Sunday, November 29, 2009

Off to Sydney~~~

In about 25 hours time, i will be flying off to Sydney~~~away from Singapore for about 5 - 6 days. Not really for holidays, but for an educational trip, which means, more learning, less shopping. The learning part would be through dialogue sessionssssss which we are having it for most of the days.
As we are told, it's dialogue session, so we should be asking questions and not staring at the lecturer and STONE. We need to COMMUNICATE with the lecturer, give him or her acknowledgement by NODDING OUR HEADS. This is a big different from what we have in Singapore, will definitely give me a new experience. I just have to treat this trip with the correct mindset - learning, so that i can benefit as much as i can from it. Just hope that everything will go on smoothly.......
This trip is a bit troublesome, as we the outfit we wear must be something presentable as we are meeting important people for dialogue session. Therefore, we cant really wear T-shirts (which i think is the most comfortable to wear when we go overseas) but have to wear blouse? Or just something not that informal. I really dunno. Worst still, we are going for a theatre performance in Sydney Opera House, so need to wear something smart and formal. With clothes that are smart, we definitely need to wear a shoes that goes well with it. Hence, for this trip, i need to bring another shoe just for the theatre performance. Troublesome right? No choice....i still remember the time i went to Vietnam, i just throw all my T-shirts, shorts and jeans in the luggage and everything is settle. But this time, i need to think whether this or that is presentable and blahblahblah.............
I am more or less settle with the packing, just hope that the weather in Sydney would be good and fine. If it's shower and wet, it will definitely dampen the mood to have fun. Went to check just now, the weather there would be cloudy and wet for the next few days, hope it will improve.

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