Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

It's christmas! This year, I really have this christmas feel because during this festive season, I not only send out xmas cards but also baked cookies and gave them out to friends as xmas gifts. I received xmas gifts from friends and relatives too. This year's christmas is really quite different for me, hope it will be the same or even better next year!

I decided to do some baking this holiday and since is christmas, cookies will be a good choice! I made them in heart, flower, snowflakes and round shapes. These shapes kinda fit the festive season right? Heart-shape represents the love for your loved ones and snowflakes-shaped represents the snow of course. Flower and round shapes.....hmm maybe they don't fit the theme but round shapes is a must since that's the standard shape for a cookie! Then flower....okay can't think of any reason already. 

Personally, I like the snowflakes-shaped cookies the best! Define outline of the shape as compared to the heart-shape ones. 

I made snickers brownies topped with chocolate buttons too! They are heavenly! I wanted to taste it ever since I saw the recipe. Snickers + sugar + dark chocolate, it wasn't as sweet as I expected but it was too sweet for my mum. Seriously, it sounds sweet but really, IT ISN'T! I dunno why too. This recipe will officially replace the original brownie recipe that I used to use for baking brownies all this while. The texture and taste is better too. I can just remove the snickers to make a plain brownie! Just love this to the max! 

I baked all these in the day and it took me around 4-5 hours or less than that? That night, I went to meet shunyu and yingjie for dinner at bugis. They were the first to get these freshly baked cookies! We had PORN's sexy.thai.food. Look at the table of food! 

We shared these:

Tom Yum Seafood Soup: sour-ness is there but REALLY salty!
Pandan Chicken: smells and taste good, strong pandan taste too
Prawn cakes
Yingjie and I, each had a plate of pad thai which is not bad. It's a little salty and sweet at the same time.

Shunyu had a bowl of clear fish soup noodle which taste really fishy for me.

After dinner we went to 糖水先 but it was full house! We didn't want to wait so head over to Ah Chew's Desserts instead. It was full house there too but we were lucky, they have a table for us when we reached the shop.

Shunyu's guilin gao that comes with a pot of syrup. It's really bitter without the syrup, ><

Yingjie's watermelon and honeydew sago

My hongkong style red bean ice and aloe vera with honey and lime. Yes, I had 2 portion of dessert because I was SO THIRSTY! I think I had too much salt at PORN's. 

I'm gonna make macaroons this friday with zenia! I hope it will be a successful first try for me! I heard that is quite difficult to make it as the room temperature plays a part, the accuracy of the amount of ingredients used for baking and the amount of whisking of the egg whites must be just right. If any one of it gone wrong, it will not be successful, the shells will turn out FLAT! Just hope it will be a successful one! 

OH....since it's christmas, it also means that the judgement day for me is here. My results will be out tomorrow. *sigh* Please don't give me a shock. Bell curve god, please be on my side. Please. :*1

Friday, December 21, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Small Update

I finally finish watching 爱情闯进门, 32 episodes! Phew. It will be better if it's not being dubbed. I don't like it when I know the actor/actress's real voice but yet in the show what I heard is not their real voice. Just feel so uncomfortable. Anyway, I like this song from this drama, it's also called: 爱情闯进门, same as the title of the drama. It's by BY2. Although I don't really admire BY2 but I must say they do know how to sing and sang this song nicely.

 And yes, still reading the book which I mentioned last post.

I have been watching 娱乐百分百 these few days. I just don't understand why channel u want to stop screening the show. It's a happy and funny show. It really gives me lots of entertainment. This is such a great show, channel u should get it back on their channel.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

So far so good~

I've been enjoying my holiday ttm! I didn't go work although I sort of found a job, is just that the pay is low and the traveling time is long so not worth it. I guess I just rest for this month? I still giving tuition though, so I hope it will be enough :x

So what did I do so far? I watched SM town live in Tokyo in 3D with qinning last week before she flew to Thailand for her holiday. The movie ticket costs $18 and it was a 1.5 hour movie. A 4 hour concert reduce to a 1.5 hour movie....hais, really nothing much though. All the performances in the movie are their own songs and the movie didn't include special performances. So personally I think is not worth the money. Oh wells. 

Then last sunday I went east coast park with shinfen, shunyu and tzumi. And like what shinfen said, it was a replay of taiwan. We cycled for 2 hours and this time round, shinfen and tzumi took the double bike. The weather was good that day. I saw many families having picnic there and there were many tents along the beach. It was the most number of tents I've seen in my entire life. I mean tents for family gathering. Or maybe is just that it's been quite some since I've been to the beach? The only beaches I've gone recently will be those in Sentosa, not those along the island. It was great! I really love to go to the beach. Sometimes I wonder it will be good if I can work at the beach. I will be looking forward to work everyday then. But what kind of jobs can there be at a beach? Lifeguard? I have no certificate for that. Ermmm....I dunno..a good job will be working at a bar along the beach. Can see the beach, feel the breeze while I'm working at the bar. Damm cool. I can even serve drinks to the customers who are lying along the beach. Damm cool! *u*

My very first jump shot with this pose! SUCCESS! With just one try! :) 

Hhahaa, anyway, after our 'workout session' at east coast park, we head to Swee Choon. I've been wanting to dine in there for soooooooooo looooooooooooong. Finally did it this holiday! I think the price is reasonable and the food are good! *Slurps* I shared a bowl of 炸酱面 with shunyu and it cost $4/$4.50? It was quite a big bowl for one person. Most importantly, at first I thought it will taste just like a another ordinary bowl of 炸酱面, but I'M WRONG. My first mouth of that noodle makes me crave for more! It tastes super good! It is the best 炸酱面 I've tasted. Maybe because I'm hungry, but it just taste so good! The taste is really different from what I've tried outside and the noodle is different too. I suspect is handmade, but can't be sure though. IT JUST TASTE SUPER DIFFERENT. 

For the 4 of us, we ordered 8 types of dim sums, but a total of 10 plates as for 2 of the dim sums we ordered 2 plates. Then shinfen and tzumi shared a bowl of beef noodle, shunyu and I shared a bowl of 炸酱面. On top of that, 3 of us had tea while shunyu had 'micheal jackson'. For all of these, each of us only paid $12 (fyi it's the round up value). I think for the amount of food I had and the quality of the food, $12 is SUPER WORTH it! For the tea you can add hot water after the first round, so in a sense you get a refill. WORTH RIGHT? 

From top left to right: 炸酱面, beef noodle, xlb, fried prawn wrap, egg tart, char siew bao, lian rong bao,
liu sha bao, shao mai. I forgot to take the last dim sum! It's a wrap with egg and floss inside. 

LIU SHA BAO! It didn't taste as good as what I've expected. Maybe I still can't accept the fact that it's salted egg yolk which they are using. But it's definitely better than Kungfu Paradise's liu sha bao. See the plate of sushi like food at the back on the photo on the left? That's the wrap I'm taking about.

Egg tart! It's content is really juicy and smooth!

After dinner, we walked to bugis and visited michelle. We did some camwhore before moving on to dessert. there is a dessert shop at bugis near PORN's Thai goof restaurant. I heard that is not bad. Although all of us were still full, we decided to just head there and share a bowl of dessert. HOWEVER, it was full house there. The place is small and there is still a queue. *FAINT* It was quite late already and is a Sunday but there were still people queuing for dessert. So I guess the dessert is good? I shall go there again another time and try their dessert.

As for today, I went tuition then head to Jcube to have dinner with shunyu before we watch 'Ah Boys To Men' with shinfen. It is a funny movie. I wouldn't say very funny but is funny luh. I think this movie is really interesting and the scene at the start which depicts how Singapore will look like when she is being under-attacked is really scary. It looks so real. It's my first time seeing things related to army. The bunk, camp and all. The bunk was so much better than what I've expected. I wonder if girls need to serve the NS how will it be. Interesting isn't it? I think the best part will be able to slim down in just few weeks. HAHA. But looking at how the sergeant shouts and being so unreasonable, I think I will just breakdown. So really must give the NS men a round of applause as they went through such a tough training, both physically and mentally. I will definitely catch part 2 of this movie and I assume it will be as good as the first one :) 

Right now I'm reading this book: The Solitude of Prime Numbers. Don't be deceived by the title, it has nothing got to do with math. Here's the description about the book:

It can only be divided by itself or by one; it never truly fits with another. Alice and Mattia, both "primes", are misfits haunted by early tragedies. When the two meet as teenagers, they recognize in each other a kindred, damaged spirit. Years later, a chance encounter reunites them and forces a lifetime of a concealed emotion to the surface. But can two prime numbers ever find a way to be together? The Solitude of Prime Numbers is a stunning mediation on loneliness, love, and what it means to be human.

I just started on this book so can't comment much. I hope it's a good one. I think using prime numbers to describe them is really the best way to express the loneliness.

Currently, I'm watching this drama: 爱情闯进门. It's by Victoria from f(x), Calvin from Fahrenheit, Zhou mi from Super Junior M and some other actors and actresses whom I never seen before. I guess maybe they are from China? This is because this drama is filmed in China, furthermore, it's being dubbed. I prefer to hear their real voice though. Anyway, this drama is also something like the book. The male and female lead met each other when they were young at the orphanage and they tried to look for each other when they grew up. Now that they found each other, things got worse due to their identity etc. I wouldn't say this drama is very nice cause I think is kinda draggy. Since I've started watching it, I have to finish it so that I know what's the ending, isn't it? It's a freaking 32 episodes! The longest 偶像剧 I've seen, now you know what I meant by draggy. I left 10 more episodes to go though! :D

That should be about it. Tomorrow I'm going to stay over at Lynn's house with qinning, IT WILL BE FUN! :D :D :D

Monday, December 3, 2012


Yes! My exams ended on the 1st of dec and here I am enjoying my holidays! I feel so relax now. But I think it won't last long as the results will be out soon and I guess it will not be very pleasant? I just have to pray to the bell curve god. Cannot have another C, if not my CAP will be gone.....:(

Hmmmm, what to blog about then? My life is so boring, nothing special. I don't know if I will be working this month. If I don't work, I will have no extra money other than my salary from tuition which is very little. HAIS....sian. 

Yesterday I finished watching 'To the beautiful you', the korean version of 花样少年少女. Not bad, not as exaggerating as the taiwan version but not as funny too. I think I might start to watch a few drama? But I doubt I can finish it. Maybe watch some movies that I've missed due to school. I really want to watch breaking dawn but no one wants to watch it with me. Is either they watched it already or they are not interested. Hmph. I guess I have to watch it online. 

Other than I'm having my holidays now, another reason that I'm so relax now is because I finally break free from an issue which have bothered me for quite some time. By that, I mean a few years. I hope that action will be a life changing one for me and from now on, my life will change for the better. To others, this issue may not be a something big and there is no reason is make a big fuss out of it. However, for me, maybe only me will make such a big fuss over it as it really matters a lot to me. Whatever it is, I've tried my best and made the first step, let's see how it goes then.  :*)