Sunday, October 7, 2007

exams are FINALLY over.....

No more exams!!! haha, i am so stressed up for the last two weeks, and now it's over!!! *hurray!!!* But, i think the worst is coming......*RESULTS* I do not have any hope on my results this time round....dunno why....something wrong with me when i take the papers. I HOPE I AM WRONG ABOUT THIS, PLEASE!!!!
I had lunch with shunyu, yingjie and yunqi after the last paper on friday. We went jurong point to have PIZZA! Unfortunately, someone was late, (YINGJIE), so got to go hungry for about 30 mins? We had a good time eating and CHATTING!!! We chat a lot on something and someone. Sort of gossiping, HAHA....very bad hor? After lunch, we had a bit of window shopping. The PUREMILK shop had a strewed sale, everything in the shop was at the price of $10!!! BOTH TOPS AND BOTTOMS are at $10!!! I am so tempted to buy, but i was afraid of my mum not letting me buy, so didnt. In the end, yunqi bought a purple sleeveless top.
When i got home, i told my mum about the sale and you know what she say to me? She said, 'You very sha leh, if you think you like the clothes and is cheap, should go on and buy what......why still need to ask for permission?'
I am regretted not buying it.....*HAIZ*
I dunno what to blog le, err.....maybe let you watch this clip. This clip is very touching, i cried when i was watching it. DO WATCH!!!

So what's your reaction? I CRIED!!!!! :'(

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