Friday, September 26, 2008


Just in love with this song, 稻香, by Jay chou. I didnt really like his albums and songs, because i dun really like the rapping, but now, should be right after 不能说的秘密(The Secrets), I begin to like his slow songs and now, even his fast songs. This is really good, a smooth and loving song that you will, just like me, sway your body with the music. After listening to this song, FOR THE FIRST TIME, I just cant wait for the release of his new album.
The MV for 稻香....

The Making of 稻香MV

The piano version, wah, it will be good if i can play piano, really want to learn....JUST SO NICE!!!

This guy is really pro, should be a japanese, play the guitar and sing A CHINESE SONG, by JAY CHOU......*claps*

while i was browsing videos on 稻香, I came across with this piece. I think this need a lot of practise to master it, especially the last part. MUST WATCH!!! If you dun want to, just watch the last part(from 3:00 onwards), very exciting.....the hands....

After watching lots of video on playing the piano, I really got the urge to learn the piano.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

just a short post.......LOOK!!! =.=

Today i when i reached home, i didnt see my brother at home and my mum told me he went down with his friend for roller blading. But i didnt see him at the void deck, so he must have went up to the other side.
When he came back, he told us he fell down while he was coming down a slope. But we didnt see any wounds on his hands, knees, legs, face, anywhere that are exposed. So you must be thinking he is lying, right? YOU KNOW WHAT? He actually fell on his stomach, directly FLAT on the ground!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is his WOUND.....=.=.....horrible....

Roller blade till like that?!?!?!? OMG, i just cant imagine people, next time be more careful, you never know you will end up like my brother......*x* Hope it doesn't leave a scar.....

Sunday, September 14, 2008

three days of relaxing days

These three days, didnt do much, very relaxing, qinning told me that the thai movie 4bia was quite nice, and so i went youtube to watch it. But the bad thing was that there was no subtitles, so dunno what they are talking about. Worst still, is a horror movie, all my goosebumps are up. I only watched one story, (for this movie, there are 4 different stories, thus it's called 4bia), as it is really annoying as i cannot understand the story and thus, my focus will be on the pictures and the CREEPY sound. Worst still, i was using an earpiece to watch this movie, the horror sound will be even louder, so for some parts i dun even dare to put on the earpiece. =.= Since i dun understand, i decided not to watch it.
Instead, i went to watch 篮球火(Hot Shot), a taiwan drama, all about basketball and of course, love story. Most importantly, this was by xiaozhu, is a must-watch drama for me. Though the actions and moves in drama are not real, it is cool and is a funny drama too (by xiaozhu ma...heehee..)
Back then, i said before i only want to watch it only after O level, but that day while i was at jurong point, i saw the 篮球火DVD!!! I didnt expect the dvd to be here so fast, as this drama only started end of july. But the dvd is only from epi 1 to 7, and it cost $23++ Expensive right?
I watched till epi 7, really very nice. I like all the scenes of the basketball matches, can see lots of slam dunk, and other cool moves and of course, funny actions by xiaozhu. There are two parts that i find it very interesting: the players have a very special way of having their warm-up and they will have a 胜利之舞, they danced that when they win a competition. Have a look, see basketball players dancing, with the some moves related to basketball. Isn't this creative? And they also can use the chance to calm themselves down before the match. LOOK!
I like the part that xiaozhu did the slow motion move, funny right?

籃球火 霹靂隊 勝利之舞
Cool right? Go watch the whole drama!!! NO REGRETS!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Prelim ended, but there's still Os.

Today is the last day of prelim, but this is not the end, there's still O level. I am really tired, from the 1st day of prelim till today, my energy level decreases day by day. The recent papers i did are not very well done, maybe because of the one week holiday, maybe i relaxed too much. Now, i dun even dare to face my marks, i dun even dare to check my answers...something is really wrong with me. I need to concentrate...if i didnt perform well this prelim, i have myself to be blamed, for not being focused, for not being able to persist till the very end. I just cannot imagine how i fair for this prelim...just hope i can still take it when i get the results next week....
I need to get that off my mind and be fully prepared for the upcoming Os. Okay then, first i would like to say,
"Happy Birthday, SHUNYU!!!"
Today went out with shunyu, yingjie and yunqi to sort of celebrate shunyu birthday. Went to jurong point to have pizza, after that went to arcade, insisted by YINGJIE. She is so crazy over the street basketball machine...and i saw Mark lee, Hong hui fang, Zhong qin and Chen li ping filming for this baby show. Saw them from far and NEAR too. We went to the toliet after our lunch and seeing the loooooong queue, i decided to wait outside. While i was waiting, guess what? Hong hui fang came out of the toilet! I was a bit surprised to see her right in FRONT of me. Then out came, Zhong qin and Chen li ping. There was two aunties waiting outside the toliet holding some photos. When they came out, one of the aunties said, 'Hong hui fang! 这是刚才我们拍的照片,可以帮我签名吗?" Then she replied, "Wah! 你们这么快就洗出来了?" Sort of crazy right, still wait for them outside the toilet....

Friday, September 5, 2008

yesterday's badminton game

I went for a 2 hours badminton game yesterday with shunyu, yingjie and yunqi at the bukit gombak sports hall. I forgot to have a warm up, now ended up my muscles are aching. It was fun though i was being hit by the shuttlecock for MANY TIMES, all thanks to YINGJIE. But i know she didnt do it on purpose. She was very good in her slamming (isit? i forgot the word...slash?), the shuttlecock will fly directly down to the ground, and there was no way that we can save it. Some will directly fly towards me, hitting me, because i was in her north-west direction. But then when we change side, it was shunyu's turn to be hit. But of course, when we know that the shuttlecock will hit us, we did try to dodge it. That's it, actually badminton is quite a good sports after all.
These are some of the entries for an art contest at the Hirshorn Modern Art Gallery in DC.
The rule was that the artist could use only one sheet of paper.

Cool and creative right?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

See who i spotted....

Jeremy said he went STOMP to promote his blog, so i went to see how he did that. Just after some searching, found his post on STOMP, but that's not the point. While i was looking around STOMP, i went to the STOMPCAST tab and saw quite a lot of miniclips. Among these clips, i watched the one on [Claire Guo Jing (郭静) ''下一個天亮' album promotions], is at about 1/3 of the scroll bar.
This clip is the one i want to share - Claire Guo Jing: "I'm actually a thrifty person" . If you like Claire, then you can get to see a small interview of her, but the point of sharing this clip is also because i spotted someone that we know in this clip. When you watch this clip, there is a part when Claire signed her signature, immediately after that part, you will see someone you that is familiar. Go spot him! The camera is like literally shooting at him. Is quite obvious, so shocked to see him on this clip. I wont tell who is that person, go on to have a look of the clip. This person is from 4E3...haha...
After watching the clip, please tag so that i can know who spotted him too....JUST LOOK OUT FOR THE SIGNATURE PART BECAUSE HE APPEARS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THAT!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Shopping spree~~~

Yesterday went out with shunyu, jiaying and tzumi for almost half a day. We went bugis to sort of celebrate shunyu's birthday. It was an early one because later on, all four of us would be very busy for the upcoming O levels.
We reached bugis at about 12.30pm, and went for lunch at food junction. we had pepper lunch. It was cheaper as compared to those in the restaurant, mainly because this was self-service. After that, we went to buy shunyu's present.
This year didnt wrap up the present for her because we are buying her a skinny jean that she wanted all along. So went up to the second floor at the bugis street to search for a suitable skinny jean. After a few rounds of search, she found a suitable one and bought it. Of course, we paid for the jean. It is sort of awkward, but still, we are buying something that she likes and wants, so is alright after all.
Next, we went shopping! Shunyu's mum gave her $50 for her birthday, so she can spend on whatever things she wanted. Firstly, we went around the whole bugis street to look for a shoulder bag for her. We almost looked in every shop in that street. We saw a white and pretty nice bag that cost $30, which is suitable for shunyu so decided to put that in her buying list first. We continued to move on and see whether is there any bag that is better then the previous one. Unfortunately, we didnt manage to find a better one, so went back to buy the white bag. As you know, the shops in bugis street are quite cramp and look about the same, there are also quite a lot of turnings, so we are sort of lost in finding that shop. We traced back and finally, we found in the shop. By then, it was already 3pm.
Later on, we shopped for shoes. The flats that i wore yesterday was quite old and a bit torn, so decided to buy a new one. We went to a lot of shoe shops, but didnt find any shoes that i like. It was quite warm in the bugis street, hence we went back to bugis junction that is air-conditioned. Over there, i found a pair of flats that i like, it cost $21.50, which is still acceptable. Tzumi also saw a pair that she likes, and also considering to buy that too. We went for dinner first before coming back to buy the shoes.
For dinner, we had omelette rice at food junction. It was delicious!!! It was something like pepper lunch, as it was also on a hot plate, but just that we dun need to fry ourselves. There was rice, with a layer of egg on it, then there are different kind of sides for you too choose from. I had the bacon with potatoes, the bacon is like only a few pieces?!?!? Although is was more expensive as compared to pepper lunch, but taste better, should go and have a try. We were very full, and realised that i ate a lot of carbohydrates. Dinner: rice + potatoes, Lunch: rice also. Got to have a workout soon....
Went back to the shoe shop and tzumi and i bought the shoes we wanted. Before we bought the shoes, tzumi was like thinking whether or not to buy the flats because she will be shorter wearing that. Then i told her, "If you wear flats, this means that you are tall, dun need any heels." And finally, she bought it.
That's all for yesterday. Hope we can meet up again very soon, but i think that will be after Os.