Saturday, October 31, 2009


Promos results are out, most of my results are disappointing, only a few that i am happy with. But i at least, I THINK, i am able to get promoted to J2.

Never mind about the results, come to think that i am able to go Sydney without any worries, it makes me feel so excited. Before going this trip i need to check my blood group and to get the flu jab. I went for the blood group test on friday and got the result today. But i think i will not go that clinic (clinic B) anymore because of the doctor and their way of doing things. I went to check whether can i have a blood group test at clinic A at night and they said they do provide the service, just that is better to withdraw the blood in the morning so that they can work on it and not put it overnight. So i went to clinic B to ask the same thing again. Clinic B said they do provide and can withdraw my blood immediately. At that point of time i didnt think much so went in to withdraw my blood. The doctor withdraw my blood and asked me to hold onto the cotton on the wound. So i did. And you know what he did? He passed me a plaster and said in a few minutes i can remove the cotton and put on this plaster. WTH? Me? Me putting the plaster on my elbow part with a wound and no one is helping me? What kind of doctor is this? Is not as though there are patients waiting outside to get treated......there's not a single soul outside waiting. Haiz.....still charge me $15 for it.....qinning had her blood group test for just $10.

Monday is my A level Chinese paper. I hope this is the last time i will have to do a Chinese paper and get an A. Please, i dun want to be like O level like that, get A2. Though is still an A, but is like hanging there, not high nor low, making me frustrated. PLEASE. HIGH 'A' FOR CHINESE.

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