a thief and mage. the mage is better boring, as i cant level up fast played the thief. LIKE IT SOOOO MUCH, cause can level up quite fast, haha. *EXCITED* I got a very interesting screen shot i took when my mage is on the way to Singapore:

Nice? THIS IS A MONEY PLANE!!! HAHA......the bad thing is that i cant take the money.*SOB* Oh ya, i bought a LITTLE MISS tee from a shop blog, together with peiru and qinning. It cost $13 but got discount when we buy three, so is now, $12. BUT the problem is that i paid the money le, but i didnt get the tee. First time, we tried to contact the person, but she didnt picked up. Second time, we called the person and met them yesterday to get the tee. Only qinning and peiru went. Qinning told me that they didnt get the tee cause the person say one of the tee out of stock le, so didnt get. The person didnt even inform them about this, hence they wasted a trip to west mall and wait for the person. I hope they wont cheat our money.......
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