Friday, March 21, 2008

ALL in a row

Again, long time didnt blog le!!! But i will blog out all the happenings i encountered during this period of time, ALL IN A ROW!!! Let's start with the holidays....(i wont be naggy!!!)
Holidays.....hmmm, holiday = no holiday. I think this equation is quite familiar to you all right now, should have seen it somewhere earlier.....*HAIZ* There are just too much homework!!! Dun really have the time to play or relax....but i tried to relax myself by doing as much homework as i can and relax myself at night. What do i mean by this? I found out a 偶像剧 call <<黑糖玛奇朵>> when i was browsing Youtube. It's really very nice and hilarious. All the funny faces they made during the show.....jokes they say.....and all of the characters are quite sweet. Be it males or females. Most importantly, it is not long, only 13 episodes. I dun really like those which are long, as they maybe draggy....
So i watched it during the night, maybe from 11pm to 2am? haha, really, cause i wanted to finish watching it during the holidays. I am sort of addicted to it after watching the 1st or 2nd episode. As i really want to know how the story goes!!!! Ya, so watching <<黑糖玛奇朵>> is my only entertainment during the holidays. That is the only time i call it 'holiday'....But that show is really very NICE!!! Must watch it!!!! So funny, and SWEET!!!

Now, homework, did most of them at home, and a tiny bit in the LIBRARY. Nicholas, vice-chairman, organised the 'Library Excursion', but it was really quite a disaster. No one turn up, though we smsed the class and informed them about it. I knew this would happen. But after hearing the teachers saying that it is good to share and have group study, so i agreed and tried it. But still, FAILED!!! But never mind, at least i got my sakae sushi, which i wanted it very much badly before the holiday.
So that friday during the holiday week, after the group study, i went to have lunch-cum-dinner, with qinning and thitipat, at sakae sushi. We had the buffet, it was quite fun....and satisfied too...haha
School started four days ago....the major thing that happen should be nothing than the SPORTS HEATS. I didnt not sign up myself for the sports day, but my housemaster put my name under the UNDER 17 girls - 400m (this also happen to qinning, she is also in my house). I was like WHAT?!?!?!?! *OMG* I have never run 400m race before and most importantly, this race require speed and stamina. I really wanted to ask the housemaster to sign me out of the race, but after some thoughts, i was willing to give it a try, since i am in it. Qinning was like thinking to run slow and purposely lose during the heats, so that she dun need to run during the actual day. But i told her not to do it, cause it will be too obvious and to just give it a try. AND WE DID IT!!! Got into the finals. I was really shocked + surprised when i came in 1st during the heats for my race. The reason is that i never run that 400m race before, had no experience, and was really very worried before the race. Though i came in 1st during the heats for my race, i am not quite sure whether i can also be 1st in the final. It will be more competitive as there are faster runners now. But i will try my very best again, and since i am in the finales, i hope i can get good results on that day. So, wish me GOOD LUCK in advance!!!
That's should be it, no more. If i were to continue, it will be never ending....okay, 拜拜!

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