from them anymore then and I still got the container which I can use it to hold my lip scrub when I make them.

I was thinking which one should I get. All of them have their own smell. It's quite strong too. Actually, all the products in the store has their own strong smell. Therefore, when you pass by, you not only get to see the cool look they have but also smell the aroma which diffuses out from the shop. It's quite appealing actually. I bought the MINT JULIPS lip scrubs because I don't like bubblegum in the first place and as for the other flavours, the smell is just not right for my lips. I don't want my lips to smell like chocolate after using SWEET LIPS, so I think MINT JULIPS is the best. The mint smell is more than the chocolatey smell. It smells good even when it's closed.

I've tried and proven, this lip scrub works for me. I can see and feel the difference after my first use. My lips look more pinkish and feel much smoother. As for the subsequent use, I no longer can see the difference in colour but still will have the smooth feeling which is soooooo gooood. My lips have never felt so smooth before. FYI, I use this everyday ever since I bought it. I use it at night after I brushed my teeth, then apply vaseline on my lips and go to bed. The next morning, my lips will still feel moisturize! *AMAZED* Then if I know I'm gonna apply lipstick, I will scrub  it when I bath so that I can have smooth lips before I apply lipsticks!

I'm so happy with this product. I'm wondering if I will make my own lip scrub after I finish this tub because for homemade lip scrubs we can't keep it for more than 2 weeks. I'll see how. If I save up enough by the time I finish this tub, I shall buy from them again ^^

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