Sunday, June 10, 2007


On 04/06/2007 to 06/06/2007, i went to a chalet in downtown east with qinning along her mum and her grandma. We are to check in at 2.30 pm, but i went to qinning's house in the morning at around 10am to do some ISPL before going chalet. We finish the last part of our maths homework and started a bit on english. At about 12.30pm, we had fried rice for lunch. The fried rice was fried by qinning's grandma (maybe her mum did help a bit) and this is the first time i ate fried rice with salmon meat. Of course, there are also vegetables etc, but SALMON? Soooo weird, but it turned out GOOD. I like the taste, maybe you all should try it too......

The lunch was quite heavy, so qinning went to play gary's MV (Superman album). While we are watching, qinning's mum went to cut some strawberries, for dessert. Also very weird, the strawberries are already quite sweet, and her mum still add sugar to sweeten them. I'm like HUH?!?!?! My first time eating strawberries with sugar, but it taste SWEET! Yummm, but i wont eat strawberries in this way that often, because will get diabetic if i continue to eat sugar. I prefer the original taste, anyway, its healthy. Qinning gave me my birthday present in advance, THANK YOU! I like it very much, she is so '细心', she went to make some Cut n Paste about SHOW and HANA KIMI because she knew that they are my idols. She also make a card that make me say *OH MAN....* and small box of chocolates.

When its about time to go, we packed up and walked to the bus stop to take a bus. At that time, it was raining heavily, HATE RAINING DAYS!!!! We travelled on SBS bus, MRT and shuttle bus, then finally reach the chalet (forgot what is it called...) This is what is looks like near our chalet:

Now, for the day by day, JOURNAL?


We put our belongings in the chalet and went to rent bicycles and cycled for 1 hour. Its a long time since i cycled and its refreshing as the wind blew on my face with the smell of the seawater, which i like?!?!?! After that, we went to the food court to have some drinks. I shared the 'wen tou xue' with qinning, her mum had bobo chacha while her grandma had red bean soup. We had a heavy lunch so didnt feel hungry after the cycling, but that BIG-DIET qinning said she is was about 4.30pm and she said she was hungry....i am like full after having the 'wen tou xue'. We went exploring the place and i saw restaurants, arcade, mini coffee shops, escape theme park, wild wild wet etc. I think having a variety of entertaining places and dining place near chalets is really a good idea. This is new to me as all those chalets i went to before this only had a limited places to go.

In the arcade, i saw the '夹娃娃' machine and the soft toy is that octopus. I like that grey and black one so much, and did have the intention of trying my luck, but there are so many people looking, that why i dun dare to try.
Cute right? From the moment i saw this soft toy, i kept thinking about it. Even when qinning was talking to me, i am like not listening. We had our dinner and then went back to the chalet.


I managed to persuade qinning to go escape theme park with me, so we left chalet at around 10am. Her mum and grandma didnt come along, because you dun expect them to sit those exciting rides. When we reached the entrance, there are quite a lot of people queuing up to buy their tickets. Then we found out that escape theme park haven really start their day, so we decided to walk around that area while waiting. Then i remembered about the octopus soft toy, since its still early and there's not much people so i went to try my luck. Qinning also wanted to try but i am the one who go first. Different machine have different ways of controls, and i am not sure about that one so without knowing how to control, i press and let go the first button. The clamp just stopped and it had to go down and grab it. IT FAILED!!!!!!!! I am like a genie pig, wasted my $1. Now, qinning know hot to control it, so have a better chance, but she also FAILED. Anyway, it is not easy to grab it. But i am satisfied as i tried to get it.....

By the time, it was 10.40am, thus we headed to escape theme park. The first ride were went was the Go Kart, as i knew there will be a lot of people queuing to play later. When sat for the 360 degree which i think is called the Inverter, the machine suddenly stopped and we cant get out of our seat. The metal that secure us on our lap didnt release, so we have to wait for it to be fixed. The workers there kept saying, "Dun worry, we will get you out, just wait for a while". Then after 5 minutes, we are finally free and that ride was closed for checking. When we sat the ride near the entrance, which looks like cups, qinning saw kern bai, Nat with a girl whom we cant recognise. At first i thought maybe she was his sister, but when we saw them at the pirates ship, i dun have that thought anymore, instead, i think she is more like his girlfriend. The reason i say that is because the girl grab Nat's arm so tight and close, so should be ba. Qinning was like so envious that a family can sit with them, and more importantly, Nat talked to them!!! Its once in a blue moon that we can get a chance to see a star.

We sat the Wet n Wild near the time when we are going for lunch. This is because we wouldnt be wet when we sat for the others rides. Qinning is like so CRAZY over this ride and i think we sat this ride for about 4 times (if i remember correctly). For this ride, i kept sitting in front, she dun dare to try the front seat. So i tried to snatch the back seat from her, but still FAILED. The one sitting in front should get more wet than the back one. But to my surprise, she is more wet than me, and is very serious that kind, her shorts is like '湿透' le. Then i asked her how come she is so wet? She said, "when we are going down the slide, i slipped down and i am like lying on my seat" Haha, can slipped de meh? (I know la, you too light le right? ^^)

When we went to have lunch, we had our had stamped with invisible ink. Qinning dunno that they are using blue light to show the invisible ink (actually i dunno too, but she went to have stamp first, so i know le lo). That guy say, 'done', she is like HUH? Cant see a thing, she then realised its invisible. Clever right? Using so high technology.......

After having KFC for lunch, we had dessert. I had Mcflurry and qinning had seaweed shaker. I didnt eat seaweed shaker before so eat some of hers, and taste good. But we need to shake the fries ourselves.....

We spent the whole afternoon doing Social Studies ISPL. When its 5pm, we tune in to channel U to watch '娱乐百分百' and I am so lucky, got to watch that, BECAUSE THAT SERIES IS ALL ABOUT SHOW!!!! There's a part where they got show the '花篮' sent by all his friends to congratulate him. The last '花篮' i saw is '曹... ...', not sure is 曹格 or not, so went and ask qinning when she saw that part. But she's not watching, she is busying playing NDS. HOW? So we watched the 重播 which is at 1AM. We went sakae sushi for dinner, this is my first time eating sushi at sakae sushi. It is a good experience, all along i thought is very expensive, but after all the eating, its not!!! Four people only $30+++. While we are waiting for the 重播, we continue on our Social Studies ISPL, and we finally finished it. Then we finally got the answer, that '曹... ...' is '曹小格', so its gary chaw after all.


Last day, qinning's mum went first cause she got something on. We did nothing much that day, as we need to check out at 10.30am. yupps, that's all for my chalet trip. Qinning thanks again for inviting me.

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