Saturday, February 14, 2009


1st week in pj was quite boring though there were songs and cheers. As i mentioned on my tagboard, the FUN part will only be on the 2nd week, WHICH IS VERY VERY VERY TRUE. Oh and, i still haven get my uniforms, only the PE and house tee cause the company dun have STOCKS?!?!?!?!? Weird right? Come here to set up stall but no more stocks. Must wait till MARCH.....and PJC is really a caring school, the top for girls' uniform come with the string, so i dun need to tuck-in for my uniform, haha....
Finally knew my class - O9SO1, what's better was that i got into the same class as shunyu and qinning. Wednesday was the START of the FUN!!! Now we were in our own class, this orientation will help us to get to know each other better from the games and activities we played and did together. I'm in the yellow house- byron, clan - LEO, animal for LEO is of course the lion. And everything fit in so nicely, my surname is 黄(yellow), my favourite colour is yellow and my idol, xiaozhu has a horoscope of LEO. hahahahahahaha.....
Other than mass ice breakers, songs and cheers, J1, OGLS and teachers participated in the Breaking Record for Singapore. Our theme for this orientation was stella evolution, something got to do with stars, and also in conjunction to PJC's 10th anniversary, we had this activity - make 90000+++ paper stars to form the largest school logo in singapore. And we did it, PJC set a record in singapore in her 10th anniversary year.
There was also the learning of the mass dance, cute dance and the fun dance. I like the fun dance the most, as it is the shortest, easiest but most of all, FUN! Then we had station games, most of them were related to WATER that got me drenched? okay, maybe for me is not that worst, there were people that are even more wet than me. Station games, cheers and the screams got me quite high on thursday. The BIG game on thursday was the WAR GAMES among the clans (houses). We had the war using water bombs, it was really fun. The whole J1 cohort was on the field being divided into 6 clans, having war, really fun man!!!
The finale was yesterday, i never get so HIGH in my life before. I cheered, shouted, danced, IT WAS SOOOOOO FUN! We had dinner in school, it was buffet. Wah, waited for 30 mins including q-ing before we can eat, cause need to wait for all the J1 to get their food. The scene in canteen look like the great hall in hogwarts, with so many students waiting to eat, cheering and yiam-saying with not only their drinks but with also, banana leaves form the otah, utensils, their whole plate of food and many more. hahahahah. Lots of noise pollution in the canteen, even using the mic to say something and get our attention is very difficult. Each clan had their own dance performance in the canteen on a small stage. So everyone had to stand on the canteen table and crowd around the stage. With all the cheering and screaming, i got HIGH. Up next was the mass dance in the parade square, danced, got even MORE HIGH. I had a great time during the finale, ENJOYED IT!!!
And happy valentine's day everyone......♥♥♥

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