Thursday, December 26, 2013

AIESEC Global Community Development Programme - 台南 ,台灣 - Week 3

16/12/2013 - 20/12/2013:
It's the same routine again. These are what I've covered for the week,

Sharing of Singapore's Culture: Merlion, the Story of Singapura, Tourists Attractions at Marina Bay

English Lesson: Time, Directions

On the 19th December, my host family brought me to 花园夜市. It's really big! However, it's the most organized night market I've ever seen. They separate the food section, clothing section and entertainment section therefore it's very easy to shop around the place. It's a thursday and it was super cold that day so the crowd was manageable, at least my host family and I managed to find a table to sit down and have dinner. We even have a space to stand and eat the food we bought.

And I bought my very first top! I brought all my long sleeves top for this trip but it's still not enough since I don't have a lot to begin with. It rained these few days and my clothes took damm long to dry, they just feel very damp and moist. I damm scared one day I don't have enough long sleeves top to wear.....AND I WILL FREEZE TO DEATH. Although it's just 15 or 16 degree celsius, I just feel that it's as though 10 degree celsius or below. I can't feel my hands already, the feeling is as though they are being submerged in ice water. IT'S DAMM COLD, 是要冷死我吗?......I really prefer SUMMER, I just hope that the weather will get warmer next week.

21/12/2013: 石门国小运动会
Their sports day is really interesting, everyone in the school get to participate in this day. It's considered a very big event for them. The reason why it is held on Saturday is because parents can attend this event with their children and support them during their games. This is how important sports day is for them.

Oh ya, what do I mean by all the students can get to participate in the event? Each class is to prepare something according to the theme given and perform that day. They have to prepare props, clothings, dance, songs and many other miscellaneous stuffs. Therefore, even if they are not competing in any of the compeititon, they will get to perform and be part of it. :) I think this really made sports day more meaningful for the children. They also get the chance to showcase their performing talents which might be hidden.

Other than performing, some children are chosen for the lighting of the torch. Like some Olympic opening ceremony right? I serious, no joke! They have the kids playing the drums and go around the neighbourhood and there will be many stations where the kids will pass the torch all the way around the neighbourhood and back to the school. They even have a rehearsal for this beforehand. They also have kids standing at the gates to receive them, even those receving with applause will also have to be there during the rehearsal. I can say this is the most serious and biggest school sports day event I have ever seen. I mean given that they are such a small school but they did not do anything less for this event. I think it's something we can do too. The prizes for the children are no less too.  

22/12/2013: National Musuem of Taiwan History
I got 2 free tickets for this musuem from my host dad, Roy. He got them from a close friend of his, who is also part of the committee who built the museum and some other historic sites in 安平.

Since I got 2 tickets, I asked Eehui to go with me. She is a friend whom I met at the conference back in singapore. The conference is organised by AIESEC Singapore to help us to prepare for our trip. Through the conference, I met Eehui and also found out that she is going Tainan, Taiwan. I was really happy that at least I'm not the only one going Tainan. Most of those going Taiwan are going Taipei so I was really elated when I hear that she is going Tainan.

Her place is quite far from mine so we arranged to meet at Tainan Train station before we set off to the museum. The musuem is quite far and is located at a remote place. It's like beside the musuem, there's a few residential area, factories and a park. It's kinda weird to have a musuem situated here. Don't ask me why....

We toured around the musuem and liked what it's name stated, it's about the history of Taiwan. So I got to know which countries actually conquered Taiwan and what are some of the things that happened duirng the building up of her economy. There are also exhibitions at the top level. There are 2 exhibitions, one is on Taiwan's baseball history and the other is about a local deity, like the rituals related to it etc.

We spent about 2-3 hours there before heading back to Tainan Train station for lunch. The only transport we can rely on is buses so traveling time is really long. In addition, the bus intervals, on average, is about 20-30 minutes. By the time we reached Tainan Train station, it's already 3pm plus. We went to a small eatery place with many stalls selling snacks and food. We shared a salad chicken and each of us had a 可乐饼 and 大肠面线. After lunch, we walked back to Tainan Train station to buy the tickets to Taipei for the coming weekend. Yup, we are traveling to Taipei and staying there for 1 night before coming back to Tainan as we have to work on Monday. Eehui has a friend who will be at Taipei and he will be the one hosting us. The itinerary is all planned by him. I hope it will be a good one. I have been to Taipei twice and have already spend quite some time exploring the place. The reason for me going Taipei this time is because I never experience visiting Taipei in winter. I would like to see how city people dress up in winter professionally. It's a question I have for the longest time ever since I started my internship in this elementary school.
So yeah, Taipei here I come!

Anyway, Eehui went back after buying the tickets as she needs some time to travel back. I went back to the nearby malls to do some shopping. In the end, I bought a long sleeve top and a jeans. I have to control my shopping already....I only left like 400SGD for the remaining 3 weeks. I changed about 750SGD. I didnt buy a lot of things. I spent almost 100SGD on the phone plan and top up, only 2 tops and 1 bottom up till now and the rest are on food, transportations, daily necessities and tickets for the different places which I visit. It's really nothing much...oh wells, have to control a bit already. I still need to buy my HSR ticket on my last day to travel up to Taipei and that will cost me 45SGD....x.x

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