Friday, October 18, 2013

Busy busy busy

Many deadlines to meet, many assignments to hand in. What's worse, the deadlines are one after another, therefore all flooding at one go. T.T 

I'm on the way home now, using the blogger app to blog through my iPhone. :) 

Recently, I came across some people in my life whom I think they have changed. Some have a better personality now but some, to my disappointment, changed -  doesn't respect the people around them and making comments which are kinda hurtful. 

For the former, I think it's great! Changed for the better and I bet they feel good too. For the latter, I.....have nothing to say. I know people do change but I think no matter how long you've known someone - be it 1, 2, 3, 5 or even 10 years and counting - 该有的尊重还是要有. You may think that you're just joking and kidding around while making that comment but that doesn't mean that's how people on the other end are receiving it. The way you said it make it sounds like you mean it therefore it's no longer a joke but an offensive comment. Maybe you think you guys are damm close already/have known each other for long so making such a comment doesn't matter BUT ARE YOU SURE? 

We all should be sensitive of the people around us, if we make them feel uncomfortable/offended, we should learn how to take a step back and ask ourselves, are we doing/saying the right/appropriate thing? 

Well, you may think I might be just PMS-ing or I might be the one who have changed. I don't deny because I might really be? Then again, I found myself in situations where by I'll ask myself, why are you doing this to me? I didn't say much or anything wrong in particular. I'm puzzled, confused and....puzzled again. 

Cherish the friendships you have now and don't regret it if you lose it due to your own actions/words. 

P.S: These are just some of my thoughts, some are what I've experienced while some are what I've seen on others. Just some thoughts.... 

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