Saturday, March 10, 2012

Cherish the people around you

2 weeks ago, I received a facebook message from my primary school best friend. She told me a bad and shocking news. Guo kai who is my kindergarten and primary school classmates passed away. I was really shocked to hear that. I didn't believe it at first, and questioned her. But she got the news from another primary school friend who is close to guo kai. I also managed to check with another primary school friend and confirmed that is real. Some went to his wake and got more information. 

Guo kai committed suicide. How? Jumped down from 28th storey at tiong bahru. Why? Because of relationship problem. I went to his facebook and found out that seems like he already broke up for a month already before he committed suicide. It's really a pity. So young and now he's gone. Furthermore, he is those who is smart, bright and I believe sure have a bright future. But now? Just because of a relationship problem, he's dead. His parents must be very heartbroken. Although guo kai is not the only child (he got one younger sister and one younger brother), but he is the eldest. Most importantly, he is just 20! 

I told my mum about it and she told me maybe guo kai didn't talk about it with someone and bottle everything up. She told me guys are unlike girls, they won't be able to talk their hearts out to their parents or even close friends. Maybe for some issues, but not relationships problems? Maybe that's why no one is there to comfort him and stops him from doing rash actions? I'm just guessing, can't be sure too. 

This incident makes me think alot. Imagine someone whom you know, not close or close with and sees him or her almost everyday either in school, work or play and suddenly he or she is gone the next day. Won't you feel weird? Someone whom you know doesn't exist on earth now. I never lose someone close or anyone I know thus I don't really know how that feeling. But I think I know how it feels now? Although I am not close to guo kai, he plays a small part of my life. I still remember he lives at the 2nd/3th/4th floor at my block before moving to the condominium opposite my block. We attended the same kindergarten for k2. I was his classmate and for our kindergarten graduation ceremony, we were dance partners too. During the ceremony, we even got our reward together. He was 2nd in class and I was 4th in class. The kindergarten gave reward to the top 5 in each graduating class. 

So people, cherish everyone you know, be it you are close or not close with them. Having said that, even you are in bad terms with your close ones, take the initiative to patch up and don't let things hang in the air. Once a problem is not settled, another will come and this is never ending. Things will get worse and you will drift further and further away. This is not what you want right? Do something now before you regret it. Who knows what will happen to him or her the next day? Only God knows. 

Cherish the people around you. :)

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