Sunday, July 24, 2011

Late post

Before I leave my company, Shunyu and I had dinner with michelle and evelyn at the Skinny Pizza. The pizzas there are really skinny and the flavours are really unique and nice! The desserts there are also VERY delicious. I forgot the name of the dessert, but I remember we had chocolate fudge cake and banana cake. Something like that. The chocolate cake is warmed up, it melts immediately when it's in your mouth, I love it! For the banana cake, it is special as it goes with salted popcorn. Cool right? It's my first time eating cake with popcorn. The taste is really unique. Skinny Pizza is definitely a place for good food but not a place to chat. The place is really crowded and noisy so is very difficult to hear and have a conversation. I didn't take photos of the food cause really busy eating.....oh and the restaurant is very cosy, maybe because of the small tables they used. The printings on the wall are of vintage style.....I like!

Michelle gave shunyu, tzumi and I each a present. I passed the present to tzumi since michelle cannot pass it to her in person. The present is really an expensive one. It's parker pen. I got mine in yellow, tzumi's in pink of course, shunyu's in purple I think. It's my first parker pen.

Spot my name.....
Can see now?


This is the first thing I wrote with the pen.
I can buy refill for this pen thus means that I can use this pen for a loooooooooong time......:)

It's been about 3 weeks since I last see michelle. I'm meeting her later for dinner with shunyu, definitely will have a fun time. Excited! :)

I'm going for orientation camp next wednesday, all the way till saturday. I'm excited but at the same time worried. I'm worried that I can't fit in and cannot mix well with my OG mates. I always have difficulties making friends. I need a longer time to make friends. By the time I am warmed up, the others already are much closer. Hais.....hope everything will be ok......Mixed feeling....shunyu just came back from camp and she had a lot of fun. For her camp, there is a section of girls and guys coming together for interaction. She warned me about it. I myself saw some photos of that kind of activity during the camp briefing yesterday.OH NO.....shihui, please be open and not be 'sua ku'. -.- yes, shihui, step out of your comfort zone and start to OPEN up. You can do it, yes you can.....*sigh* T.T JIAYOU!

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