Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Went out with yingjie for the whole of yesterday. We went to army open house. Haha, kinda sudden but I think yingjie is kinda bored at home, so want to find something to do, quite a few things happen to her lately.....

Anyway, so we were at F1 pit yesterday. We didn't expect to see so many people to be there. Most of them were families with children. We went to look around the exhibits and didn't go for any ride because the queues were dammmmm loooooong. We saw chih kiat at the open house too. Nothing much really.....we were not as excited as the children over there. So there's a show at 4pm but we finish the walking around at 2pm plus. Thus we decided to so suntec city to chill a bit. We went to coffee bean and each of us ordered a drink and sat there and.....chill. Then walked around before going back for the show. BUT.....we were too late, reached there at exactly 4pm and the crowd was even larger as compare to the one when we just reached. We only get to see some smoke and hear loud gun shots.....=.= wasted! Should have leave suntec earlier....hais.

After that we went back to suntec city and catch a movie. Didn't plan that at all, is a last minute thing. We didn't know what to do in the first place, so decided to watch a movie. I wanted to watch 灵听 but yingjie too timid....and thought there's nothing to watch le. Then something caught my eye, din tao! I didn't know what's that at first, then when I saw it in the movie app, it's actually 阵头! OMG!!! I WAS SO HAPPY!!!! We saw the poster at the cinema but it stated sneak preview started but will only start showing on the 30/31 may. We thought sneak preview is for VIP or what but to our surprise we actually can buy tickets to watch the show already! SO YAY!!!!! Finally get to watch it.......

And how was the movie? DAMMMMM TOUCHING! The father and son relationship really 感动到我,真的流了不少眼泪. Also, saw how grand and superb the drum performance was......really must give them a BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE!!!!!!! I went youtube to watch their behind-the-scenes today. All of them  have the skill and all for the movie, didn't use any 替身. Through the BTS, can see that the filming process is really tough. The training they had definitely trained them how to be stronger......they not only need to be physically but also mentally tough in order to finish this whole project. I am willing to watch this movie again.....just shows how good this movie is. No regret watching it. Paid $11 for this 2 hours plus movie. 赞!赞!赞!

We had dinner at burger king after the movie. Their turkey bacon tendergrill chicken is nice! Not bad. Worth trying. But their service is bad.....real bad. No wonder is so empty. Most of the restaurants there are crowded except burger king....so there's a reason for it......lesson learnt then: no matter how crowded a restaurant is, just wait for seats and don't sacrifice yourself for bad service/food, 会对不起自己和肚子的!

Today, I woke up at 7:20AM without the help of my alarm clock. Why? Must be my subconscious, telling myself time to wake up can check my results. I sat upright, reached for my handphone and to my surprise, there isn't any SMS from NUS. I laid back down and at that moment, the 'ting ting' sound came. Sounds like drama but that really happened. I shot up and saw my results at a glance. What I prayed for came true, not very good but at least is not the worst. I have to work harder next semester. Overall, the result for this semester is better than last semester. But due to a module that I have no confident in and even thought that I might fail it, it pulled me down greatly. So despite the other modules are okay, my CAP is fell by 0.03. Even my SU-ing, it will only increase by 0.03 which is just to maintain my CAP. I doubt is useful right? I should save it for the future right? Please advise me.

This is my results and I have to accept it and move on. Nothing much I can do also, so no point brooding over it since I really gave my best.

Haven't play badminton for years.......and today shunyu, yingjie and I went to the indoor badminton court at bukit gombak sports complex to play badminton. We booked the court last week, so it was all planned out nicely. I think the last time I played badminton was in JC? Like J1? Can't remember too.....too long ago. We played for 2 full hours and my whole top was wet. It's been a long time since I perspire that much. The last time should be netball training. It really feels great to exercise and perspire. But we forgot to warm up.....sure get aches all over our body tomorrow. Worst still, I'm working tomorrow so went to apply some ointment just now and hope it wont be that bad.

It's already the last week of may and there goes one month of my holidays. 2 more months to enjoy....I hope I can get to experience more things that I never done before....or even have some accomplishments that can enhance my personal development? Especially at my workplace and the upcoming volleyball camp. Hope good and nice things will happen to me~~~~~~:)

Done thus far:

1) 阵头, din tao: the leader of parade. A taiwanese movie.....I'm starting to be like taiwanese movies more and more......like 那些年,我们一起追的女孩,艋舺,翻滚吧,阿信!,不能说的秘密, gonna go online and watch 爱的面包魂 that starred 陈妍希,倪安东,陈汉典. There's also 恋爱通告, but not sure if is produced in taiwan or by taiwanese since lee hom is an ABC. Oh well but IS NICE!!!! 

2) The avengers. Not really very nice, only the behind part but I start to like Iron Man. Channel 5 just so happen to show Iron Man and after watching that, I like Iron Man even more! Haha.....I think is because of the suit, damm cool. It has this transformers effect. 

Alright, that's about it. 2 more movies coming up for june. Already booked for one and soon gonna book for another one. One of them is 'I AM' movie, by SM.Entertainment. It is a movie about how SM artistes work to who they are today. Can get to see SHINee~~~~~and so many others SM artistes, although is more expensive, I think should be worth it! So many of them in a movie! 

The next one is 镇子 movie that shunyu say is nice and I think we are going to watch it in 3D. Haha, 壮胆 session then! 

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