Saturday, June 30, 2007

School reopens.....

Back in school..........nothing much exciting for this week. Except that we are now in a new campus at toh tuck. The classrooms there are of different sizes, some are BIG, while, most are small. We are the unlucky ones, got the small classroom. Although it is small, the place is windy, so isnt that warm after all. But when you are in the BIG classroom, you will feel even better, as the wind there is even more strong and big.

Got my locker, and due to us (jiaying and i) queuing up late, we got the locker that is situated near all the science lab, which is quite far from our classrooms. But never mind, at least we got those which are high.

Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix movie is launching on 12th of July, i am so excited about this movie, want to watch it now!!!!!!!!!!! I wish to finish reading the book before i watch the movie, but its like an IMPOSSIBLE. I still left about 5/8 of the book, how can i finish reading it in 2 weeks?!?!?!?! I have other things to do too, *HAIZ*. All my family members agree that Harry Potter doesnt look that good now, he is cuter in the first movie. But, Hermione is getting prettier and prettier.....Hope i can watch the movie as soon as it is launched. *Cant wait anymore* XD

Just finished my printing of my Chinese ISPL project, *PHEW*. It was so tiring, we have to redo one of the poem because it is rejected. *sob*, luckily shunyu found out that the package told us to hand in on 4th of July, instead of yesterday, so we have more time to do. Didnt have light-coloured paper, so the printing was a bit wired, some designs are a bit blurred, due to the dark-coloured paper.

Just changed my blog song to 听袁惟仁弹吉他 - SHE, this song is SUPER, DUPER NICE. I like the part where Hebe sang, her voice is so special and i like the meaning of the song too......

听袁惟仁弹吉他 - SHE
曲:张简君伟 词:张简君伟
1980年九月十四 他从妈妈的肚子跑出来
第一次去 居然还会感到害怕 喔拜托 别闹ㄌ
环境优美空气新鲜的好地方 好歹袁惟仁跟他老爸也曾经搬到他家楼下
想一想 不是因为胖哥 他也不会跑来玩音乐
其实他的歌都很芭辣 不信可以上他的部落格去听他唱一下
(喂喂 TEST TEST 不好意思由於KEY定的太高
就请当家花旦 Hebe & Selina帮忙唱一下
啦 啦 啦
一点一滴筑音乐的梦想 就要像他一样
今年的他已经26岁 卖过的歌曲其实用两只手就数得出来
但是他还是爱创作 爱音乐 爱爱爱 就像对岸很火的那首歌 老鼠爱大米一样爱
写歌其实不容易 卖歌又要靠运气靠关系 难得最好的歌 运气好被公司保留
但保留不一定会用 用又不一定会被打 就算变成主打 版税可能又会 拖拖拖
但是亲爱的朋友 你们千万不能放弃啊 你看他写了这麼多 这麼多 说真的
没有中的歌曲至少一两百首 成功的背後总是堆积著高高的寂寞
你看我们SHE 努力 学习写歌多久 如今才能听到我们的创作
音乐这条路 很辛苦 很寂寞 但是想一想 其实我们不贫穷

As i was bloghopping, i saw a joke (sort of) maybe a bit 'leng', but i still wanna tell, because after i read it, i smiled (different people have different reaction, so results may vary....), hope you all can have a smile after reading my post.....:

How do you know frogs are Hokkien?
Because when it's cold, they go "kwah, kwah, kwah".
(read the kwah, kwah, kwah, in hokkien)
Get it? haha, =) *SMILE*

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