Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Last day at The Royal Mail @ Ascotts Raffles Place

Today was my last at work at the royal mail. This job was something new because it's not only a restaurant but located in a service apartment. Thus our customers are not only the public but also the guests staying in the service apartment.

Nothing much about today. I did the same thing as per normal, nothing special. Quite boring today as the lunch crowd is not big.

When it was time to go, I signed out as per normal and bade farewell. I took a photo with Nikki and after leaving the place, sort of regretted not taking photo with Darius and Catherine. Afterall they did teach me new things which is insightful.

I wouldn't say my stay at the royal mail is a bad one but neither will I say is a good one. Not bad because I managed to learn new things due to the new environment and people around me.

The bad part is I really have difficulty making friends with the people there. Especially the manager and the chefs. I know my character plays a part too but I dunno why....it's just difficult. Can you believe that until now I still dunno the name of one of the chefs? I very lousy hor.....x.x

What's worse....there's a gathering next sunday and I'm invited too. Having dinner with them!!! Won't it be weird??? I'll see how it goes.....should take this chance right? Try to open up and talk to more people.....been trying to do that for some time already......but seems like I'm still the same old me :(

Sometimes, I really don't like my myself. I really don't like my character - so quiet, dunno how to chit chat with others and join in the conversation etc....am I going to remain like this in the future? I always say I want to change but am I really trying? Or just saying only but no actions taken?

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