Sunday, November 30, 2008

4E3 Chalet 2008

This year's chalet was more fun, maybe because more people went for the chalet and all of us are more close to each other. At first, i didnt expect the chalet to be that small, i thought the living room could at least be big and the chalet is 2 storey high. Although the chalet was really small, i had a great time.

26/11/2008, 1st day

Met at pasir ris MRT station, missed the 2.15pm shuttle bus and the weather was gloomy, so decided to take a bus and walk to the chalet. The chalet was SOOOOOOOO FAR from the bus stop, but no choice, have to walk. Checked in at 3pm and started on the preparation for BBQ. Found out that we need scrubs, ice, rags and the cake for the birthday girl (qinning) and boys (jeremy and mingshen), and so, nicholas, shunyu and i had to walk all the way out AGAIN to buy the things. When we came back, it was time for BBQ. Since it was still drizzling, we setup the BBQ on two aluminium holder? (dunno how to call that thing) then when the drizzle stopped, we transferred on to the BBQ pit. Had a long time BBQing all the food, but in the end still left 3 big packets and gave them to ariel for her BBQ at another chalet nearby the next day.

This chalet, only three teachers came, Mrs Lim, Mrs Ooi and Mr Quek. Mr Quek even helped us in the BBQ with the fire....Ate this and a pudding for dessert, shiya's mum made it. Heard from others it consists of the jelly layer, strawberry, cheesecake layer and the biscuit layer at the bottom. It was delicious!!!

We celebrated qinning's, jeremy's and mingshen's birthday. Took a long time for all the birthday girl and boys to be on the chalet before taking the cake out, though they more or less know about this surprise. After the BBQ was free time, played XBOX, daidi to kill time. I dun really like XBOX, i prefer playstation as the controller has much lesser buttons to press. After that watched the horror movie, forgot the title, .......of chucky. It was more of a comedy for me, was all disgusting. We were all tired after the movie, so went to sleep. All the beds were occupied so slept on the floor in the room. We on the air con, i was SOOOOO COLD, must be because of the fact that hot air rises and cool air sinks. haha.....

27/11/2008, 2nd day

Went for cycling in the morning, and had a double bike with clive as i wanted to try riding the double bike. It was not as difficult as i thought and being the one in front was also not as tiring as i expected. Good experience for me, but if there is not a need, i wouldnt rent a double bike again as it can be sort of troublesome. At those turns that are small, we had to come down from the bike to make a turn as the bike was too long. Also, my 2 friends, wenqi and lilin fell and injured when riding the double bike, so i wont want to be the next victim.

After the 2 hours ride, went to ehub for lunch and hang all the way from around 1pm plus to 6pm, which was the meet up time for dinner. Some went for bowling and i went for arcade. I went arcade is not because i wanna play, but just hanging around looking around ehub. In the end, didnt know what to do, went to watch my FIRST NC16 MOVIE with, lilin, shimin, ashu, wenqi and qinning. Fiona wanted to watch too, but she didnt bring her ezlink with her, so cant cause there is a need for identification. We watched quarantine, a horror movie. The plot whole movie was really nice, and the horror part was okay for me, as most of it was disgusting and BLOODY. BUT, what i dun like about this movie was that THE CAMERA WAS SHAKING AND VIBRATING ALL THE TIME, THROUGHOUT THE 1 HOUR AND 30 MINS!!! I was so dizzy and have a vomit feeling, moreover, is was so cold in the cinema. Most of the time, I covered my eyes was because i had to stop looking at the shaking screen to make me feel less dizzy before continuing to watch. If the camera was more stable, the whole movie will be even better. The reason that the camera was shaking was because that the camera man, who was holding the camera, was also a character in the movie, hence was also chased by the mad people and thus as he ran, the camera shaked. But this movie is really a good one.

Dinner at KFC and all of us went back to chalet. Three guys went out again to catch another movie while the others stayed in the chalet to play. I was so tired by then and also partly because i didnt sleep well the day before, as i slept on the floor, so went to bed at around 11pm. This time was my turn to sleep on the bed and slept all the way to 8am. haha.....

28/11/2008, Last day

Waited for the person to come and check the chalet before we checked out. While waiting, we cleaned up the chalet and packed our bags. Checked out at around 10am plus, again need to walk out and took a bus to pasir ris MRT station. Then took MRT and went back home. Didnt go wild wild wet because cant form a group of 6 so have to come all the way down to pasir ris next time to go......

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Chalet is just tomorrow, second time having a chalet with the class. This time is also my 1st time to have so many people (29 people to be exact) sleeping-overnight at the chalet. Moreover, we cant get the bungalow chalet thus got the terrace instead. I hope the living room will be a big one then.....
I will start packing today, i just found out that i left out somethings on the list such as:
  • camera
  • contact lens solution (for those who are wearing contact lens)

Actually only these two, haha...=.=''' So for those who read this post, maybe you can spread around this message to inform the others to bring these two things....Just realise that i need to bring quite a lot of things to the chalet....Sotong for BBQ, paper plates, cups and cutlery and my own stuffs, still need to travel all the way to pasir ris by MRT.....wah, really lots of things to carry leh!!!

Found out that the popular job is not available, i also dunno why, so have to look for a new one. Called whatever number i could find on the newspaper, is either too far or they wanted 18 years of age or above. *Haiz*....must find a job before december, if not, there wont be much money to earn already........If anyone of you know any job available, call me, i really want to start work in december.

Friday, November 21, 2008


Yesterday, went out to with jiaying, shunyu and tzumi to bugis to celebrate jiaying's birthday. It is an early one for her as tzumi is flying to taiwan for a month today and thus wont be able to celebrate together, so push it forward.
While i was shopping for someone's birthday present before i meet them, it was horrible. I dunno why, when i reach bugis mrt station, i began to see black patches. The world seemed to be black and white, almost black out for me. I had such an experience before at home when i was around pri. 5, that time, i fainted. So, i immediately went to the nearest chair to have a sit, and things seemed to be better. There were no longer black patches and everything looked clear, i thought i was okay now, had a sip of water and went to shop.
Things got worst, just a few minutes walk, the black patches came back and i seriously need a place to sit. This time, i sat and rest for a longer time and the black patches never came back for the rest of the day. Dunno what's wrong with me.....just hope that this never happen to me again.....
Anyway, met up with them and had lunch at seoul garden. First time dining there, and for student meal, from 11.30am to 4.00pm, it's only $15. The way of eating is like steamboat, in the middle there is a bowl with soup for boiled food, then surrounding it is the hot plate where you can grill? or BBQ? your food. A lot of varieties of food to choose from, i thought is really worth it. Just the chicken, they had lots of different flavours, eg: coffee chicken, tom yam chicken, curry chicken, spicy chicken etc. There's 6 flavours of ice cream to choose from, different kinds of drinks and allow you to make your own ice kachang. We had lunch at 2pm so i didnt eat dinner yesterday. See, can even save a meal!
But one think i dun like about this is that, after the meal, your WHOLE BODY will have a smell. It's the smell of the oily gas when you cook something. My whole hair is full of that smell, EVEN AFTER i had my bath, my hair still got that smell!!! I DID washed my hair thoroughly, but just dunno why still got that smell, eeewww.....
Hey, can help me do something? Whenever you all come to my blog, just have a click on the advertisement, be it on the top, bottom or on the right, just click it whenever you come to my blog, even if it is the same advertisement. That click will be a great help to me.....thanks!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Prom Night

Overall, i think this prom night is a fun and memorable one. The food is okay, but not worth $25, but maybe that include the ballroom, host, DJ all those. The host was very funny and entertaining. Took pictures, but some are very yellow, dunno

Anyone got the 4E3 class photo? can send me?

Monday, November 17, 2008

No more Os

I know it's a bit late, but O level is finally over!!! I intended to blog on the first day of my freedom, but i'm just too busy. Busy over the present, going out with friends and etc. Finally finish the present thingy and can have the time to blog.
Prom night is just 10 hours away....which i dun really look forward to.....main reason : the attire. Though the form stated that it is SMART CASUAL, jeans is not allowed. I think this SMART CASUAL is just putting there for the sake of putting. Most people told me that attending this kind of event shouldnt be smart casual, should be something formal. I dun like to dress up so formally, for girls, is normally dress. DRESS! It will be such a waste if i buy one as i wont wear a formal dress to go shopping. And most of the dresses are either with strips that are so thin or stripless. I look out of proportion in such dresses, therefore need to find those with THICK strip. But luckily, my cousin have one and so can borrow it from her without spending any money and save me lots of trouble to go search for one in the SEA OF DRESSES!
Next up will be 4E3's chalet. Planning will be done after prom and hope that it can be a successful and memorable one. There are quite a lot of problems now : there's seem to be only one bathroom; not enough beds and rooms; lunch and dinner for second day etc. There will be 29 students going and staying over night in that chalet for 3 days 2 nights, which is currently, the first time the chalet that i will be going, that have so many people staying over night. And also is the first time for me to have teachers come to the chalet. For now, i will pray hard that all three days will be bright and sunny, if not the activities planned will be limited.