Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My results

I'm really shocked to see my results. Shocked till the extend that tears started to fill up in my eyes upon seeing it on 4th march. I still couldn't understand why my gp grade is like that. When I first got my results and was about to scan through my grades. The first grade I saw was for gp, which is soooooo disappointing. I know that I am weak in gp but I didn't expect myself to get such a grade for A levels.

I just hope that everything will be smooth and I can successfully go university with the course I like and will enjoy studying. It is so difficult to choose a course to study. I am not really sure where my interest to know what is my interest? Is there a test or something like that?

This weekend is the open house for ntu and nus. I hope by going the open house I can get to know the courses better and see which course is the most suitable one for me. This Saturday will be a tiring day or Shunyu and I. In the morning, we will go to the cafe a work till the crowd lessen then go to ntu open house. After that, we will travel back to holland village and help clean up. choice. Michelle went overseas and cannot find anymore no least we can go the open house and not miss it.

Got this new app - talkbox, it is so fun! Can save my 100mins free out-going call. I can now chat with my friends for free!!! It works just Luke a walkie talkie. Jut need to have wifi or 3G and it will work. Can even use it between Singapore and Malaysia. If can use it between countries which are further, it can really save a alot of phone bills and allow friends and families to chat with their loved ones as long as they want. What a wonderful app! Really love apple.

I'm intending to get a Mac book. Should I? Should I not? Mac got quality but is it really worth the money? Or should I just get a normal laptop that is of a reasonable price at the IT fair? I need to pay part of the amount of the laptop I buy, so need to really sit down and think. Furthermore, I need money for my phone bills and my brace treatment so need to be cautious when I spend my money. *sigh* Any suggestions?

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