Saturday, June 30, 2012


I know my birthday is like 2 weeks ago, but I still want to blog about it. So on my birthday, I was suppose to have a day out with shunyu. But just so happen michelle is meeting the al dente peeps for buffet so shunyu and I join in too. In the previous post, I did mention that yingjie couldn't make it on my birthday so came out and chill with me the day before right? She actually appeared at the buffet too! What's worst, I didn't even find her suspicious when I see her at raffles city when I first reached. I thought she was meeting her friend there etc, I feel so silly can!

Anyway, so we had buffet at buffet town. It was not bad. They even make cakes out from small cakes, ice cream and waffles for me as my birthday cake. So many people help me celebrate my birthday this year......:) And it was michelle's 2nd time to celebrate on my birthday itself. I'm really glad to meet her in my life.

After that shunyu, yingjie and I went to catch madagascar at cineleisure then had dinner at swensen. There's another surprise too! Shinfen was there sitting there already! Didn't expect her to be we chat and had dinner. It was my first time having chocolate fondue there too. Not bad! The chocolate was nice~~~

Then shunyu on her laptop and wanted to show me some videos. I knew it from the start when I see her carrying her laptop. The videos must be from jiaying and tzumi. But they say NO....I'm only 50% right. I was like huh? Still got who?
After I watched the videos then I realized I'm really not even 50% right. There were 2 videos and one was from jiaying and the other was from tzumi. But in tzumi's videos, she asked 3 of her medicine friends to join in. It was SO FUNNY can! I was surprised to see that they can say out my name and say hi to me so naturally as if they know me in person like that! One of the guys took out his guitar and started to play the birthday song. First time having a guitar to accompany my birthday song. :D :D :D

Jiaying was CUTE also! The korean version birthday song she lip-synced is so cute and comical! Her video was long and all filled with heartfelt words. Really touched to watch her video. And she mentioned that she might not be back in singapore at the end of the year......not sure when we can meet in person again, but I hope it will be soon ya? Just hope she can have a stopover at singapore or what......the four of us need to be reunion again~~~:D :D :D

That day was really filled with surprises......all thanks to shunyu for planning all these. Must have gone through a lot......

Group photo with the al dente peeps! 
With michelle and the SPECIAL cakesss!

Finally a nice one! :D :D :D
With my bestie! 7 years and counting~~~
With shinfen! She slim down a compare to the last time I see her. Thumbs up!!!
You take me I take you! 
While I wait and they get to watch the videos first~~~~ -.-
I also went for an OG outing not long ago. We had dinner at fish & co at park mall and the table was SUPER long. There were around 23-25 of us. The outing was a gathering to meet up because many are flying already and also to celebrate the may, june and july babies. So I got card and present from them! I asked my friend's sister's friend to help me buy TOMS from UK and they paid a portion of it so it's considered a present from dastan (OG's name). I really love it TTM! Although this wasn't the design I was looking out for but is still so PRETTY!!!

Went out yesterday after work at ascotts! Wah I think is the caffein, I wasn't very tired....maybe cos of the movie I watching also. I woke up at 6am, work till 3pm. Then change out my uniform and went lido to buy tickets for Sadako 3D, 11.50pm!!! Because I'm watching with liting, tiffany and shunyu then liting got work so have to watch it after her work. Liting and tiffany are my new friends whom I met over at al dente! The queue was SUPER long. All must be buying tickets for the spiderman movie, it was selling fast as shown on the screen.

Then I went to starbucks to meet shunyu who is queuing for the 1-for-1 drink! Green tea with red beans and hojicha with tea jelly! The green tea is NICE! I prefer the green tea than hojicha. Not sweet also! :)

We sat there and chat for VERY LONG. Once we got our drinks, which is around 4pm? We chatted like nobody business till 6pm plus, almost 7pm! It was good! :)
We had dinner at Xin wang cafe, first time dining there and I tried there hot yuan yang and fried noodles. Their yuan yang was more of coffee than tea, which shunyu doesn't like. I don't mind because I need all the caffein I need to survive the night. 

This fried noodle, not only look appealing, but taste good also! Worth to try! Especially if you are a noodle lover! I never really tasted this kind of noodle before, a new taste for me I would say! :)

Sadako was not really very scary, but the 3D effects are not bad. And really it's true, better to watch it in 3D. The horror and scary level is not that high, I started off my 2 hands on my face and not even halfway through the movie I'm already using one hand just to hold up the 3D specs and cover my eyes just in case something pop out! Hahahhahaha.......

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