Saturday, August 25, 2007

mEnTaL sUmS.....

On thursday, for my netball training we only did some drills then played some games and coach went off. I think she got something on ba. Then qinning let me play the new game she download to her handphone called 'Brain Juice'. I tried playing the mental sums, AND qinning found out something about me. Something you all dun believe ba, I CANT ANSWER 8+5 and 7+5 IMMEDIATELY. I need to think for a while or even FREEZE there for 30 SEC before i can get the answer. AHHH, i just dunno why, for my whole 14++ years, i need to count before i can get answer for the addition of two odd numbers. SO I AM DETERMINED TO TRAIN MYSELF!!!!
I found a game call 'Brain Age' for Nintendo DS, it also got a part that is about mental sums. But is just that we need to write out the answers instead of press the answer. SO every now and then i played this game to train myself. AHH, SO DUI LIAN LO!!!!! Is really fun la, qinning, if got chance, i let you try this game. Haha.......
I am like addicted to Nintendo DS le!!! ESPECIALLY the game COOKING MAMA. IS DAMMMM FUNNNNN.........its about a game on cooking food and some skills on cooking. Then i have the idea of buying one myself......but i can only play it during the holidays, so it might be worthless. But i really like the games inside......oh ya, qinning, for nitendo DS, there is also The SIMs, also very fun.........
But i just wanna know that is PSP better or NDS? I think NDS is better, cause you can store a lot of game in a memory card. For PSP, you can like only store 1 or 2 games in a memory card that is much more expensive than the one for NDS. But, i have seen teens are more interested than PSP than NDS. So is PSP or NDS better?

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Today went to watch the movie 'Secret' at jurong entertainment today with shunyu and jiaying, THIS IS REALLY A GOOD SHOW!!!!! MUST WATCH!!! Although you may think that it's just a love story, the plot is so special, specially with all those pieces played by the piano. There are some funny parts, so its not that plain at all. Jay's acting skills is better now, the way he cried is so touching. But i found out something, he is still the same, as in the way he speaks in his life and in this movie, is almost the same. He will like end with a '哟'. Go and have a look and you will know. MUST WATCH, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! Shall not say aanymore about this movie, go find out yourself by watching it NOW!!!

After that we went to take neoprints using a new machine. Quite good, especially the backgrounds. Actually we did take the background that is in the boys toliet, but because we are not that ready, the picture was ruined. SUCH A PITY!!! (let's take the toliet neoprint again if we have the chance....) The neoprints we took:

That's about it, nothing much this week. Let me share a video with you. This is REALLY FUNNY, xiao zhu got scolded just because he sort of make a prank call by asking the girl in the phone that whether he like him, without the girl knowing him. Have a look and you will know, xiao zhu's face is really funny. HAHAHAAAAAA................

Saturday, August 11, 2007

NDP Celebration

NDP celebration in school was not very fun for me, cause i just cant get high leh, dunno why. So went home after that, and the rest of the day was BETTER!!!
When i was homed, surfed the net for a while then my mum decided to bring us (my sis, bro and i) to SAKAE SUSHI for lunch. The reason is that my brother kept nagging and pleading to have a meal at Sakae Sushi as he didnt have the chance before. We went westmall's sakae sushi to have lunch. It was SO NICE!!! This time i am with my mum, so get to eat 3 kinds of those red plates de. *YUM YUM*, all four of us ate a total of 20 plates, 17 are coloured plates and 3 red plates. My brother had an ice cream too, but i didnt as i was bloated. We spent $71.20 for the meal. It was really good, i just dunno why i like sakae sushi that much....
We went jurong point to buy the 'Julie Roberts - Lucky Four Leaf Clovers' for my mum brithday present. I heard that this four leaf clover can bring good luck, so gave this for my mum as her birthday present. She chose a design of a flower, and make it as a handphone chain, the pendant looks like that:

It was a total of $49.90 with the handphone chain. I do hope that it will bring good luck to my mum.

Went home after that and after i had my bath, i took out my NDP goodie bag. Then i realised that i didnt use my face painitng crayons, but now i already had my bath so i decided to draw on my brother's face as he haven got his bath. I will upload the pictures i took next time.......

That's all for that day, and now its video sharing time!!!

I think they are quite funny.....hahahaaaaaa

Saturday, August 4, 2007


Something special happened. Those from other classes may not know, but those from 3e3 and 3e4 should know. The LSY, haha. I am so *SURPRISED*, i bet shunyu also felt that way too. (sorry for posting this, because this is really special? =D ) I saw her *BLUSHING*, her cheek are PINK in colour.....haha.

Miss lim is like so OPEN? I dunno how to say, normally teachers dun encourage this, but just because of 3e4's request of showing the folder, she cooperated! WOW!!! I can see that she likes to joke, and she's quite funny too. Just feel that i have no pressure having her as my English teacher. So relaxed, just like a FRIEND to me!!! SO, i hope other students can respect her in class, so that she can maintain this image. As i knew you all wouldn't want to see the ANGRY side of hers. I experienced it before, really scary, therefore if you still want Miss lim to be a 'friend' of yours, dun test her PATIENCE!!!

On thursday after my netball training, qinning, josephine and i were on the way out of the school and saw Miss lim walking to her car. We were already outside of the school, near the school gate, then i suggested, "Why not we try to flag Miss lim? when her car is turning out and going to go pass us, we raise our hands and try to flag her?" They agreed. The plan went on, we did what we planned and she didnt stop......*OBVIOUSLY...*she waved at us then went off. HAHAHA, i was like thinking of her stopping the car lo, cause that day i was damn TIRED. I think this will only happen in my DREAMS....

That's all for this week, and i am going to end off this post with the picture of my bag i bought last week, due to qinning's request and a video to share, MUST WATCH!!!.