Monday, February 28, 2011

Friday is the day - CONFIRMED

The news has announced that the release of GCE A level results is this friday, 2.30pm. I hope that things will be smooth on friday. No matter what happens, shihui, you must face it and accept the reality.

I'm having a hard time eating almost anything now. My baby tooth is falling off and out of position already. I must use my right side of teeth to bite and munch, if not, my baby tooth won't be able to stay there till april. Because of the tooth being out of position, there is like gum or my flesh stuck at the side of the tooth so people may think that i have food stuck onto the tooth. I must constantly tell myself not to open my mouth so wide to prevent people seeing that. But it is so difficult as the 'stain' is quite obvious and visible. Just hope that april can come soon......

I have finished watching SHINee's Hello Baby. Will continue with 海派甜心.

Some random photos:

This is my breakfast on a fine morning after the ninth day of chinese new year. During new year, my mum will have to buy 年糕 for ancestors. In order not to waste it, she use it and together with sweet potatoes, dipped them into a batter and pan-fried it. This is so good. Love it! But cannot eat too much, will feel a little sick.

This is my cousin's jar of Sticky sweet. He brought it during the dinner for my grandma's birthday at a vegetarian restaurants. Seeing this remind me of the days in pioneer as i remember my classmates like to eat this sweet during class and lectures. We will pass it around and share it. How nice....

Monday, February 21, 2011

My Dream

Today i woke up with a weird dream. I dreamed that i got back my results. I only remembered the result for one subject. I failed PHYSICS. =.= i didn't even take physics. Why?!?!?!?!?!?!? This is so weird. Heard that results will be out next Friday, just hope for the best. *sigh* no more this kind of dream please.....

Almost finish with SHINee's Hello Baby....will be able to continue 海派甜心.

It's going end of the month, getting my pay soon.....^^

Friday, February 18, 2011

Finally my OFF DAY~~~

Finally got my off day. This week is to tiring, only got one off day. Monday to Wednesday were horrible, need to prepare the function that was being held on the Wednesday. Cleaning and working to till very late on those days. I almost died! My eye bags and panda eyes are very serious now, much more serious than those days which i have to stay up late to study. Hope after the boss leaves everything will be back to normal. 赚钱真辛苦!

Although i haven finish watching 海派甜心, i manage to find SHINee's Hello Baby, thus watching that now. I watched it before the last time but only in parts and pieces. Now managed to find the whole season, so started watching it! SHINee is about my age, so it's really interesting to watch someone of a similar age doing something that i won't have the chance to do at that age. Furthermore, they are so funny and cute in the show. Really entertaining! Haha. The baby featured in their version is SO CUTE! His eyes are seriously BIG! So pretty! This is the first video for the show, just continue to watch from here:

Tomorrow gotta work! Ever since i got this job, you can't find 'tgif' in my dictionary as Saturdays is the time when i need to go to 'war' (due to the large number of customers coming into the cafe to have breakfast, brunch and shop). I even need to read my notes every Friday night if i need to work on Saturdays. Why? Cause i need to refresh myself about the steps to make certain type of coffee or dishes which i don't normally make on weekdays or those which are not that popular.

Off to watch SHINee's Hello Baby.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Forgot to include another movie i have watched recently.

1) 神奇侠侣
Watched this with Shunyu and Yingjie. This movie is really hilarious but not stupid. As you may already know that hong kong has a relatively higher and better standard of comedy then Singapore, so it's really worth the money watching. The jokes and 梗 are new and the effects are all well done. 5 thumbs up for this movie! Go watch!

I also watched a few dramas.

1) Playful kiss
This is the korean version of 恶作剧之吻, this is a sweet and short drama, interesting and a few scenes will make you want to replay a few times cause it's so sweet and touching! haha. I only started to admire Kim Hyun Joong when i started to watch Boys Over Flowers. And through that drama i think that short hair is better for him. This drama further proves it. As he 'grew' in the drama, his hair changes too. And i like them all! Especially the curly one! I dislike curly hair at first, but seeing his now, i like it alot. This drama is highly recommended!

2) 流星花园I
Previously channel u started to replay the drama, Boys Over Flowers, so decided to watch the taiwan version. Also, i remembered that time i didn't really finish it so it's a good time to watch it. Both versions are nice, they have their own strengths. But of course, in terms of actors and actresses, it will be the korean version.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


What i have completed till now:

1) The Choice - Nicholas Sparks
This is the first novel about love i ever read in my life, didn't know the author will go into the details to that extent. It's a touching love story.

2) 罗辑课
Haha, this is nice, because it's by my idol, 罗志祥,小猪. Interesting book with interesting stories about his mum and him. Can learn some lesson about life too.

1) 恋爱通告
This movie is similar to 不能说的秘密, just that it's the opposite, Chinese Classical Music instead of Western Classical Music. It's funny too.

2) Camp rock 2
Watched camp rock 1, so decided to see how it goes. It's okay, good for entertainment. The music in the movie are not bad too.

3) Green Hornet
Watched this with Jiaying, Shunyu and Tzumi. It's really FUNNY and action packed. Interesting as Jay chou speak english most of the time. Fresh look for Jay chou.

4) 笑着回家
It's not worth watching. So stupid. There's only a few funny parts and the impact is not there too. Waste of money. But through this movie, i realised that mark lee can really act. He acts as a chef from hong kong so when he speaks Mandarin in that movie he will have a hong kong accent. His hong kong accent is SO REAL, it is as if he is really from hong kong. Round of applause for mark lee.

5) The Avatar: The Last Airbender
The effects were cool, storyline a bit short, only showed the story from the first few episodes of the animation. But overall like the show as originally i like the animation already. Hope more will come like Harry potter like that.

Currently i'm reading The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. Heard from my tuition teacher that is the best among all the novel by Sparks so decided to read it. I'm also watching 海派甜心, REALLY A SWEET SHOW. And now i know why rainie got the best actress award with this drama. This is because she really showed her acting skills in this show. The funny side, evil side, sweet side of her etc. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Treatment for my Teeth begins.....

The day before yesterday i went to Jurong Medical Centre-opposite Jurong point-for my dental appointment. It's my first appointment for braces. The dentist told me that i have to remove 6 teeth. Normally is 4 right? 2 top and 2 bottom. But because i still have 2 baby teeth, so for my case, 6 in total.

Then, i had the mould for my teeth done. She put a mint flavour gel-like substance onto a mould then put it onto my teeth and applied pressure to get the mould. The correct term is: teeth impression. She also warned me not to swallow anything when she's doing that, so i supposed the gel-like stuff is inedible. I was really cautious not to swallow my saliva, so scared that i will eat the gel-like substance.

After that, i had x-ray. The machines they used are quite cool. One of the machines has some sort of scanner that will go around my head (to have a 360 degree view of my teeth?) and the other one have a tube which i have to bite on (to take a photo of my mouth?). It's quite interesting actually. I still need to wear a heavy vest while i'm in the room.

Total amount spent on the 1st appointment: $101.95

Next appointment is on the 4th of April. I will have 4 of my teeth removed on that day. Hope i can choose which to remove. Among the 6 teeth, i'm most worried about is the 2 baby teeth. This is because they are located at the front, so if they were to remove that first, then i will be a 'bo gay' for 2 weeks as they will only put the braces 2 weeks from the second appointment. Please let me choose. But even if i were to remove them the last, i will still have to be 'bo gay' for 1 week. How am i suppose to talk, work (which requires me to talk and smile?) within that 1 week? Cover my mouth? My hand will be quite busy....=.=

Really excited about the braces! :)