Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Today is the last day of 2008, 2009 is just 13 more hours away. I had a good year, though the last few month were very torturing (O level period). But with 2009 coming, this mean that it's almost about time to get our O level results. I bet every graduating student's heartbeat will increase day by day, same here for me. What is done is done, nothing can change the result, just have to pray hard and accept it. I did 2 jobs this month. I started with the tuition with a P6 boy (next year going sec1) and a P5 girl (next year going P6). Woah, being a teacher is not as easy as you think!!! I thought giving them tuition will be a piece of cake, because i just have to sit there and teach them whatever i know and answer their questions and doubts will do, but i was WRONG!!! I realised teaching is not just to teach them what i know but also EXPLAIN till they understand. In school, maybe is because teachers are 1 to 40 of us so cannot make sure all of us understand, thus in this case, it will be the responsibility of the student to ask any questions if they have any doubts. But for my case, is 1 to 1, so all my attention will be on only 1 student, so i can see from their face whether they know what i taught them or not. For example, i taught the P6 boy chemistry, the part on mole and many more formula like percentage purity, percentage yield, volume of gas formula etc, he must know what is the meaning of the terms in the formula before he can really use the formula. Hence, after i taught him once, i will LOOK at him and ask him, 'Do you understand these formulas?', he will normally NOD his head BUT WILL 皱眉头(in english isit frown?). This tells me that he dun understand, and seeing that, i cannot just move on like that, so no choice, got to repeat. This tuition thing cause my to strain my voice, how bad isit? Like, at the start, my voice will be normal and clear, but at the end of the 4 hours, it will be hoarse and sounds like i got a sore throat like that. The tuition was 4 hours as the two kids are sibling, each two hours. So i wonder how the teachers survived, need to stand and talk for soooooo long, 佩服! This is a good experience for me, through this i learnt quite a lot too, like a revision for me, though is only some of the chapters. Yesterday was the last day of my tuition, so jobless le, but i found another one beforehand..... My relative works at a ntuc in choa chu kang and because the chinese new year is coming, they are hiring a temporary cashier as there will surely be long queues. So i went for interview and 2 weeks past, and i got the job. I already went for 4 days of training, today still going. But before i can really become a cashier, i must go for training at their training centre for 3 to 4 FULL days. The difficult part for cashier is that i need to remember the codes for all kinds of fruits and the prices that may change every three days like that. Also there are promotions and freebies to be given away if the customers buy any of the promotion items. All these must remember by heart, other than these, i must be quick during the packing; must pack them accordingly, use with use, eat with eat, dry with dry, wet with wet. Then the change must be correct also etc. Lots of things to look out for, at first i cant really get use to it, but by the 4th day, i thought of used to the codes for those fruits that the customers will normally buy like the apples and oranges. But sometimes still need to refer to my notebook or else ask the cashier that i am attached to. Hope i can be better after i caome back from the training at the training centre......
Saturday, December 27, 2008
If i'm not wrong, xiaozhu's album is out yesterday. But i didnt get to go popular or any music stores yesterday though i'm outside, =.=" So, i'm going today, hope i can find time to go. If there's no MV, i'm gonna wait....and wait....and wait....must 忍! If not, i will regret qinning like that, no la, just joking, haha. Sort of addicted to maple, lots of quest didnt do, and find it fun doing them. Audition? No hope le.....still cant pass that SUPER difficult license. I think i will stuck there FOREVER and EVER to play like that? Only can earn dens and no exp, haiz...
Monday, December 22, 2008
going out...
Friday, 19/12/2008
Went out with shunyu and jiaying to cineleisure to watch twilight and bolt. Actually yingjie was coming but she was sick the day before, and cant recover, so didnt tag along. We bought 5 brownies and shared as it was on discount. Ate popcorn and brownies in the cinema, first time eating brownies in cinema. Managed to smuggle the box of brownies in shunyu's bag, haha.
Twilight was AWESOME!!! Both exciting and romantic, i liked the part when the vampires were killing the bad one. But for those like, jiaying and my sis, who both read the book, they both said that the movie was not nice as they cut the story to almost half. But really, i think it was NICE!!! Jiaying also said that maybe they did not have much budget as compared to harry potter.
Bolt was funny, and the ending part was touching. I can immediately recognised the voice of bolt's master, miley cyrus. Didnt watch the 3D version as it was $10 per ticket, so just watched the normal version.
Sunday, 21/12/2008
Went out with qinning to far east plaza for shopping. Realised that the number of shops there was reduced, like nothing much more to see. But the last time i went was quite okay, still have something to see. Most of the shops only opened at around 2pm, but we were already there at around 12noon. So we had lunch first then went wisma atria to look around. There was a choir singing christmas songs and lots of shops were having storewide sales. Then went back to far east to shop again. I only managed to buy a jean but this thursday, i am going to go out with my mum and sis to chinatown to SHOP again!!! JUST LOVE SHOPPING!!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
One of the MV is out!!! 箇中強手MV~~~!!! This MV is really different from the others, a lot of graphics added using computer all that. There's two xiaozhu, one is a good one, the other is a bad one. ENJOY!!! =)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
new song - cause i believe
You maybe wondering what is the song in crytal version, it is the new song by xiaozhu, also a song in Hot shot - 篮球火. I think it will be included in his new album, cause it is not in 篮球火 OST. I cant find the full song sang by him, so can only listen to this first....=.=
潮男正传!!! wuhoo!!!
Xiaozhu is going to release his new album <潮男正传> and also got a new hair cut. I like his hair short, and this new one is a short one too, look handsome and cute at the same time!!! LOOK!!!
Nice right? I think with this hair cut, more people will mistaken him as xiaogui lo....

Nice right? I think with this hair cut, more people will mistaken him as xiaogui lo....
Although his album is going to release soon, i still dunno when is the exact date that it will reach singapore. Hope i can know it soon......and i found the new xiaozhu's fanclub in singapore - They manage to get the video of his new song during the V power concert....haha...
NICE HAIR~~~~!!!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
I have been looking for jobs this whole week, but still cant find any. Is either they want 18 years old and above or they want those can work till at least feburary. No job for me, cant go work, stayed at home all day. What i can think of to spend my time wisely is to read or exercise. Read what? Well, harry potter....haha, haven finish reading, ya i know, i am damm slow.....Exercise, go swimming and jogging. These are the two activities that i can think of to enjoy my holidays. Also another one would be playing online games.
Since i got nothing to do, my mum wanted me to clear my personal drawers; to throw away things that i no longer need them and wipe away all the dust etc. While i was clearing the drawers, i came across my rexgrip pens. I kept them because they look nice and also want to keep track how many of them have i used within the 2 years (sec 3 and 4). From sec 3 onwards, i used the rexgrip pen for all my Math test and exams, and then gradually, for all my tests and exmas of all subject. I used them for tests and exmas is because i can write faster with the pen and save time. For my case is like that, but i dunno for you. So for all my O level papers, i used rexgrip pen. Look at my collection.....
Nice? haha, i didnt buy red, green and black because i dun use them that frequently, and also for correction i prefer G1. I finished using all except the pink one. Hiaz....really dunno what to blog about so blog this lo. Lame right? hehe...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Hey all, if you came across my blog and see advertisements, mind clicking on them? Especially the one on Nokia, it's below my post. Just roll down and click on it, go have a look on the website, is a Nokia Music Store. So just click on whatever advertisement you see on my blog, for this week, click more for the Nokia advertisement. haha, just help me by clicking the advertisement, thanks!!!
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