Saturday, February 7, 2009

1st week in PJC

Reached school damm early, cause my dad dun want to be in a jam, i reached school at around 6.45am like that?!?!?! Luckily i am not the 1st one, there was a girl who was even earlier than me. Checked my group, i'm in OG 35, second last group, =.= No BBSSians in my group, =.= But found that one of my ex-classmate, kai ler to be in my OG. Waited for shunyu, she reached just in time, 7.30am, which was the time for us JC1 to proceed to the hall. Saw lots of BBSSians, and some ex-classmates and ex-schoolmates in pjc. Orientation includes: talks, college tour, games and cheers. The talk was SOOOOOO LOOOOOONG that my leg was numb and almost cannot be straightened, PAIN like hell.
Paid $40 for the orientation. Talks again, leg PAIN, NUMB. Went for introductory lectures and back with OG for more activities. Introductory lectures did help me in choosing my subject combination alot (i hope, =S).
Talks AGAIN! Leg NUMB! ARGH....more introductory lectures and bought the notes for bio, chem, econ and math. Little scared after reading all the notes. I think i had the chicken rice for lunch, is just $2, cheap and nice, WORTH IT! Went for CCA exhibition after lunch, considering tennis and netball for CCA.
No more talks. Handed up the subject combination form, 1st choice: MCBE and 2nd choice: MCB + china studies. Start of the 1st lesson in pj, the real thing, 1st chapter. MASS LECTURE. Not really used to it, but no choice have to adapt to it though i still prefer having lessons in class. Went for tennis trial with qinning, zhiqi, ashu and later who join us, jiaying and vanessa. I didnt want to go at first, really scared cause i dun want to embarrass myself in front of soooooo many people, thus only watched outside, while qinning who was being dragged in by xinying, went in for the trials. But after watching the trials, there were quite a lot of people that were not too good and so decided to go and have a try. Turned out well, at least there were less people around to watch me. haha.
Immediately after the assembly, had mass lectures and my very first PE lesson. I was shocked due to the activity we did for the first PE lesson. I thought it will be playing games or what, BUT to my surprise, we had to run 3.2km!!! 8 ROUNDS!!! OMG. Worst still, NO WARM UPS!!! And the PE teachers said that this is only the introductory lesson for PE, and anything run under 5km is considered as a SHORT RUN. You can just imagine my future PE lesson will be even WORST.
Mass lectures again, then went for netball trial. Long time didnt play netball, really long, is like from the time i stepped down from netball last year. Played GA and WD.
Saturday, today.
Went to NIKE SALE at expo with shunyu and tzumi. They were organised, in the sense that they only allow certain amount people to go in the hall so that the hall will not be that crowded. Shunyu and i both bought a pair of shoes each. I think the price is cheap for a nike shoe. I was thinking of going there to buy a bagpack and water bottle for school, but to my disappointment, there was only sling bag and all the water bottles were sold out, but anyway, i think the type of water bottle that they have at the sale was not the type i wanted. Since i didnt managed to buy the bagpack, went to tampines mall to search but didnt have the colour i want. S0 went to the branch at bugis to get the bag with the colour i wanted. Other than that, i also bought an earpiece. Overall, spent a lot of money today. Must start saving. AND, my thighs are ACHING LIKE MAD. Ran 3.2km WITHOUT warm up for PE yesterday and in the afternoon, played netball for 2 games WITHOUT warm up AGAIN. Today, walking, shopping and CLIMBING up and down the stairs were torturing for me.....

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