Saturday, August 11, 2007

NDP Celebration

NDP celebration in school was not very fun for me, cause i just cant get high leh, dunno why. So went home after that, and the rest of the day was BETTER!!!
When i was homed, surfed the net for a while then my mum decided to bring us (my sis, bro and i) to SAKAE SUSHI for lunch. The reason is that my brother kept nagging and pleading to have a meal at Sakae Sushi as he didnt have the chance before. We went westmall's sakae sushi to have lunch. It was SO NICE!!! This time i am with my mum, so get to eat 3 kinds of those red plates de. *YUM YUM*, all four of us ate a total of 20 plates, 17 are coloured plates and 3 red plates. My brother had an ice cream too, but i didnt as i was bloated. We spent $71.20 for the meal. It was really good, i just dunno why i like sakae sushi that much....
We went jurong point to buy the 'Julie Roberts - Lucky Four Leaf Clovers' for my mum brithday present. I heard that this four leaf clover can bring good luck, so gave this for my mum as her birthday present. She chose a design of a flower, and make it as a handphone chain, the pendant looks like that:

It was a total of $49.90 with the handphone chain. I do hope that it will bring good luck to my mum.

Went home after that and after i had my bath, i took out my NDP goodie bag. Then i realised that i didnt use my face painitng crayons, but now i already had my bath so i decided to draw on my brother's face as he haven got his bath. I will upload the pictures i took next time.......

That's all for that day, and now its video sharing time!!!

I think they are quite funny.....hahahaaaaaa

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