Sunday, August 3, 2014


As time passed by, slowly one by one who graduated in July got employed. What's even more depressing is that some of them are of a similar major as I am. 

I really try very hard for the interview. I did prepare and gave my best shot. What went wrong? My first target was to get employed by August but now that August is already here, it's time to change my target. I shall change it October. 

It's just so difficult. I have no idea how's the real working world is like. I really regretted not having an internship. I did find but things just won't work out for me. The internships available are not of my majors. I was quite sturbbon to get something related to my major back then. 

Although I haven't been to a lot of interviews (3 proper ones and 2 phone interviews), it just makes me wonder if there's just nothing I can offer or provide to the companies I've applied. None of them invites me for another round of interview and that being said, none even reply to show their interest to hire me. 

Is it the type of jobs that I've applied just doesn't suit me? I don't have a cut for it? If that's the case then I should change my direction for my job search. To where then? That's the next question. 

Things just never get easy as we grow up. It will just get more and more difficult. What to do? I have to face it all by myself. I just have to tell myself that I'm not the only one going through this, I'm sure there's others too. This sounds like I'm self-comforting, isn't it? Yea, I admit I'm kind of doing that but there's some truth to it, right? 

Each year, there's so many university students who have graduated and are ready to be employed. There's definitely a percentage of them having problem finding jobs due to certain reasons. I definitely hope I'm not one of them. 


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