Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

It's christmas! This year, I really have this christmas feel because during this festive season, I not only send out xmas cards but also baked cookies and gave them out to friends as xmas gifts. I received xmas gifts from friends and relatives too. This year's christmas is really quite different for me, hope it will be the same or even better next year!

I decided to do some baking this holiday and since is christmas, cookies will be a good choice! I made them in heart, flower, snowflakes and round shapes. These shapes kinda fit the festive season right? Heart-shape represents the love for your loved ones and snowflakes-shaped represents the snow of course. Flower and round shapes.....hmm maybe they don't fit the theme but round shapes is a must since that's the standard shape for a cookie! Then flower....okay can't think of any reason already. 

Personally, I like the snowflakes-shaped cookies the best! Define outline of the shape as compared to the heart-shape ones. 

I made snickers brownies topped with chocolate buttons too! They are heavenly! I wanted to taste it ever since I saw the recipe. Snickers + sugar + dark chocolate, it wasn't as sweet as I expected but it was too sweet for my mum. Seriously, it sounds sweet but really, IT ISN'T! I dunno why too. This recipe will officially replace the original brownie recipe that I used to use for baking brownies all this while. The texture and taste is better too. I can just remove the snickers to make a plain brownie! Just love this to the max! 

I baked all these in the day and it took me around 4-5 hours or less than that? That night, I went to meet shunyu and yingjie for dinner at bugis. They were the first to get these freshly baked cookies! We had PORN's sexy.thai.food. Look at the table of food! 

We shared these:

Tom Yum Seafood Soup: sour-ness is there but REALLY salty!
Pandan Chicken: smells and taste good, strong pandan taste too
Prawn cakes
Yingjie and I, each had a plate of pad thai which is not bad. It's a little salty and sweet at the same time.

Shunyu had a bowl of clear fish soup noodle which taste really fishy for me.

After dinner we went to 糖水先 but it was full house! We didn't want to wait so head over to Ah Chew's Desserts instead. It was full house there too but we were lucky, they have a table for us when we reached the shop.

Shunyu's guilin gao that comes with a pot of syrup. It's really bitter without the syrup, ><

Yingjie's watermelon and honeydew sago

My hongkong style red bean ice and aloe vera with honey and lime. Yes, I had 2 portion of dessert because I was SO THIRSTY! I think I had too much salt at PORN's. 

I'm gonna make macaroons this friday with zenia! I hope it will be a successful first try for me! I heard that is quite difficult to make it as the room temperature plays a part, the accuracy of the amount of ingredients used for baking and the amount of whisking of the egg whites must be just right. If any one of it gone wrong, it will not be successful, the shells will turn out FLAT! Just hope it will be a successful one! 

OH....since it's christmas, it also means that the judgement day for me is here. My results will be out tomorrow. *sigh* Please don't give me a shock. Bell curve god, please be on my side. Please. :*1

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