Sunday, August 31, 2008

A new look

I have changed my blogskin, just love it!!! Mainly beacuse it's yellow in colour. I know this text box is a bit out of shape, that's because i changed the codes to enlarge the text box. I really wanted to use this skin, but the text box is a bit small which i dun really like, so went to edit it. This took me a do, though it look a bit weird, but i think is still okay, not that bad, right? If anyone know how to remove this extra middle patch or extend this patch, please tell me, so that it will look even better. Thank you!

Have a look

Do go tzumi's blog to have a the link below....

Friday, August 29, 2008

Teacher's day

Firstly, i would like to wish every teacher a very
Today, had teacher's day celebration in school, the concert was....okay.....but i loved the sports carnival!!!
The concert was on the performances of our students, singing, dancing and skit. I think the most interesting and nice part of the concert is the hip-hop dance and the dance by Miss Tan and Miss Shi Xu. The hip-hop dance was really cool, the dance and the beat coordinate so well!!! Really very nice, it was by the secondary 3 students. The dance by Miss Tan and Miss Shi Xu was with the students from the modern dance group. I think is because they are in charge of the modern dance, so went to dance with them too. They only came at the ending part, and danced for about 5 to 10 minutes. I was really very shocked to see them on stage dancing in the dancing costume. It is a surprise for me, but is good, because we hardly see a teacher dance...
After the concert was the sports carnival, i played captain's ball. This is not my first time playing captain's ball with other classes, so i thought it would be around the same, but to my surprise, i was wrong. When i reached school this morning, lilin told me that the opponent of our 1st match will be rough. But i dun quite believe, because this is just a friendly inter-class competition. But she added that last year there was one girl from the winning team got SLAPPED on the FACE by our opponent, just because they(our opponent) lost the game. I was like, WHAT?!?!?!? SLAPPED ON FACE? Insane.
Our 1st match started quite okay, nothing happen at first. But later on, there was a time i got the ball and was quite far from my captain, so need to look for my players to pass the ball. While i was busy doing that, i didnt realised one player from the opponent team walked up RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AND SLAMMED THE BALL FROM MY HAND AND GOT THE BALL. WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!? At that point of time, i was really shocked. Dunno what to do. And that bloody hell girl still can scream and laugh. The "empire" didnt even stop the game and return me my ball.
To those people out there who do not like the taste of LOSING, PLEASE, train up or not play. Dun break rules or use dirty ways to win, this is not a spirit that an athlete should have. Even if you are not really that good and lost the game, you should LEARN TO ACCEPT and SEE HOW YOU CAN IMPROVE.
No choice, got to play on but of course, we won. But i hope, in the future, if bbss want to organise sports carnival again, the empire should not only start ball, but also take care of the rights of the players. Just now, i was expecting the empires to stop the girl and return me my ball, but they didnt. Worst still, there are TWO empires, one with spectacles, dun tell me that they didnt see that? I am just somewhere in front of them.
My team went to the round that determined the third place. We played with 4E5 but unfortunately, we lost by about 2 or 4 points, 10/12 or 10/14. So close yet so far from the third place. Overall, i think we did well, at least we manage to get into the finals. So well done team!!!
That should be about it, dun want to think anymore about today's captian's ball, if not, i will really vomit blood. *SIGH...*

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Finally can have a short break from tired, if you give me any wish now, i will wish to sleep forever and ever and ever and ever......but i know is IMPOSSIBLE....
Life have to go on and have to face the reality.....
My ESPON 0printer is sort of spoilt? Because i just cant print or photocopy anything, the problem detected by the computer: Parts of the printer's life span is up, need to get it replaced. I was like HUH?!?!?!?!? O.O Printer parts also have life span? I thought printer will only spoil if the gears are rusty or something....does anyone of you encounter such a problem? If you did, can tell me how to get it fix or something? I didnt replace the whatever parts, got the new HP printer out from the storeroom. It was a free gift when i bought my computer. Quite good, still got a fax machine, which can fax and receive calls.....
Tomorrow is the sports carnival, hope it wont rain....really want to play captain's ball. The bad part is that is until 3pm, damm late....

Sunday, August 10, 2008

MTV Asia awards

MTV Asia awards, <台湾最受欢迎歌手>.........


haha, i didnt know it was him until Jeremy told me. I bet this was a very good birthday present for him from his fans. This is a video when he receives this award...

He still learning English, so not really clear, this is what he said....

"My English is bad but I'll try to speak English. Thank you MTV. Thank you EMI Capitol. Thank you my fans. Thank you my father and mother. All of you, thank you very much, thank you. Aku cinta padamu!(it's Bahasa, in English means: I love you"

This video his about his wrap up celebration for Hot Shot <篮球火>, is quite funny, especially the part with 吴尊, have a look.
About the parrot, I sort of quite scared of it, cause dun really like the feeling of it on my hand or whatsoever. But i finally got over it and get it in my hand, haha...

haha =D

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Great Accomplishment for me

This week qinning said she got FOUR! swimming lessons (佩服,佩服), so cannot accompany me for swimming. Which means, i wont be able to exercise this week. So i decided to go myself, but the last time i asked my mum whether i can go swimming on my own, she dun allow, she say not safe.....but yesterday, i still went up to her and asked her the 'SURE NO' question. To my surprise, she allowed me to go swimming on my own. Lucky i got ask her, if not will lose this chance again.
Went to swim ALONE for the first was really boring, no one to talk to, but sort of relaxing, can be alone for a while, reflecting on what i have done these few days. Relaxing but tiring. As i have mentioned earlier, no one to talk to, this means i will spend less time resting and swim more. Worst still, there were quite a lot of children learning swimming yesterday, so either ends will be occupied, and quite hard for me to find a place to rest. Therefore for sometimes, i need to swim for three or four laps then can find a place to rest. I counted and had swam for about 32 laps. This is a lot for me, didnt know i can swim that much. For the first time, Great accomplishment, *claps*....haha.
I loved the yesterday's weather, so fine and sunny. Definitely got a good tan! But of course didnt swim at 2 or 3 plus la, too glaring.....bad for skin too.....haha...
The 球爱大战 (beach.ball.babe.) ended yesterday, only 20 episode, but i think is just right. Short and sweet. I think this show is quite nice, but most of the time are those wooing, loving parts, should have more of those volleyball training or competitions scenes.
Finally, the preparation for the chalet is almost done, everything is okay. But something serious happened yesterday, almost got into a serious trouble, but thanks to a good-hearted soul, pulled us out of the trouble. Whoever that person is, really a BIG THANK YOU!!! I will make sure such a thing wont happen again.