Friday, June 13, 2008


I'm back!!! (actually back for about 3 days le, till no when update), cause really tired after the trip. Had lots if fun and NEW EXPERIENCES, a fun and educational trip. But the sad thing is that something wrong with my USB port, cant get the photos uploaded, so maybe next time then can upload. Hope can get it fixed soon.....

Day 1:
Went to airport in the morning, 1st time in my life sitting on an aeroplane (1st exp). NICE EXPERIENCE! It was like sitting on a roller coaster or something like that. FUN! I had a long time waiting for the plane to take off though....

Reached Vietnam, and had a tour on a bus, then checked in to Sao Nam Hotel. The entrance of the hotel does not look like one, is was so different, dun even have the word HOTEL. Stepped into the hotel, it was so torturing, the weather was so hot, and there was only 1 lift with not much ventilation, the air-con in my room was faulty, it seem to be not working, it was not even cooling. COMPLAINED to the counter when we went for dinner.

We had dinner on a cruise, it was nice, to be eating on a cruise, and after that can have some breeze. There was also some performers who sung, a magician going round etc. The dinner was good, though it seem nothing special. I was like eating some kind of Chinese food, but their custom was like to serve whatever food on the table till it was filled with plates of food.

Day 2:

Had breakfast in the hotel, i was expecting something special, at least maybe they have got their very own breakfast. But i was so disappointed, it was just 2 eggs with a french bread, and a coffee. That's all!
Went Cu Chi tunnel to learn about how the Vietnamese soldiers cope in the Vietnam war. I felt that making the tunnel was a brilliant idea, and the traps was also very clever too. If you stop the top part with your hand, there is still a small part below to hit you.
Get to crawl too the tunnel (2nd exp), it was really small and was tiring too. Imagine you need to stand-squat all the way of 100m....and there were other people in the tunnel too, it was stuffy and the walls were damp, disgusted by it. Once you are in the tunnel, you cant see a thing, it was BLACK that all you can see. I almost can know how it feels like to be blind, moving without knowing the way.
Had shopping at ben tham market, it was some sort like bugis street, is just that is was much bigger, so big that it was like a maze. Can buy a lot of things from there, but the things there are like repeated. The things you see in stall 1, can be found in stall 2. The great thing is that, WE CAN BARGAIN WITH THE PRICE! As long as you are with a group of friends, and each buy something from the stall, you can get a good bargain, at least $2 - $3, if not more. I dun really know how to bargain, and was my first time bargaining, so did really bargain well, as in the way i want or should i say ask? When i want to bargain, i said, 'Can i have it for......blahblahblah...'. I actually said, 'CAN I....'. Then qinning told me that I very ke qi (which when you bargain, you dun need it). SO i changed, and said, 'I want .......', right so lesson learnt, when bargaining, no 'CAN I', it's 'I WANT', and this was a better and more effective way. Yew cheung kept saying that he and jeremy cant get much from bargaining, they say the seller dun want to give more. But for qinning and I, we got quite a lot of discount, dunno whether the sellers there are bias towards females or what. Maybe, cause those sellers there are almost all females.
Day 3:
Went Mekong river, whao! I really dun like rainy day, but it only rained in the second part, which was even worst. We went to visit a place where they make the coconut sweet and had some tea over there. THEN, i found out something, qinning was afraid of dogs (not that i was not afraid of dogs, is just that i wont be afraid of those tame ones). The dog, or should i say puppy look tame, but qinning was like screaming when the puppy jumped onto her. She just wont come over, so i told her just run here, nothing will happen. I thought she wont be afraid of that tame puppy, but to my surprise, she was. haha....
We had a sampan ride (3rd exp), it was quite fun, and we also get to wear the Vietnamese bamboo hat, quite nice.
Then the worst came, it rained, the mud became muddy and we had to walked through it with slippers. The mud stuck onto my slippers, then when i walked, i had to be very careful, if not will slip and fall. Alot of the students slip and fall, luckily i am not one of them. But the walk was so MUDDY!!! When i stand still on the mud to balance myself, i can still feel myself sliding away la, this was how muddy it was. Also had to hold on to branches to balance, but luckily, we dun need to walk through it to go back on land. We make all the way through it and got into a fish farm. Go fish farm for what? Catch fish lo!!! (4th exp) REALLY, about 2/3 of us had to wear the farmer's costume and go down a sort of pond which is also MUDDY, to catch fish for our tea break as we would be eating them. The boys are like playing wrestling in the mud and i tried to go near them, if not sure fall. Very disgusting, stepping in mud and sometimes, can feel some fishes swim pass our legs, *PUKE*. I heard that some of them caught the shrimp and put them in others shorts, ewww..But the whole thing ended quite fast, can finally clean up.
Had dinner and went to the night market for shopping. Though the night market is smaller than ben tham market, it was much better because if the things it sell. The bags are not so much more TAI TAI than the ones in ban tham market, and more clothes that are of more designs. Regretted for mot buying a bag for myself, so next time whenever you see something, just buy it, if not will like me, REGRET. (cause i thought we will be back again....)
Day 4:
Went to VSIP, is an industrial park, where people from other countries come here to work can live there and work there. Nothing much too see too. Did do much, just sightseeing on the bus and come down to take photos all those. The worst is that,our flight is at 7.30pm, have to reach the airport by at least 5.30pm right? But we reached that at around 3.30pm!!! Weird right? They say maybe got jam all those, so have to come early. *HIAZ*, i think they should at least bring us for shopping to finish using our money lo. Because of this, i had to spend all my money on the things in the Vietnam airport, which is like more expensive and all the things there are like in US dollars. Nvm then, next time just buy whatever i want, dun think anymore le....*argh*
Nice to be back in Singapore, but will definitely miss the days i had in Vietnam. Really had a FUN time there, hope still can go overseas with friends again.
Alright, got my second birthday present!!!
They bought me purple myuk pencil case, very nice, especially the colour. THANKS A LOT!!! Know that you two came to my house and had a hard time to find my envelope box, so XIN KU LE!!!

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