Sunday, April 10, 2011

2nd dental appointment

Today was my 2nd dental appointment, i put on separators and extracted 3 teeth which are all on the left. This is to allow me to still be able to eat well using the left side of teeth.

The separators are rubber-bands-like stuff which are in between my teeth. I have a total of 8 separators. I think they are to separate the teeth so that they can have space to be aligned neatly? Not pain at all, just that the 'band' is quite tight i think, my dentist use quite a big strength and put it on my teeth.

Truly speaking, the extraction of my teeth is not painful at all. Their anesthesia is so strong! They injected into my gum at around 11am but the numb only went off at around 4pm! Really glad that it's strong, if not definitely will be damm painful. In total, i need to extract 6 teeth, reason being that i have 2 baby teeth thus need to remove them too including the standard 4 teeth.

My dentist for brace and extraction of teeth is different, the former is a female while the latter is a male. This makes sense too since male will have a larger strength to extract the tooth out. This male dentist of mine is very funny. During the injection of the anesthesia, he keep on saying 'sorry' to me every time he injects the anesthesia into my gum. I can see his hand shaking and trembling with the huge needle in front of my face. I was praying hard throughout, praying that nothing will happen with this dentist's shaky hand. Also, before the whole thing, the dentist told me that my 老虎牙  is quite difficult to extract as there isn't much space for him to shake and pull since it is grown on top and at an inner part. So, he told me during the extraction the root of the tooth might just gave way and broke. If this happens, i will have a surgery. So i asked, 'what's the surgery?' He answered in a very straight and direct way, 'well, i will have to cut the gum, remove the root and stitch it back again.' After hearing that, i realized that extraction of tooth can be so serious. So i also prayed hard during the extraction that the root won't break.

Something even more funny of the dentist, maybe because his hand is trembling, when he want to remove the needle for the anesthesia out of my mouth after he's done with all the injection, you know what happen? As he remove the needle out of my mouth, the needle actually POKE MY LIP. AND THE DENTIST WENT, "OH SORRY!" I feel even worse can! Trembling hand, poked my lip, and with the risk i need to go surgery if the root break......=.='''''

And the extraction begins....very successful for all three teeth. I feel nothing, just numb. The nurse still need to hold my head down as the dentist pull out my teeth one by one. Indeed, my 老虎牙 took some time before it is extracted out, buy luckily the root didn't break, PHEW! Hope this will be the same for my right side's 老虎牙. The extraction took about 20 - 30 mins. No pain at all, GOOD! I took my 3 teeth home! haha, 3 more on the 11/04/2011. I need to bite on gauze to stop the bleeding and the bleeding stops at around 2pm.

I can eat things normally, but those that requires lots of chewing, i can't. Not due to the missing teeth but the separators. Each chew and bite will feel a bit of pain so if it's too hard i will just give up. The dentist told me the separators might fall off, but it will not be harmful to the body if i were to swallow it. Haha.

Excited about 18/04/2011 which is my 4th appointment, because it's the day when i can put on my braces. Though i heard that it will be very uncomfortable, but i really want to see how i will look after putting on braces. Hope it's good!

Went to work today which is suppose to be the most busiest day out of the week. But  it is only busy in the morning. I did something stupid today. I was cutting the oranges to make orange juice, but i lost focus. A customer came in and i looked at her while cutting the oranges, and ta-da, blood on my finger. I dunno what to do at that moment of time. I tried to stop the bleeding my running water on my finger, but the blood just keep flowing. I seek help from the chef. He gave me an alcoholic damped cotton and told me to sterilise the finger by wiping with it. Then he sticked the plaster on for me. Lucky still got them, if not i really have no idea on what to do. I have no knowledge on first aid. But now i know. This will be my first time and the last time.

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