Saturday, February 18, 2012

Recess week! :)

Today marks the start of my recess week! Actually nothing to be happy about as it's a study week, need to prepare for my 3 upcoming mid term tests. I must really study as much as I can and get the best out of this mid term in order to pull my CAP. in university is really not easy. I have to sit for tests which is counted after 1 month of learning and then final exams after 2-3 months of learning? Seems like there's no time for me to consolidate....unlike in secondary school and JC. Before O and A level at least there is still time to make mistake and learn from it. Now? If you were to make mistake, there goes the marks....seems like the only time I can make mistakes is when I do my tutorials and practices if I have the time.

Red monster came today! Worst still, I got cramps....:( what a great way to start my recess week. At least I didnt get it yesterday, if not I won't be able to go for volleyball training. Hais, can't go changi airport with shunyu and yingjie to for stay over already...sian...I was still looking forward to that the whole week.....*totally ruined*

Michelle got transferred to barossa at holland village on wednesday. I had my IT1006 mid terms on wednesday, so thursday was sort of free so when to visit her since it was near my campus. It has been a long time since I last see her in person. I think the last time was oct 2010? When I went to barossa at esplanade to give her her birthday present? I had a nice chat with her although it was a short one. Seems like she is able to get me a part time job for my coming holiday. If possible, I would like to try too. The restaurant she is working at is called Al Dente , an italian restaurant at esplanade. There's a roof top dining area too. And she told me, just on Valentine's day, her team collected a revenue of 10k in just one night! 10K! She told me she feel so proud of her team and had a great sense of achievement that day. When she got home that day, which is already 2-3am? She moment she sat on her bed, she was knocked off till the next morning! This was how tired she first I was thinking of finding an admin job for holidays since I never done admin before. But, working with michelle is really fun and I can get to learn a lot of stuff from her. So I guess working again with her for the coming holiday won't be a bad idea? I can learn how to open up too? Since I will be working in the service line? See how it goes then.....I think I think too much liao, midterms have not even started and I am thinking about holidays.....-.-

I've been trying to save up as much as I could these day. And when there's any bursary that I'm applicable to apply, I will go for it. The reason is to prepare a sum of money if I can go for exchange program in the near future. I did tell my mum about it but seems like she is not convinced that I am capable to go there live and study alone for 1 semester or even 1 month for summer program. Actually, I am also not sure if I can. But I just have this mindset that since I'm already, 不可以也要可以. Even there's lots of problem, I have to overcome it and make things work out? Easier said than done? Hmmm......

Sometimes, how I wish I can have a cheerful personality, be friendly and approachable so that I can make friends easily and I won't be afraid of being alone. Is it possible to change personality? It takes time but possible right? And how to do that? Many people say just be yourself and you will be alright. But is that really true? What if your personality is really affecting you to make friends? Are you going to stick to it till the end? A small change will be better right?

Why am I like that? My sister and brother are unlike me. My brother seems like getting more and more quiet these days. I hope he won't be like me. I told my mum to take note of that. Did I inherit this from my dad? Because my dad is also a very quiet person....but personality is not heritable right?

I shouldn't be thinking too much, have to focus for my mid terms. Yep, focus on my mid terms. Focus. Focus. Focus.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

finally can start blogging

It's been quite some time since I last blogged. School work has been piling up ever since I started school. Luckily, the coming week is quite okay as there isn't any graded assignments to hand in. The only major issue is my IT1006 mid terms. Damm fast. I dont even have the mid term feeling yet. :X

School has been good so far, got a friend, zenia to company me throughout this semester. We have the same timetable. It's better as compared to semester 1 which I need to go for some lectures and classes alone. Most of the guys also took the same module and tutorial class. More friends is really better, can help each other. I hope I will continue to get along with them well and even better! Hope for the best!

Also, this month, 8 feb, tzumi left for Adelaide and 9 feb, jiaying left for Sydney. T.T 2 of my closest friend left singapore......Hais. All the best for their studies and life there! Things can really get difficult at the start but I'm sure they can overcome it. They are tough and strong! Sometimes, I wonder what if I'm the one going overseas alone? Will I be able to survive well? It's a good experience to study overseas but at the same time I need to be independent. I think I will be okay about my health, meals and studies there? What I will be worried about will be getting to my destinations. Truthfully speaking, I am not very good with directions. I need to go to somewhere many times before I can totally understand and remember the routes. I am so afraid of getting lost. Maybe because I experienced that when I was young? So now got a phobia?

Currently listening to 韋禮安's songs and blogging at the same time. His voice is really nice! Just love 慢慢等!!! And I also begin to listen to 方炯鑌's songs. Actually only one, but will find more if I have the time. His 壞人 is damm nice too! Nice voice too! Got lots of nice songs to share, this is the list:

1) 壞人 - 方炯鑌
2) 慢慢等 - 韋禮安
3) Trap - 袁咏琳
3)爱不离手 - 萧亚轩害怕
4) 害怕 - 林俊杰
5) 漂流瓶 (feat.陈妍希) -柯震东/陈妍希
6) 洗衣机 - 五月天
7) 謝謝你讓我等於你 - 黃鴻升
8) 黑心 - 黃鴻升
9) 誰比我還懂你 - 黃鴻升
10) Last Fantasy -IU
11) 너랑 나 - IU12)
12) コ・ゴ・ト (with 2AM Seulong<スロン>) - IU
13) Good Day- IU
14) 내가 노래를 못해도 (When I Can't Sing) - Se7en

Yupp that's all, just nice my number, 14! :D

Alright, my hair is now dry....time to sleep! Till next time!

Just love this photo, so went to beautify it! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

(there's meaning to each of the icon, I bet they will know why I put it! :D)