Saturday, September 21, 2013

Recess week

Just one week of school after elearning week is my recess week. *YAY* I just feel like I'm on a holiday like that~ :) 

JUST A FEELING luh huh. I need to prepare for 2 mid terms while working on 2 projects. :( 

I'm back with jogging today! Clearly I don't feel very good after the run. I was super drained out and my left knee hurts. I didn't perspire much too. My top isn't wet despite jogging for about 5km++. I just have this mindset that, the more I perspire, the more my body is really working and so the more calories I will burn. I mean, that sounds logical right? That's why I take note if my top is drench with perspiration or not. I just have a huge sense of satisfaction when my top is drenched. Even more when my perspiration starts rolling down my face. :) I hope I'll get better for my next jog. 

I'm taking a module called Food and Health. The title says it all, it's about food with regards to your health. I tend to lookout for more healthy choices and know more healthy food now than before. I'm quite into vegan or should I say meatless diet these days (I can't use vegan because it's really a strong word. If the processing of food uses some animal's product, it will be excluded from their list.). Out of the 6 days this week, I only ate meat on wednesday and thursday. :) I have to eat out tomorrow, so no choice. 

And I've learned a new type of people. We all know about vegetarian and vegan right? What do you call someone who doesn't eat meat except seafood? My buddy in NUS, Zenia is one of them. I was quite puzzled by her actions. Why so weird? For your information, she was a vegetarian for a year and then switched her diet to this. She is for real okay, not like ohhh because her family isn't having such diet or because she is out with her friends then she will convert back. She is damm strict. When I dine with her, she hardly go vegetarian but she will always go for fish or prawns. So her lunch or dinner will normally be: fish noodle without meat,mee hoon kuay without meat just prawns, fish ball noodle without meat, salmon sandwich, fish and chips, saba fish set from korean stall etc. So as long as there is no chicken/pork/beef or any other meat other than seafood will do for her! She sticks to her diet even during chinese new year and all. I wonder how she does that, especially so when her family doesn't have such diet. She is the only one in her family who has this diet. *PRO* 

Anyway, back to the question. What is the name of such people then? Yes, there's really a name for them, it's Pescatarian. I'm impressed by this. I didn't know there's actually a name for them. 

There's 3 individual assignments for this module as our CAs. The first one is a poster on food myth. I have to choose a food myth, do a research on it and pick a stand, does the food myth hold or not? I worked on Eggs and Cholesterol Level. Lucky the lecturer mentioned that it's the content that matters so I can save my time designing a poster which I doubt I can do very well. :X 

The next assignment is on Diet Analysis. I'm suppose to record down every single thing I eat on a normal day (meaning, exclude eat-out days or partying days, unless I party everyday....) for a week and use it for my analysis. The lecture has yet to tell us how to analyze it so I have no idea how. I'm suppose to take a snapshot of the nutritional value charts on whatever I eat (if I can) as a record too. 

I think it's a fun module, I just hope that the final exam is also manageable. I heard that the bell curve for this module is quite skewed to the right....:X


  1. Just sharing.. Now I eat turkey mainly and sometimes chicken! I think turkey meat has not much animal fat compared to the others. And once a while beef to replenish my iron stores!

    But I think hard to follow this diet if I go back to sg D:

    1. Cool! Is it effective for you?

      I bought 2 packs of lentils and chickpeas each from FairPrice today. They are from the legumes family and from what I've learnt from lecture, they are the protein source for vegetarians since vegetarians can't get their proteins from meat. I'm gonna have those for dinner everyday(if I can), I hope this kind of diet will be effective for me. :D Hais. Need to shed that 1KG OFF!

      As long as you don't eat out that often in sg, then homecooked food is okay! Just eat the greens~ Or if not, more workouts! hahaha
